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Here's the Scoop!
 May 1st 2014
It's the middle of spring planting season, and Mother's Day is right around the corner!! We have many beautiful choices for your Mom and your garden too...and more coming in almost daily.
Do any of you have Japanese roof iris? We have a few in stock. It's beginning to bloom now and is quite pretty. Look HERE for information on it and its fascinating history.
The ground should be warm enough to plant vinca, caladiums, and impatiens now, and we're beginning to get them in.  However, we need to remind you that bedding plant and double impatiens are susceptible to downy mildew of impatiens. We will offer some but be aware you do take a risk of losing them. This does NOT include sunpatiens or New Guinea impatiens. Look HERE for the information we ran last year on our website. This disease, unfortunately,  is not preventable or curable once the plants are infected.
This week we'll be getting a new shipment of our Moo Poo tea. Look HERE for the post we ran recently about it if you missed it.  Packaged in compost "tea bags", it's a fantastic way to feed your container gardens, vegetable gardens and houseplants. It's pretty amazing stuff.
Speaking of container gardens, we're  planning a class on container gardening with flowers on Saturday, May 17, at 10:30  AM.  Ellen Rilley will once again be the instructor. Look HERE  for details.
Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you soon.

Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542