Here's the Scoop!
April 18th, 2013
It's mid-April and we've passed that magic "last frost" date. Bedding plants can be safely put out now and you've no doubt stopped in and gotten at least a few for planters and beds. So - everything is fair game but (Of course you knew there'd be a "but" right?) it's still best to wait just a bit longer before planting bedding plant vinca and caladiums in the ground...May is their month.
You can enjoy your winter plantings a while longer, or get them pulled out and your beds prepared - it's less work if you do things a little at a time anyway!  Another advantage to that is new plants are constantly coming in. Take a look HERE at the post on the nursery, with pictures and a description of the layout.
If you missed it there was also a post earlier in the week on woodland phlox. It's blooming now in beautiful gardens around town and we have some available for your garden too - if you don't have this, you should!
Hope you're having a good week and we'll see you soon!