LogoThe Weekly Crusader
For the friends and families of St. Jude School
September 1, 2013
In This Issue
Featured Article
Principal's Note
Penny Wars
Label Campaign
E-Mail Addresses
Lunchtime Help Needed
After School Program
Keep in Mind..
Quick Links
Bus Routes 2013-14

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Weclome Back to School!!
Principal's Note
I hope that you are enjoying your Labor Day weekend with your family after our first days back to school.  Barbeques, travel, baseball games and other family events dominate the weekend and the extra day off usually helps everyone ease back into the fall schedule. Today,  we recognize Labor Day as a sign of the end of summer and yet its origin over 140 years ago was to give the American worker a day to celebrate.  On Friday, during announcements and prayer students were reminded of the real meaning of Labor Day as they prayed for all of the workers in the United States who we often take for granted. 
Labor is a common sight at St. Jude School.  Our students and staff benefit by the labor of so many willing parent volunteers.  The Walk-a-thon and Silent Auction committees are well underway with plans for these two school fundraisers set for later this fall. Information went home in the Family Envelope on Friday regarding the Walk-a-thon.  The Volunteer tables are still in the front foyer of the school for parents to sign up for other fundraising or community building events.  As you drop your children off in the morning, please stop in and see how you can help.  HSA committees provide parents with the opportunity to make a difference while getting to know other parents.  

Penny Wars!



 Penny Wars excitement abounds in the school foyer at lunch time.  Ms. Burns and the eighth graders have sparked this friendly competition among classes to raise money to be given to an organization that benefits the survivors of 9/11.  Last year, $777.00 was sent to the 9/11 Orphan's Fund.  The 8th grade will also honor 9/11 with a school prayer service. 


Label Campaign

LABEL CAMPAIGN extended through this coming week.  Get those labels in to your child's class to be counted for a NO HOMEWORK night.  Last day is FRIDAY, Sept. 6th.

E-Mail Addresess for Communication

Mrs. Grifffin:   pgriffin@diobpt.org

All teachers use the initial of their first name followed by the last name.  EX.  Ms. Marconi is kmarconi@diobptedu.org.   Mrs. Kukreja, Ms. Forcier and Mrs. Stevens will have email later this week.    
Lunchtime Help Needed!!!

Mothers or fathers are needed to assist at lunch time (11:30 - 12:40) each day.  If you can spare some time every other week, please call Mrs. Fitz to volunteer.    

"Wings" Afterschool Program

Our afterschool program has been officially renamed "WINGS."  The program begins on Tuesday for those children who were registered by last Friday.  The program coordinator, Mrs. Wright, has completed her administrative tasks, set up the classroom and is excited to begin.  Please note, if you are sending registration in on TUESDAY, your child will not be able to attend until Wednesday.

Keep in Mind..... 
  • NO school on Thursday, Sept. 5th.
  • Students bring both snack and lunch from home this week. 
  • Utensils need to be sent from home.  Utensils are not provided by the school.
  • Milk will begin this week at lunch for those who have ordered for the year.
  • It is still warm, send your child to school with a water bottle.
  • SEND YOUR FAMILY ENVELOPE back to school on Tuesday.