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Here's the Scoop!
 April 24th 2014
We're almost to the end of April; can you believe it?! For us, the end of this month is the true beginning of spring planting season...the ground should be getting warmer, finally! 
With warmth, we begin to really stock up on the tropical plants like the hibiscus shown here. Other tropicals -  blue (and white) plumbago, yellow blooming thryallis (If you haven't tried this in a pot you should!), and massive macho and kimberly queen ferns - are impressive in summer plantings.
We have plenty of tomatoes and other veggies available now too and many herbs for your kitchen garden as well. We've flip-flopped the vegetable/herb section this year; it's on the end of the nursery toward the pinestraw. Our lightweight containers, and most of the cast stone is on the other end toward Dyron's. There are plenty of pretty flowers for your pots too - we are bursting at the seams with beauty!
Finally, do you think you're a "controlling" gardener or a "gambler"?  For Kris' take on this, look HERE...and take a gamble on a new plant this year or try to, at least, relax a bit in your own garden. Plant as you have time and enjoy the process!
Happy gardening, and we hope to see you soon.


Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542