a monthly news publication
February 10 & 11
February 12
Chili Cook-off PLC
February 13 Ash Wednesday Worship Services (12 & 7 pm) Wednesdays in Lent (Beginning February 20) Soup Supper
6:15 pm
7:00 pm
Prayer Service
7:15 pm
Class with
Pr. Pete Rudowski
March 3
Camp Sunday March 9 & 16 First Communion Classes 9:30-11 am March 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins March 16 & 17 First Communion March 17 Annual Meeting in the PLC 12:15 pm March 24
Palm Sunday (PLC set-up after 11 am worship)
March 29 Good Friday 7 pm
March 30 Easter Vigil 7 pm (no 5 pm service)
March 31
Easter Sunday 8, 9:30, 11 am No Sunday School
April 6 & 7 Worship in the PLC regular worship times Click here for our online calendar.
4 Epiphany
Jeremiah 1:4-10, Psalm 71:1-6, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Luke 4:21-30
Transfiguration of Our Lord
Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12 - 4:2, Luke 9:28-43
Ash Wednesday
2/13/2013 Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Psalm 51:1-17, 2 Corinthians 5:20b- 6:10, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Deuteronomy 26:1-11, Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16, Romans 10:8b-13, Luke 4:1-13
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18, Psalm 27, Philippians 3:17 -4:1, Luke 13:31-35
December 2012
Fiscal YTD Giving to Current Fund $619,683.57 Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses $614,187.03
Fiscal YTD Budgeted Expenses $643,596.06
YTD Building Fund contributions
December Only:
Contributions to Designated Funds not including Building Fund $18,066.84
Contributions to Building Fund $63,220.16
Fiscal YTD Building Pledges Received $491,936.28
ATTENDANCE December 2012
Average Per Week:
Average Per Week:
December 2011
Average Per Week:
2011 YTD
Average Per Week:
From the Pastor
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is now official, as we send off Pastor Grant, Tammy, and Grayson. We are in an interim period of ministry as we seek God's guidance as a congregation calling a new pastor. Our theme for this newsletter "Lead Me, Guide Me" is an appropriate Lenten prayer and it takes on even greater meaning this Lent as we prepare to call a new pastor in the midst of beginning to mark our 50th year of ministry at Prince of Peace. What leader will best help us to go forward into the future that God is preparing for the next fifty years of ministry here in Loveland? This is a prayerful question that I hope you will join me in asking in the coming days.
Lent is always a time of deep introspection, but this year I especially pray that all of you will join me in a season of abiding in God's Word and prayer. There are two particular disciplines into which I want to invite you this year:
The first is a special 50th Anniversary Lenten Devotional written by Pastor Tom Stroeh. Pastor Tom served as Pastor of this congregation from 1971 to 2005. In this devotional, Pastor Tom reflects on those years of ministry and invites us into the lesson he learned from people along the way. It is a wonderful resource that I hope you will all take advantage of either in print or as a daily email during Lent.
The second opportunity for a deeper abiding this Lent is our midweek time together on Wednesday evenings. This year we will do something new and include a time of bible study on Wednesday nights. Pastor Pete Rudowski, retired from Good Shepherd in Kenwood will be with us every Wednesday night to teach and share his insights on the scripture. Pastor Rudowski is a gifted teacher and I am certain that it will be a blessing for all of us that participate. Our Wednesday schedule for this year is included in this newsletter.
Please continue to pray for our staff and lay leaders as we assume extra responsibilities in this interim time, and pray for God's light to shine upon us as we begin to seek a new pastor to join us in mission at Prince of Peace.
In Christ,
Pastor Jonathan
A Key to Newsletter Articles
We are called to live balanced lives of discipleship. UP in relationship to God, IN in relationship with each other and OUT in witness and service to our community and world.
The articles in this newsletter are coded to show which ones are about UP, IN, and OUT. The image above shows you how we will be coding each article.
Join us for worship services for Ash Wednesday

In case you missed it, the Advent Soup Suppers were a warm and tasty get together for those cold December Wednesdays! Thanks to all that participated with breads, soups and good fellowship.
