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vinca  and zinnia bedding plants
vinca and zinnia flats in the nursery...
Here's the Scoop!
 May 23rd 2013
With a bit of rain, the early planting you've done should be settling in nicely.  If you are still trying to figure out what to plant though, or just filling in, here are some choices - there are a lot of options for sun, shade and everything in between...
For the heat,  vinca, purslane and portulaca cannot be beat...foolproof in a hot, sunny spot; they are virtually maintenance free (no deadheading necessary!) and are drought tolerant once established as well. They are two of the best options for those of you who travel a lot.
More tough plants for sun include lantana, zinnias, and angelonia. Another you may not be familiar with is firecracker plant, cuphea, a low trailer with  bright red blooms.
For shade, caladiums brighten up beds and planters and we have plenty in stock now.  New Guinea and Sunpatiens add big bold blooms, and don't forget about begonias. Both bedding types and Dragonwing begonias are tough and beautiful options.  Take a look HERE  for an example of how caladiums and other foliage and blooms brighten planters in a shady spot at Chez Fon Fon downtown.
Don't hesitate to ask for help when choosing plants for your garden...that's what we're here for. Have a great Memorial Day weekend and we'll see you soon!
Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542