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Here's the Scoop!
April 10th, 2014
More and more plants continue to roll into the nursery as we prepare for the planting season ahead. 
This week we/ve gotten in shipments of opposite types of plants - perennials, including phlox of all sorts, a malva or French hollyhock, native mayapples, Allegheny spurge, and many ferns...take a look HERE  for a web post on variegated solomon's seal, (A very nice plant for the shade garden.)  and tropicals from the warmest parts of the country. These include  hibiscus with huge multicolored blooms, a yellow annual shrub called thryalis that blooms nonstop through the summer, and mandevillas with red and white variegated flowers. 
You may have seen  the table size miniature garden that's been our latest group project. If you haven't,  read about it HERE; then be sure to take look at it next time you're in!
For everyone who celebrates Easter (and those who don't), the most beautiful forced hydrangeas have come in, as well as freesia, calla lilies, and stephanotis. We really have an abundance!
Enjoy the rest of the week, and we hope to see you soon.

Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542