We will be joining together for Soup Suppers in Lent on
Wednesdays, February 20th, 27th,
and March 6th,13th and 20th.
6:15 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Vespers
7:15 pm Class with Pr. Pete Rudowski
Please have food in the PLC by 6:00 pm. Please sign up on the bulletin board to bring soup, bread, dessert, or beverages or to help with the set-up or clean-up. Your help is greatly appreciated with this special fellowship.
Congregation Life and the Supper Club will host the
6th annual Chili Cookoff on February 12 in the PLC.
We are looking for chili chefs! Please bring your recipe, appetizers, bread and desserts. If you can help, please sign up on the 'IN' bulletin board. Judges are also needed.
Please have chili in the PLC by 5:30 pm. Judging begins at 6:00 pm. All are welcome to join for appetizers. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm.
Questions: Please contact Kim Donaldson at kimdonaldson@cinci.rr.com
Thank you for signing up in advance in January to serve in worship for Feb - April.
Our worship coordinators will have the schedule for Feb - April finalized by the end of January and will notify people of the final schedule. A printed copy of the Feb - April schedule will be posted on the UP Bulletin board beginning in February.
(or call Karen Skarda at 683-4244) with the new information.
If you need suggestions on who to ask to switch dates, please contact the worship coordinator for that area. The worship coordinators are not responsible to find replacements once the final schedule has been distributed.
If you are able to serve as a worship coordinator for any of our open positions, please contact Karen Skarda.
Click here to sign up online
for February - April serving opportunities.
Questions: Contact Karen Skarda at 683-4244 to get signed up directly or contact one of the coordinators listed below.
Thank you for your faithful service!
Coordinator Judi Alemagno tbl45ix@gmail.com
First Communion at Prince of Peace
As Lutherans we love the Word and the Sacraments. We believe that we receive God's grace through them. First Communion is your chance to explore with your child what it means to receive God's grace through the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is an important milestone for your child.
First Communion Class
Spring Session 2013
Saturday March 9 at 9:30-11 am at POP
Saturday March 16 at 9:30-11 am at POP
Children receive First Communion:
Saturday or Sunday March 16 & 17 in worship.
Please sign up by March 3.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to go deeper into your faith formation together and for your child to receive communion for the first time. First Communion materials are geared for 1st - 3rd graders, but if you as a parent feel that your child is ready earlier, or if your student is older than 3rd grade and wants to receive First Communion, talk to Pastor Jonathan and we will work to accommodate you.
Questions: Please contact
News from the
POP 50th Anniversary
Celebration Committee:
Our committee had their first meeting in March 2012 to begin planning our celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Prince of Peace. The first order of business was locating a place to host our celebration and finding a theme that would depict our past history and the years to come:
Please Save the Date
Saturday, November 2nd, 2013
for a wonderful evening at the Oasis Center.
Our Anniversary Theme: A Firm Foundation-
Celebrating 50 years of Prince of Peace.
Our celebration will begin with a Lenten Devotional compiled by Pastor Tom Stroeh. Pastor Tom writes, "Since this is the year we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the organization of Prince of Peace Church, I thought it might be interesting to assemble written experiences and stories from my 34 1/2 years as pastor of the church to be used in a Lenten devotional booklet. At the conclusion of each daily meditation, there are questions to consider for the reader's reflection. It's my hope that during the Lenten season members will be able to set aside some time each day to find a quiet space, engage in conversation with God, learn some history about Prince of Peace, and appreciate more fully the saints who have gone before us."
Watch for future Anniversary Celebration events in the newsletter and bulletin.
POP 50th Anniversary Committee:
Rosann McLelland & Rose Mary Pol (co-chairs)
Marti Kelley,
Bonnie Larson
Dr. Katie Loudermilk
Jerry Martin
David Merry
Doris Osborne
Pastor Tom Stroeh
Sunday June 23 - Friday June 28, Baltimore, Maryland All 8th grade-12th grade students are invited to a week of service that can lead to a lifetime of discipleship. Are you ready to grow in Christ while serving others and spending time with friends in Baltimore, Maryland? Join us for the D-Tour! Questions: Contact Mary Ellen Helms at
Saturday, March 9
Join us for a retreat!
