Principal's Note
With the introduction of the Advent Wreath last Monday, students have been invited to enter into the four weeks of waiting for Christmas. Father Skip engaged students in reflection about positive changes in behavior and attitude that they can make during this Church season.
There is excitement in the air as we wait for other events that herald the coming of Christmas. This past week, Elves Corner was a very successful school-wide event thanks to Mrs. Crispino and the many parents that joined her throughout the day. This Thursday at 12:30pm, our 8th students will re-enact the Nativity as part of our Christmas Pageant. Students from from kindergarten through Grade 7 will perform traditional and non-traditional carols. Student musicians and the chorus will perform under the direction of Mrs. Haskins. Please join us for this St. Jude Holiday tradition. |
Student Council News
Our Student Council is continuing its mission of service this year with two very important projects:
Hurricane Sandy Support - Recognizing the destruction which was experienced on the south shore of Long Island, we have been in touch with Long Beach Catholic Regional School to see how we can assist them. Many of their families are devastated by the impact of Hurricane Sandy. In an effort to help some of these families get back on their feet, the Student Council will have a face painting event on Friday, December 14th during lunch and recess where students can get a fun design for only $1. Any additional donations to this cause would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to make a donation, please send it to the school in an envelope marked "Student Council Hurricane Relief Project". All proceeds will be used to purchase gift cards.
Coat Drive - With the cold weather upon us, the Student Council will be collecting coats for those who are less fortunate. Please send in gently used clean coats for the women and children of the Mercy Learning Center in Bridgeport and the men of the Parish Outreach. The coats can be dropped off in the front lobby of the school until Friday, December 14th.
Thank you in advance for your support of these worthy causes.
December Mass
Our 6th grade students will be leading Mass this month. We hope you will join us this Wednesday, December 12th at 8:30am in the Church to take a moment during this busy time of the year to be in the presence of God.
Calling All Elves!
As announced in the notices last week, the annual "Breakfast with Santa" is being held on Sunday, December 16th from 8:30am to 11:30am in the Church Parish Hall. We are currently in need of more elves to volunteer that morning, even if it is only for an hour or two. Please contact Kathleen Gillespie if you are able to lend a hand. Also, a list of requested items to be donated can be found here.
Thank you in advance for your consideration! |
Important After School Program Reminder
As was mentioned in the Thursday notices, there will be no after school program on Wednesday, December 12th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- November progress reports were posted to Edline last week. Please review your child's report if you have not yet had a chance to do so.
- Be sure to check the webpage of your child's teacher to be kept informed of all classroom happenings for the week.