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Here's the Scoop!
 May 15th 2014


We've been happy to help many of you with your spring plantings in garden beds and pots. There are so many choices; we know it can be overwhelming. The planter shown here uses coleus (They add so much to containers!), a yellow flowering tropical called thryalis, and heat tolerant white pentas. 


 A reminder: Our container gardening class is coming up this Saturday, May 17, at 10:30AM. Give us a call to reserve a space if you're interested; the instructor will be Ellen Riley. Look HERE for more information, and, to read a post from early spring last year on container gardening, look HERE.


In market news this week, please be sure to check the cooler just inside the greenhouse to the right as you enter. We are now carrying Terra Preta Farm greens. Owners Lindy and Michael Dean supply many fine restaurants in the Birmingham area, and we're happy to have their lettuce, herbs and vegetables. Look for arugula, baby mixed lettuces, spicy mixed greens, oriental greens tatsoi and mizuna, as well as mixed radishes and cut fresh herbs.


Fresh peas and Alabama strawberries have been abundant, and even the early tomatoes and Georgia peaches have been tasty.  Another new item this year is a gardener's soap, made locally down the road in Shelby County. Try a bar for yourself or give your favorite gardener a gift, or let us know if you'd like us to put together a market gift basket.  You might want to include the new chutneys we're carrying from Holmsted Fines - Peach, GreenTomato and the Balsamic Red Onion. We've taste tested them all and they're delicious!


Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you soon.







Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542