We're going to have a fun weekend at King's Domain.
We'll spend the week surrounded with friends,
growing in Christ, and learning about our faith.
All catechism students are encouraged
to attend this retreat. Adults are needed to serve as guides.
Saturday March 9 - Meet at 2pm at POP,
return Sunday March 10 at 12:00pm
King's Domain - Oregonia, OH
(5778 State Route 350, Oregonia, OH)
How much?:
$45 per student
Sign up and retreat information will go home with students
in late January.
Sign up by February 22.
Questions: Contact Mary Ellen Helms at
'Build a Well' giving project results
Thanks to all who supported our Advent Mission Project.
We surpassed our goal-collecting over $2847 towards ELCA Good Gifts. This money will support building and maintaining a well and an irrigation canal in a place where water is desperately needed.
Because of your generosity, over 500 families will have access to clean water.
Thank you!
The POP Prayer Team Ministry meets
the first Sunday of each month after the 11:00 a.m. service in the atrium.
We pray over the POP monthly Prayer Concerns list and to pray for each other. Everyone is welcome to join the group or to come for personal prayer.
If you have questions, please contact
the POP Prayer Team Ministry coordinators:
The clothing bank at First Lutheran
needs your donations!
The clothing bank served 51 people in January. Thank you for your donations!
We are urgently in need of these items:
- deodorant
- razors
- men's belts and gloves
- gently used men's jeans, work boots, and hoodies
- thermal (long) underwear sets (pants and shirts)
- towels and wash cloths
- new women's underwear (especially size L or XL)
- sleeping bags
- shopping bags with handles.
- a 2'x4' folding table in good condition.
Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Please contact Kristine DeAnthony
at kdeantho@fuse.net with any questions.
Sign up to shovel the snow!
We need your help shoveling snow from our walkways this winter. You DO NOT need to shovel the parking lot!
If you are willing to be on call in case of a snow storm and come to the rescue by shoveling our walkways, please sign up on the IN bulletin board, for a week that works for you.
Your help is very much appreciated! The church has a snow blower and shovels to assist you.
We've made a small change that will make it easier
for you to send us your prayer requests.
Our subscriber list has continued to grow over the years for the email prayer chain. We have recently had some issues with our current method of sending email prayer requests. Consequently, we have decided to utilize a new format for our prayer request emails using the same technology as our newsletter. We are making the shift for several reasons: - We are using an email program called "Constant Contact" for our newsletter. The program helps us to have a more consistent list of those who want to participate in prayer requests and other emails.
- It gives the user the ability to opt in and out of the emailing list on their own and update or change their email preferences.
- Most critically, certain email providers are blocking emails from "popluther" because our prayer request emails are flagged as spam due to the long list of emails embedded in the requests. Using Constant Contact should eliminate this issue and allow us to continue to grow the number of people that receive our prayer requests.
If you have a prayer request please send it to prayers@popluther.org or call the church office (513-683-4244).
If you have any questions please contact
Pastor Jonathan or Cary Rohrer.
How to select the types of emails
you want to receive from Prince of Peace.
Our email newsletter is from an online program called "Constant Contact". This program gives YOU the ability to select which types of email communications you get from Prince of Peace.
It's easy to customize! Just follow these steps:
1. Go to the bottom of this newsletter and click on the BLUE selection that says "Update Profile/Email address".
2. The first time you click this option, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church will ask to email you a secure link that will take you to your preferences page. By clicking "submit", you should receive an email from "Prince of Peace Lutheran Church" via Constant Contact in just a few seconds.
Check your IN BOX and open the email from POP. Click on the secure link that we provide in this email.
3. You will be taken to a secure page within Constant Contact that will allow you to make selections about the types of emails you would like to receive from us.
4. Check the boxes to receive the emails that interest you. For example, if you would like to be on the Prayer Chain or get Serving In Worship email updates you can opt to receive that here.
5. Now click SUBMIT to save your changes.
That's it! Go ahead and try it out.
