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Here's the Scoop!
 September 19th, 2013


Pumpkins are coming in! Each week we'll be getting in the very best of them from a grower in Tennessee. They grow 20 acres of these beautiful fall favorites, in all sizes, shapes and colors. Imagine how beautiful those fields must be!


We love fall, not only for the change of season, but also for the promise of cooler days and nights...football games on the weekends and get togethers with friends any time! If you need centerpieces for a football party or just a happy for a friend, let us know and we'll have something special ready for you when you need it.


Last week we got in our fall shipment of shrubs from an excellent local grower in Shelby County. If you haven't seen the web post on these, take a look HERE for more information. If you see something you like and need more of them, ask us - we can probably special order more for you.  Local growers like them and others from here in Alabama keep your money close to home and support many  local workers. We're so happy to be able to be a cog in the wheel supporting  our in-state growers, their families and their employees.


A last note of caution. You're probably beginning to see pansies and violas at other retailers around town, and we know many of you are anxious to plant these favorite winter flowers. However, it's still a bit too early to be planting them - they like the soil to be colder and the air temperatures to be cooler too - that's why they're able to grow all winter.  Gardening certainly does teach patience, doesn't it?  At the earliest, October, when it's comfortable to be outside, is the time to plant pansies. Too much heat makes them spindly and weak. We'll have plenty of them when the time is right!


Enjoy the weekend and we'll see you soon...




Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542