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Here's the Scoop!
 September 5th, 2013
September marks the beginning of early fall, and if you want to apply pre-emerge to your lawn the time is now. This product will help keep annual weed seeds from germinating as the night time temperatures begin to drop. The usual time for application is the end of August to mid-September. Apply and be sure to water it in well.
We're finally into a more normal summertime pattern of rain. Remember, even though established shrubs and trees may look hot or wilted in the heat of the day, they shouldn't need watering more than once a week, especially if you've mulched them well. On new plantings, water deeply 2-3 times per week if no rain is forecast and temperatures remain high.
Does your inside greenspace need a little help? We have an excellent selection of bromeliads that are longlasting, colorful and tough. Take a look HERE if you'd like to find out more about them. In addition to beautiful bromeliads, we always have a varied houseplant and orchid selection to freshen up any area of your home.
Enjoy the rest of your week and we'll see you soon!
Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542