If you have questions, please contact
A Look at What's Happening in
Missional Communities:
Vamonos! was started with the knowledge that 'our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God'
(1 Corinthians 6:19). Vamonos! seeks to encourage relationships with each other and our Father through regular times of fellowship and prayer and, of course, by moving and dancing at ZUMBA � fitness classes. What better time to take care of our bodies than in February, Heart Health Awareness Month!Inactivity is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. However, exercise helps improve heart health, and can even reverse some heart disease risk factors. A person who exercises often and vigorously has the lowest risk for heart disease, but any amount of exercise is beneficial. Studies consistently find that light-to-moderate exercise is even beneficial in people with existing heart disease. Note, however, that anyone with heart disease or cardiac risk factors should seek medical advice before beginning a workout program. Getting moving at Zumba Fitness classes is a great way to take a first step and start moving to improve your heart health. Take the class at your own level...we have participants from their teens to their late 60's. If Zumba isn't for you, that is fine. Just get moving! Go for a walk...Take the stairs instead of the elevator...park further away in the parking lot, just get moving! Vamonos! What you should know: Risk Factors for Heart Disease: - High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Cigarette Smoking
- Diabetes
- Poor Diet and physical inactivity
- Overweight / Obesity
Warning Signs of Heart Attack in WOMEN (less likely to have chest pain): - Jaw, neck and shoulder pain
- Nausea, indigestion, stomach pain
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Unusual fatigue
Warning Signs of Heart Attack in MEN: - Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Cold sweat
February Vamonos! Events:
Friday, Feb 15 at Karen Skarda's home (7 pm):
All welcome - even if you have never been to any Vamonos! gatherings before.
Bring a snack or drink to share that is good for your heart
(examples: salmon, oatmeal, avocado, olive oil, almonds).
Bring a copies of the recipe if you can.
Contact Karen Skarda at karenskarda@gmail.com or 312-9498 for directions or questions.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February Zumba� Fitness Classes Monday and Thursday Evenings in the PLC All Welcome! (ages 12 and up)
Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 pm
Yes, there is class on Monday, Feb 18
and should be Karen's first class back!
If Loveland cancels events for weather,
Zumba is cancelled too!
Questions? Contact Karen Skarda at
karenskarda@gmail.com or 312-9498
Families Matter Families Matter seeks to be a resource to families in and around the Roselawn community particularly as it relates to equipping the young people to lead lives of faith in a world that challeges their integrity. We gather at Roselawn Lutheran Church on the first Wednesday evening of the month and the third Saturday morning of the month for service to that community. Wednesday schedule is 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm; Saturday schedule is 8:45 am - 11:00 am. We also meet monthly as a community to grow as an extended family, to support one another and sometimes just to have fun! We welcome others to join us as we seek to live out God's call to serve and make disciples.
Our service dates are: Wednesday, February 6, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Saturday, February 16, 8:45 am - 11:00 am Wednesday, March 6, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Saturday, March 16, 8:45 am - 11:00 am If you are interested in joining us, we'd love to have you. Please call Eugene and Terri Rutz at 733-0825. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are families striving to see God at work in their lives through regular times of play, prayer, and service. GODS Time stands for "Get Out & Do Something!" We'll reach out into our community to share God's love. Gatherings are times where we share dinner and grow together in faith and friendship Final Fridays are fun, fun, fun! Bring a munchie to share! February 5 - Gathering at Eilerts (6 pm) February 9 - GODS Time - Kids Against Hunger February 19 - Gathering at Eilerts (6 pm) February 22 - Final Friday Talent Show! Mark your calendars for the first ever connect4 Talent Show! We need entries and audience members! If you're looking for something new, something fun, or something faith-filled to do with your family, join us for a gathering or GODS Time. We're flexible (come when you're able, we'll miss you when you're gone) and family-centered (messy, playful, and safe).Try it out! Questions: contact Suzanne Eilert (eilerts@cinci.rr.com) or Mary Ellen Helms (MEHelms@popluther.org ) for more information.