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Fall 2013 Newsletter

Fall Seeds...
fall seeds    
The fall seed selection is here, and many of you have been in to take a look. In addition to vegetable seeds,  like the sampling shown above, there are also plenty of flowers to choose from too, including larkspur, one that is quite beautiful in the spring, blooming at the same time as snapdragons, foxglove and roses. Truly one that is a great addition to your spring garden. For more information on seeds and some planting tips, look HERE.
 More Flowers of Fall - Pansies and So Much More...
October marks the beginning of the fall planting season - yay!! The quintessential fall flower is, of course, the pansy, and we are beginning to get them in. There's even a trailing pansy - yes, it really trails! Additionally, violas, the smaller version of the pansy, have made their appearance as well - they work so beautifully in containers, beds and hanging baskets through the winter. There will be tables filled with them through the fall.
In addition to pansies and violas, we'll have everything else you'll need for your winter garden and some you'll just have to have just for the fun of it! Foxglove, snapdragons, and poppies are just a sampling of the other flowers we'll have - not to mention all the wonderful ornamental and edible vegetables and herbs.  Take a look HERE at the latest web post on fall planting for your spring garden.
Don't hesitate to ask any of us if you're not finding something you need. It could be that we're temporarily out that day and can special order whatever you're looking for.  We get plant shipments in just about every day of the week.
There will be web post updates on the various flowers and other plants we'll have throughout the fall - if you'd like to keep up with these, sign up HERE.
 The Bittersweet Has Arrived!
The bittersweet has arrived for all of your fall decorating needs. It's so beautiful in fall arrangements, or on its own in a simple vase. Stop in soon while the supply is plentfiful to take your pick of the prettiest stems from our friends in North Carolina. They hand cut this rampant vine in the mountains, pack it carefully in boxes between paper, then ship it to us. It's so fresh the berries are usually still closed and soon open in the heat of the greenhouse. We've been fortunate to count on these folks for over 20 years now for this decorating staple. To keep the berries from shedding in your home, spray each stem thoroughly with hair spray to "set" the berries.
We suggest that bittersweet only be used indoors. There is some concern that it could become an invasive vine here if seeds drop and it gets a foothold in our area. Please place it in a plastic garbage bag when you're ready to dispose of it.
  In The Greenhouse...
 Jamie has found many beautiful sanseverias (Among other wonders!) for the greenhoue. These workhorses of the houseplant world are tough as nails, and now sport many different leaf variations. For a dark spot in your home or one with bright light, it's versatile and easy care.
   sanseveria in greenhouse
Market News
If you are plan to give any of the Seven Winds foods as Christmas gifts, please be thinking of your needs now. This includes favorites like the Cheese Hooies, pecan and peanut brittles, pecan gems, and cookies. Because they are a very small operation, the deadline for special Christmas orders is Monday, October 28th. Let us know when you'll need to pick up your order and we'll have it here for you!
The market continues into the fall - soon the winter vegetables will be more abundant including all the different squashes. The recipes we've offered have been popular in  recent newsletters, so we'll continue to give you more ideas down the road for the fresh options available this time of year.
We've stocked the R&N soup through the summer, and,  if this year is like the last, we'll keep it through the winter as well.
Of course, the pumpkins and gourds rule come fall, and we'll have the prettiest of them on the tables and entrance to the greenhouse. A pumpkin farmer and supplier told us years ago that one of the secrets to keeping them from decaying is to keep them as clean, dry and cool as possible. Keeping them cool can be a problem here, but he said that spraying them  with a water and bleach solution may help prolong the life of your pumpkins and gourds, especially if you are carving them. Just mix up 1 tsp. of bleach in a quart size spray bottle and spray pumpkins with it regularly.
        Fun Gourds...               
We also continue to carry fresh organic eggs, and have quite a following for them. We're sorry this summer they've been harder to come by, but we'll have as many as possible in the coming months. The cooler inside the greenhouse to the right is where they live, along with any other fresh goodness that needs refrigeration.
Market eggs
Fresh eggs in the market...

              Fall Bulbs For The Best Spring Garden!


Fall is so welcome here in the south with the promise of cooler days and evenings spent outdoors.  Take some time to really look at the colors of fall and savor the comfortable temperatures - we've earned them!
spring bulbs
Check Out Our Bulb Selection!
Have you planted any bulbs the past few seasons? If you haven't, resolve to plant a few this year, and, if you already have some, put a few more in - you can never have too many of these harbingers of spring! It's pretty amazing, when you think about it, how much beauty is packed into a not terribly exciting package! Now is the time to take a look for the best selection. We have large blooming daffodils, the smaller blooming narcissus, tulips and more. Remember, when you see them in your neighborhood next spring, it will be too late to plant them; so take our advice and come take a look! Find out more about bulbs HERE.
For all of you who read these newsletters, you're hearing the news first about our annual FALL SALE on selected shrubs, perennials and statuary - there are some great finds to be had! All selected items will be 50% OFF beginning Friday, October 4th and Saturday, October 5th, and continuing through the fall.



  Pumpkins...And A Contest Too!
Everyone at the shop has gotten into the spirit of Halloween this year. Have you seen the decorations? (Look HERE if you haven't.)  Sooo.... we've decided to  have a Pumpkin Carving Contest  (We'll have pumpkin painting for the little ones, too.) on Saturday, October 26th.  Entry forms are available at the shop. Save the date for a fun time!  Take a look HERE for all the details.
All of us look forward to the beginning of pumpkin season, and this year is no different. It's just such a fun time of year for adults and kids; and, with all the different colors, shapes and sizes, it's tough to walk away with just one!
We're partial to the warty, funky 'Lunch Lady' gourds and all the mini pumpkins like the ones shown here. The picture from last fall shows our mini pumpkin stacks. This year we've received beautiful pumpkins and gourds from Tennessee - not too far from home!
A Tip:  If you spot some fun mini-gourds and mini-pumpkins you like but aren't ready to use yet, purchase them and keep them in the vegetable bin in your refrigerator for later. The cold will keep them fresh and you'll have them to decorate with when the supplies may not be as abundant.
mini pumpkins
Mini-pumpkin stacks!
 Beautiful Shrubs For Your Landscape Or Planters...
In addition to all the beautiful flowers, vegetables and herbs we recently received  a new selection of shrubs for your planters and landscape. They're grown right down the road in Shelby County, so they're local!  If you missed the web post on them, look HERE.


Meet our Staff
So many of you are long-time customers, so we feel like we're old friends.  But we thought our new newsletter would be a good time to continue to introduce our staff.    


Pinkie, as are most of our staff, is an avid gardener and plant-a-holic, and it manifests itself in the beautiful garden she shares with her husband and their dog, Emma.  In her previous life, she was in advertising - and, as many folks do, she decided a number of years ago to make a career change, leaving the office madness and escaping to the plant world! She helps create the beautiful container gardens and arrangements we're known for, as well as offering gardening advice for all of you planting your beds and planters. Pinkie is also the one who makes everyone a special birthday cake (From Scratch!!) on each of our special days...complete with a one-of-a-kind personalized poster (And they're always dead-on!) that you'll see on the front check-out counter on each of our birthdays...we look forward to them!


Recent Posts On Our Website


A Few Things You Might Have Missed
 Did you miss some web posts?  Here's a recap >


This is just a sampling of what is on the website. If you'd like to receive these posts as they appear, subscribe to our (almost) daily web posts so you can keep up with what's going on in the greenhouse, nursery and market - including the post on bromeliads and cryptanthus - some are shown in the picture below...Look HERE to read more...


We appreciate your business and hope you have a wonderful fall!

Billy Angell
Kris Blevons
Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market