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chirita bloom                        
Here's the Scoop!
 August 1st, 2013
While we've had chirita plants in the greenhouse on and off since last year, we decided it was time to highlight these very pretty and easy care plants that many of you may have overlooked.
If you'd  like to try your hand at growng a chirita for something new in your home or office, we have a nice selection now. And, while their flowers are pretty, the foliage is as well, adding to the plant's appeal even when not in bloom.
With the onset of August, we're assuming that rain patterns will revert to the normal summertime hit and miss afternoon showers (Though this year all bets are off!).  Using water resources wisely in our homes and for our landscapes is something we encourage all of you to be aware of and strive for...some watering  tips and a link to an Extension Service website for even more information can be found HERE.

Dená continues to bring in fresh veggies and fruit from the farmer's market and Petals From the Past, (Think figs!) and recently made some individual Zucchini-Lemon-and Ricotta Galettes and said they were delicious. Here's the recipe if you want to try them too. The cooler to the right  inside the greenhouse is also stocked with the freshest peas, arugula, and berries as available. How lucky we are to have such abundance!


Enjoy the rest of this week and weekend and we hope to see you soon...



Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542