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Supper Club We serve families that utilize the LIFE Food Pantry and other Loveland agencies by coordinating a monthly meal in the Parish LIfe Center. In addition to the meal, The Supper Club deepens friendships in a Christ-centered community. We gather in one of our homes once a month, provide a community meal once a month (in the PLC) and look for other ways to connect with the community. If you're looking for a small group of people to serve with, to pray with and to have fun with and to help turn Prince of Peace inside out, please come check us out! Upcoming dates: January 29, 5:45 - 6:45 pm: Serve a meal in the PLC February 12 & 26, 5:45 - 6:45 pm: Serve a meal in the PLC If you or a group you are involved with is interested in sponsoring and hosting one of these meals, please contact Danette Miller. Please join us! Bring your family and friends! Questions? Contact: Danette and Scott Miller at diller1@cinci.rr.com Rosann and Chad McLelland at rmclelland@cinci.rr.com Jody and Joel Petersen at jody.petersen@chca-oh.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZOE "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10. With these passionate words, Jesus invites all of us to experience the fullness of new life in Him. The Greek word for life is Zoe, which is found 36 times in the gospel of John. We are all invited to experience new life in Christ and live out the joy of this discovery in all-inclusive loving community and Kingdom building activities. Where has God called you? Prayerfully consider joining our newly formed ZOE (life) Missional Community which is reaching out to young adults who are often marginalized as a result of cognitive, physical or emotional challenges. All are welcome to attend our monthly activities with opportunities for social, service, or worship experiences. Events: Celebrate Mardi Gras with ZOE Missional Community on Sunday February 10, 2013 with festive meal and matinee. ZOE participants with February birthdays will also be feted. Watch weekly bulletin for details regarding time and place to gather. Service activity for February will also be announced.
In January, ZOE participants assisted Supper Club Missional Community in serving meals. ZOE January social activity was an outing to CinCity Reptile Show at Kings Island Conference Center, followed by meal afterwards. Participants commented that it was truly a unique opportunity to explore & handle these exotic creatures. See more pictures which are posted on bulletin board at church.
All are welcome to come to ZOE Missional Community and experience opportunity for radical acts of hospitality and adventure! Contact leaders with questions: Marti Lemond at 513-777-0042 or Linda Paduk at 513-314-2717.
More Than Paws
During this chilly time of year we can all use an extra bit of love. Why not take your pet to visit a neighbor who loves animals? Consider praying with your pet before you go. Ask God to use your animal for His purpose. Happy Valentine's Day! Leaders are Scott and Marylu Torrison mtorrison822@gmail.com or 774-0617.
POP Kids Update
a ministry of Prince of Peace
Silent Auction: Thank you Prince of Peace for your continued support of POP Kids through our Silent Auction!
We raised $5000 for the school! Everyone had a part and we are so very grateful! We had donator's, solicitors, bidders and raffle ticket buyers! Thanks also to Loveland's Jett's pizza (yum!!) who provided pizza for the Thursday night workers and last minute bidders. Since we work on such a tight budget so that we are affordable to all, these funds help us to provide enrichment programs such as the Museum Center and large items like the laminator and the playset. We are truly grateful!
Do you know that we encourage our children to give back when it's their birthday?
As an option for celebrating birthdays at school, we ask that the children bring in a donation to the food pantry or donate a book. At this age, it is hard for them to think outside of "ME" but it is planting the seed. Kay Napier is kind enough to be our "thank you" writer to the children if they give a donation to L.I.F.E.
Thank you, Pastor Grant!!
Grant has spent the past 6 years almost every Tuesday morning and afternoon leading God's Time with our children in the sanctuary. The children love their time with him and we will miss him greatly! Maybe you will see some of them at OSU in 15 years!
It's that time again! Registration for the 2013-2014 school year. If you have or know a 2-1/2 year old to 5 year old, POP Kids is a loving, Christian preschool that will ultimately prepare children for kindergarten. I love the newsletter format so you can see just a snap shot of the fun things we do. However, a tour is the best way to see first-hand what we do on a daily basis. Angie Seiller, Program Manager |
The card making group will meet on
Thursday, February 7 at 10 am.
We will be making Memorial and Birthday cards. Supplies are furnished and no experience is needed. Come and have a great time!
Pieces for Peace
Join us for our monthly meetings:
We meet the 2nd & 4th Monday of each month in room #6 at 7 pm.
Thanks to everyone for their continued support, the fabric, thread and batting are always welcome!
