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Your source for online learning at University of Wisconsin - Platteville         September 2015
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Flexible program paves way for success

BSAD alumnus
Cathy Kressel and her daughter
Cathy Kressel has always wanted her career to be meaningful, challenging, and stimulating. This need drove her to continue her education. When she began to explore her options for a bachelor's degree while she was working on her associate's degree through UW Colleges, she knew she needed a program that would be flexible and a degree that would help her advance in her career. 
Attend the Fall 2015 Career Fair

Watch our series on how to succeed at the Career Fair. 
Distance students are invited to campus to attend the Fall 2015 Career Fair. The event runs from September 28 - October 1 and features both local and national employers from a wide variety of fields, many of whom have a history of hiring UW-Platteville graduates.
Student services surveys due Sept. 15
Lisa Naderman
Student Services Coordinator

In an effort to continually improve the student experience, the UW-Platteville Distance Learning Center encourages all active students to complete this year's Student Services Survey. You should have received a link to the survey through your uwplatt.edu account on August 28. 

UW-Platteville celebrates 150th anniversary

Fall 2015 marks the beginning of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville's sesquicentennial celebration. In the coming year, the university will celebrate 150 years of providing high caliber education to students throughout southwest Wisconsin and the world over. The sesquicentennial's theme is "Remember the Past. Celebrate the Present. Pioneer the Future."

Action Items with pencil
  • Review our new Participation Policy and make sure you complete all requirements by September 14.
  • Contact your advisor with any questions.
  • Complete your student services survey by September 15.
Dates for Online Courses 
September 2 - First day of courses.

September 8 - Last day to drop an eight-week course and receive 100% of refundable tuition.

September 14 - All students are required to have completed one academic activity in each of their online classes by this date to meet our Participation Policy

September 15 - Last day to drop an eight week course and receive 50% refund of refundable tuition for Fall 2015 courses.
September 16 - Last day to drop a full semester course and receive 100% refund of refundable tuition for Fall 2015 courses.

September 22 - Last day to drop an eight week course and receive 25% refund of refundable tuition for Fall 2015 courses.

September 28 - October 1 - Students are invited to attend the UW-Platteville campus Career Fair.
September 30 - Last day to drop a full semester course and receive 50% of refundable tuition.

September 30 - Last day to drop an eight week course. No refund available. 

For more detailed information on our print-based and online course dates, review our academic calendars.  
The Pioneer Connection strives to keep students informed of news and events associated with UW-Platteville Online. We are always looking for new ideas, ways to improve, and students to profile, so we encourage you to send your ideas our way. If you have an idea for a story or profile, please contact the editor, Megan Hinderman, at hindermanm@uwplatt.edu.
You received this e-mail because you are a UW-Platteville Distance Education student. Current students must have an active UW-Platteville e-mail address to receive important updates.Copyright � 2014. All Rights Reserved.