Here's the Scoop!
October 17th 2013
The calendar says it's fall, but, in the gardening world, it's all about spring! Many of the gardens and beds you might have admired last spring were indeed planted the previous fall, so don't let this perfect time of year pass you by!
Foxglove, shown here, is one of those that's best planted now. Unassuming in little packs this time of year, there's no hint of the beauty they'll bring to your garden once winter lets loose its grip. Look HERE if you'd like to read more about foxglove and then find a spot to plant some in your garden! Other spring must-haves include poppies, and we have plenty in stock now.
Of course, we're in the height of pansy season, and the variety is excellent! There's more to plant than pansies though. Look HERE to see the choices Kris made for a customer's planter, along with a list of other fall plants, then plan your own.
Finally, as mentioned in the Fall newsletter, if you need any of the Seven Winds peanut or pecan brittles for Christmas gifts, or any other of their products, please let us know by the end of October. They thank you!
Enjoy the weekend and we'll see you soon...