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Here's the Scoop!
 October 10th, 2013



As you can see from the looks of the front tables at the shop, it's beginning to look like fall! Last week, right on cue, the first of the pansies, violas, poppies, foxglove and other fall favorites started to come in. The offerings incuded some beautiful snapdragons like those pictured.  For more information on where to plant snapdragons in your landscape, take a look HERE.


In a previous newsletter we advised you to take your cue from the temperatures to guage the proper time to begin fall planting. Many of you may not be ready to pull out all of your summer flowers and have marigolds and mums blooming happily now. Enjoy them, but start to work on areas you need to plant a little at a time, so you'll feel less stressed! We'll be receiving shipments of fall favorites through the month of October and into November. Do plan on having your beds and pots completed prior to Thanksgiving, as plant choices will be limited once the holidays are upon us.


The pumpkins, gourds and bittersweet are still abundant, and, in addition to posting pictures on our Facebook page (Have you "Liked" us yet?), take a look at some of the creative work we've been doing.

We also hope you're planning to set  aside Saturday,Octobe 26th, to take part in our Pumpkin Carving Contest! Look HERE for the details. It should be a lot of fun!


Enjoy the cooler temperatures and we'll see you soon!



























Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542