We have LAUNCHED...
now it is time to Rock n' Roll
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Jazz Intro Image
Jazz Education to 5000 Local Students

So much has happened in the last few months - it has all come together and we could not be happier. Thanks to you, and our other supporters, we have proudly launched our first episode - JAZZ.  

With this launch, nearly 5000 elementary students are receiving supplemental music education this spring. 


Our episode is an exploration of the origins and unique aspects of Jazz music. Narrated by Oregon Music Hall of Fame Inductee Iris Harrison of KGON, the episode exposes kids to the historical roots of Jazz, the musical instruments commonly found in Jazz and famous Jazz musicians of the past and present.  The students are loving it!

Click on the picture above to see a sample of the episode.

"The Birth of Rock n' Roll"
 April 15th, all participating schools will receive the next episode in our preview series, "the Birth of Rock n' Roll." Our focus is teaching the students about the historical facts, instruments, styles,
dances and arists of the 1950's and 1960's.  

Once again we are so very lucky to have Iris Harrison of 92.3 KGON narrating this episode and bringing her Rock n' Roll roots to this amazing episode! Click on the picture above to see a sample of the episode.


Thank you OMHOF 

In other exciting news, the Oregon Music Hall of Fame has donated to each of the MW preview schools an assembly by Aaron Meyer to continue the musical learning. In this unique Music Education Program, classically-trained violinist Aaron Meyer demonstrates how the violin can Rock! Using a traditional violin and a modern electric violin with digital studio effects, Aaron makes connections and illuminates differences between classical music, jazz music and his own original, modern music combining world, rock, and classical styles. This program is educational and fun!

Spring Donation Matching Challange!
We are excited to announce a matching challenge.  For every dollar donated to Music Workshop the Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund will match your donation 100% They are willing to match up to $10,000 this Spring so we need your help to make this match a reality.  

Music Workshop is completely free to participating schools so to build and implement the program we need your donation today.  $35 = 1 student for 1 year  - with the match from MCM, 2 students will have the gift of the Music Workshop Program for next year.  Please donate today!
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