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Here's the Scoop!
 April 17th 2014
Soft colors and scents of spring are filling the greenhouse this week, as beautiful Easter lilies, freesias, hydrangeas, and so much more have come in for the week and weekend ahead. Take a look HERE for a post on Easter flowers.
A word of caution for any of you who are cat owners: All parts of Easter lilies are toxic to cats (Dogs are not affected.), so please be aware of this if you purchase them or receive one as a gift.
For all of you who took our advice and  have waited to plant annuals and tropicals in the ground, you have done the right thing, hard as it may be! Even with Easter (and the traditional planting day of Good Friday) being late, plants will benefit from going into warmer ground. Hopefully, after Wednesday morning's chilly temperatures, wer're finally on the way to warmer days ahead. We've said over and over that gardening teaches patience, and it is so true! 
Finally, we're sorry to announce that Lauren's last day was this Wednesday, as she is making a big move to Florida. Good luck, Lauren, we'll all miss you!
Happy spring planting to you all, and we hope to see you soon.


Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542