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Here's the Scoop!
 July 24th, 2014


This pretty butterfly was flitting around the other day. Turns out it's quite common, a pearly crescentspot. It sat quite still, as if posing for this picture, even turning as if to present a better view.


Hopefully you have butterflies, bees, praying mantis, tiny lizards,  and more in your landscapes as well. Look HERE for a post from last summer on these friends in the garden.


The Emmet O'Neal/Oak Street Garden Shop community garden across the street is growing, and we hope it will attract beneficial insects too. Look  HERE to see how it began a few weeks ago. We noticed honeybees on the Mexican heather, red cuphea, and other flowers just the other day. In fact, we got some pictures of them, and they'll be posted on our Facebook page tonight..another reason to "Like" us if you're on Facebook!


Dená continues to stock the red market tables with fresh produce. With these warm days come all the bounty of local farmers, and she's bringing in as much as possible for your summer parties and trips to the beach, including Alabama tomatoes, peaches, blueberries, fresh peas, sweet corn, and more. We also just received a new shipment of local chutneys; they're on the shelves just inside to the right with other jarred items. 


Some of you may have noticed Ben hasn't been at the shop the past few weeks. Rest assured he'll be back this fall and is just temporarily gone through these slow summer months. We'll be glad when his smiling face returns!  

Thanks for reading,  and we hope to see you soon.












Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542