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Petal's Pecans                                        
Here's the Scoop!
 November14th 2013
The pecans have arrived from Petals From The Past! Each year this marks the unofficial beginning of the holiday baking  season for many folks, and we're so glad to have them. In addition to pecans, the persimmons and satsumas have also been delicious. If you haven't gotten some yet, you need  to try them; they live in the cooler to the right as you enter the greenhouse.
We continue to prepare for the arrival of Christmas trees in just two weeks (Yikes!) and the beginning of  holiday mayhem. The nursery is looking a bit bare, but we've gotten in some bales of pinestraw and  the greenhouse is gorgeous...stop in and take a look!
We're happy to welcome Ellen Riley, formerly with Southern Living Magazine, to help us out with some classes through the holiday season. From creating your own Thanksgiving centerpiece (Nov. 21), making your mailbox decoration (Dec. 3), creating a winter terrarium (Dec. 10), or decorating your mantle or sideboard (Dec. 17), she can help! Class size is limited, so please call for reservations. Cost is $5 plus materials. For more information on these classes, look HERE.
Finally, if you'd like to see how the fall/winter planters Kris designed for  Chez Fon Fon and Bottega turned out, take a look HERE - maybe they'll give you ideas for your own.  And, if you haven't taken a look at the website lately, the What's New posts might be of interest, as well as a link we mentioned in an earlier newsletter to the new annual and perennial app from the renowned Dr. Allan Armitage. We highly recommend it, and it's only $4.99 to have his advice in your back pocket!
Have a good weekend and we'll see you soon...

Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542