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Here's the Scoop!
January 16th, 2014
It's so nice to see a little color outside the shop (When weather allows!)  in the middle of January. We're pleased to tell you these pansies and many of the annuals, perennials and herbs that we sell are grown locally in Alabaster. Still others are grown in Plantersville, Alabama.  You can feel good knowing that, in addition to beautifying your landscape, you're also supporting many hard-working Alabama growers who only sell to locally owned, independent garden shops throughout your community.
Another bright spot out front are primroses, the first of the season. These little beauties are grown for us in Hanceville, Alabama.  Soon we'll be receiving native plants from Wilsonville: this week we received blue woodland phlox, and soon southern maidenhair ferns, rue anemones and more will arrrive.  From a local grower in Shelby County, we'll be ordering shrubs, perennials, and herbs. In a few weeks more plants will come from South Alabama, where many large nurseries are located.
Take a look HERE at some of the plants Kris saw recently on a winter walk through her garden. This is a good time of the year to do this, observing what is happening in your landscape and planning for the spring. Be weather alert in the winter also, and protect your tender plants when temperatures drop.
Thanks for reading, and we'll see you soon!

Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542