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container garden    
Here's the Scoop!
 April 24th, 2013
First things first...last week the link to the woodland phlox post was incorrect. (Sorry!) So, click HERE for the correct link to read more about this wonderful native wildflower blooming now.
The nights have remained chilly even though daytime temperatures have been pleasant, reminding us that it's still  very early in the planting season!
Container planting is definitely underway though, and, whie you're deciding what to plant, don't forget to mix a few herbs in with your flowers. They add scent, foliage color and texture - not to mention flavorful additions to your meals!
  'Kent's Beauty' ornamental oregano
Container gardening is a fun way to try new ideas and combinations. If you like it in a pot, you might just want to try it in the garden...take a look at more container tips and pictures if you enjoy potted creations.
Also, if you haven't checked out the post on Downy Mildew On Impatiens, please take a look now.  This is something you need to be aware of if you usually plant them - unfortunately we did see this in our area last summer.
On the ornamental herb front, we have some small pots of 'Kent's Beauty' oregano. This would be wonderful spilling out of a sunny container and it has pretty pink blooms in the summer. This is the one everyone will ask about if you plant it,  so remember the name!
Finally, thanks for sticking with us through the construction across the street, the roadwork and the noise. We really appreciate your business and hope to see you soon.

Oak Street Garden Shop and Local Market
115 Oak Street
Mountain Brook, Alabama 35213
205 870-7542