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Here's the Scoop!
 May 8th 2014
Hopefully all of you have made your plans for Mother's Day, either ordering a flower (We have beautiful orchids and more!) or an arrangement. We have one customer whose  daughters went in together and gave their Mom a gift each month. Call us if you might be interested in this; it makes a really fun present for an entire  year...or you can  choose a 3 month option too.  
Many of you have been working on your spring plantings in garden beds and pots. A  reminder: Our container gardening class is coming up next Saturday, May 17, at 10:30AM. Give us a call to reserve a space if you're interested; the instructor will be Ellen Riley. Look HERE for more information.
We've been busy with Mother's Day orders, as well as planting pots and more for all of you. Look HERE to see a pretty teal pot planted using the lichen branches we've been having so much fun with.  Someone purchased this one, but, if any of you would like one along the same lines, let us know!
A spring newsletter will be going out soon containing  links to website posts you might have missed - and don't forget we're on Facebook and Pinterest too!  
Have a wonderful weekend, and we'll see you soon.


Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542