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Here's the Scoop!
March 21st, 2014
If you were in the shop (or just  driving by) the last couple of weeks, you probably noticed new shrubs, perennials, herbs and more beginning to fill the nursery...and a great selection of plants in the greenhouse as well.
The plant pictured this week is Spiraea thunbergii 'Ogon'. We have some of these beautiful spiraeas available now. Growing to a height of about five feet and about as wide, the name 'Ogon' means golden, and the new foliage after the pretty white blooms is indeed a very bright golden color. This tough shrub deserves a place in the landscape!  So many things are beginning to wake up in the garden - take a look HERE to see some things Kris spotted in hers.
For rose lovers who have an arbor or other structure for it to climb, there are  beautiful thornless yellow Lady Banks Roses, Rosa banksiae, a classic southern rose. This rambling climber has double, pastel yellow flowers in the spring.
We're waitng on one  last shipment of shrubs which will include  large pots of upright rosemary. We know many of you lost yours this winter. If you'd like to replace them,  let us know; we'll call you when they come in. Take a HERE  to see other shrubs in stock now.
Finally, look HERE to read about a fun project we all worked on in the greenhouse. It involved  lichen branches, a new plant called medinilla, air plants, and a beautiful bromeliad. We think it turned out pretty well.
Thanks for reading and we'll see you soon!

Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542