No sewing experience is needed! REALLY! Join us for any of our events!
We make quilts for those in need.
Our annual meeting
will be held on Sunday, March 17
at 12:15 pm.
Lunch and child care will be provided.
New members
will be received the weekend of
May 4/5 at all worship services.
We will be holding our Discovering Membership class prior to that (dates still tbd). If you are interested in the Discovering Membership class, please contact the church office at 683-4244.
2013 Rummage Sale
May 10-11
Large Item Pick-up - May 5
The POP staff would like to thank the congregation for their gracious monetary gift this Christmas. We are delighted in our call to serve with you, side by side as workers in the kingdom of God. We look forward to 2013 and beyond, waiting with great anticipation, to see what incredible things God continues to have planned for POP. God's blessings to you all in 2013!
We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly.
(1 Thessalonians 1:2)
Click here to download a pdf of the prayer list
Closing Thoughts from our President
February is being ushered in with some of the coldest winter weather Cincinnati has seen in recent years. The cold temperatures have not slowed things down at Prince of Peace! There are many ways to get involved in the life of the church which is evidenced by all the articles and announcements that precede this note. You are warmly invited to prayerfully consider how you are being lead to serve in ministry with others from our church family. Perhaps one of the most powerful recent examples of being lead and guided by God is Pastor Grant's decision to accept a call to serve at Jacob's Porch, OSU's campus ministry. I know you join me in wishing the very best to the Eckharts as they embark on this new call from God. As I write this, we are in the midst of preparing to say goodbye to Pastor Grant, Tammy and Grayson by hosting over 400 folks in the PLC on Sunday, Jan. 27th. Thank you for your love and support of the Eckhart's! We have never hosted such a large event at Prince of Peace and as we make history, there may be some glitches. Staff and leadership have worked hard to make this a meaningful and enjoyable event and we thank you in advance for your understanding if we do experience any snafus! Thank you too for the incredible generosity that you have shown to Pastor Grant and his family. As we look ahead to the Lenten season and beyond, your leadership is working to have some guest preachers for worship to help Pastors Jonathan and Ken out during this interim time. Our Call Committee, under the leadership of Steve Riedell, has begun meeting but this process is lead by God's will for us so putting a timeline on filling the Associate Pastor position is difficult to do. Please know that the call committee will be diligent in discerning God's will for this church! The Building Committee has been patiently waiting for our design build firm, VSWC, to complete the bidding process on our building plan. Bids have been received and now the hard work of determining how to best use the funds we have with the actual costs of building are in process. We hope to be calling a special meeting of the congregation later in February with a final construction cost for your approval. The Mission Investment Fund (MIF) requires this final congregational vote before they will give their final approval to our financing package. Dirt could start to move by early spring if all things fall into place with MIF and the contractors' availability. Ash Wednesday begins the Lenten season. Once again, you are invited to participate in fellowship with one another for our Wednesday soup suppers (begin on 2/20). The suppers will be followed by a short prayer/vespers service and the opportunity to have a class with Pastor Pete Rudowski, a retired senior pastor from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Kenwood. There is also the famous Chili Cook-Off coming up. So, for some great fun and fellowship, plan to be there! Please take a look at what is up with our missional communities too for other opportunities to be a part of the exciting ministries at Prince of Peace. Prayer has always been an important part of life at Prince of Peace. Consider joining the prayer team as we enter into Lent. The team meets the first Sunday of the month (please see the info in this newsletter). We have many members that are in need of your prayers as they grieve the loss of loved ones or seek healing for physical ailments, broken relationships or injustices that may have been heaped upon them. Your prayers are felt by those in need and most appreciated! Thank you for being faithful with your prayer life whether done with the prayer team or in the quiet of your home or wherever and whenever you are lead to pray! May the good Lord be your leader and guide in the coming days and weeks. With a thankful heart for all that you do, Kathy Weimer |
All news articles for next month's newsletter are due to Cary Rohrer by the 15th. Email stories and photos to crohrer@popluther.org or drop it in my mailbox or by my office.
Contact info for our church:
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
101 South Lebanon Rd.
Loveland, OH 45140