Friday, November 28, 2014

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eHappenings!  Your MMSUCC Event News Source!

The next issue is scheduled for Monday, December 15, 2014  

Deadline for submissions is 8:00 am on 12/11/14

 (Issues will be emailed on the 15th and 30th of each month - or the nearest weekday.  Email your  

church/organization/agency event to Renee at renee@mmsucc.org.)  

  Full issues of eHappenings are posted on our Conference website  

"Buy a Bird" for a Family in Need Fundraiser

Be a part of this ministry tradition!  Your generous donation of $20 will buy a turkey or ham for someone in need, and a donation of $30 will cover the cost of an entire meal.  Isaiah 58 Ministries is depending upon people like you to help make the holidays meaningful for families who are less fortunate.  This fundraiser will continue through December 31st.  Click here for a printable flyer and how to donate to Isaiah 58 Ministries. 
UCCOSSN Fundraiser

Click here to visit the MMSUCC website and support the UCCOSSN.
November 30, Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop is coming to Ivy Chapel UCC!   Do you like to make things? Isn't it fun to give gifts to others?  You can have lots of fun making Christmas crafts and gifts for your family and friends.

Sign up now for Santa's Workshop. And be sure to invite your friends, too!!


When:  Sunday, November 30 Following the Hanging of the Greens Pot Luck Lunch

Where:  The Sunday School rooms in the Ivy Chapel basement

Who:  All kids, ages 5 through 6th grade  Cost: $6.00 per child


If you'd like to be a part of Santa's workshop, just fill out this form and return with your $6 to the festive basket on the table in the Narthex  or to Shannon Farrell (sfarrell85@att.net) or Erin Winship (elowry08@hotmail.com).

December 1-8, El Salvador IPM Trip

Join IPM on a Special Edition "Holiday with a Conscience" Immersion Experience to El Salvador, December 1-8th 2014!  Don't miss out on a week with Joseph Cistone and Fatima Benitez building cross-cultural relationships with IPM's Project Partners, and experiencing Salvadoran culture with a focus on Fair Trade practices.  Shop this holiday season with a social justice conscience!

For additional information about the trip please contact Melanie Strout at mstrout@ipmconnect.org or 207.801.9020. For other inquiries about IPM and how to get involved contact Eric Moeller at emoeller@ipmconnect.org or 314.252.8489.

December 6, Fun With Santa, 11am 

Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting so come bring your Christmas list, take a picture and maybe if you're on the nice list get a little surprise. Enjoy some lunch, play some games and watch some great entertainment. Where: St. Clair Elementary School.  Cost: FREE.  For: kids ages 0-12 yrs.  All free for the kids to come enjoy.  Sponsored by:  St. Clair VFW Woman's Auxiliary & St. John United Church of Christ.  Event flyer.
December 6, 7 & 13, Jazz Nativity, 3pm

What Child is this?: A Jazz Nativity returns this December for its 4th season with an all-new  production.  The O�kos Ensemble under the direction of saxophonist, Rev.Cliff Aerie, will return as the musical hosts. They will once again welcome one of St. Louis' great jazz vocalists, Ms. Kim Fuller, as their special guest artist. At each performance you will be uplifted by the professional caliber of the musicians, soloists, and storytellers. Be prepared to sing, laugh and feel the true meaning of the Christmas spirit through the joy of jazz. And each performance is FREE! 


Visit the MMSUCC website for further information. 


December 7, Lafayette County UCC Advent Chorale, 4pm

At Salem UCC, 1500 Main, Higginsville, MO. All are welcome!  Adult and Children's Choirs
Special Instrumentalists:  Children's Chime Bell Choir; Doris Jane Stoner-Organist;
Jamie Smith-Chorale Director; Ann Iles-Children's Choir Director; Diane Wagner-Chime Bell Director.  Event flyer. 


December 13, Cookie Sale, 9am 


Cookie Sale/Mini Holiday Bazaar, Saturday, December 13th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mount Tabor UCC, 6520 Arsenal St., St. Louis.  $8.50 per pound.


December 13, Living Nativity, 4-7pm

St. Lucas United Church of Christ invites you to a Living Nativity on Saturday, December 13th, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Journey back and interact with citizens of Bethlehem - innkeepers, shepherds,
market vendors, Roman soldiers, carpenters, weavers, and many, many more!  See and pet LIVE manger animals!  Come enjoy the "Spirit" of the stable and FREE refreshments, too.

St. Lucas United Church of Christ, 11735 Denny Road, Sunset Hills, MO 63126. 314-843-2100.   

Event flyer.    


December 13, Cookie Sale, 9am-1pm    

St. Peter's United Church of Christ Owensville Mission Committee is organizing a Pre-Christmas Cookie Sale to be held on Saturday, December 13th, 2014 in the basement of St.Peter's Church, Owensville at Peter Street and Second Avenue.   The sale will open at 9:00 AM and close at 1:00 P.M. Each church member willing to bake (or have baked for her/him) has been requested to contributing special cookies to be offered for sale. Plow Sharing will be selling their items once again this year.  Everyone is invited.  Enjoy a bake-free holiday! 


December 24, Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, 7pm 

St. Luke's UCC, Independence, will have their Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 PM. Please join us for a service of lights and music. 


December 24, Christmas Eve Service, 10:45pm

St. Paul United Church of Christ, 3510 Giles Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri  314-772-4772 Candle Light Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols - music will start at 10:45; service begins at 11:00 p.m.

December 27-January 7, Italy IPM Trip

IPM is also pleased to offer an opportunity to spend New Years in Italy! Join Joe Cistone for a week in Italy, experiencing the Italian culture, and rich history (maybe add something about the Catholic
church?)  and meet with IPM's Project Partner Speranza II, learning from women who have been trafficked from Nigeria to Italy. December 27-January 7.  For additional information about the trip please contact Melanie Strout at mstrout@ipmconnect.org or 207.801.9020. For other inquiries about IPM and how to get involved contact Eric Moeller at emoeller@ipmconnect.org or 314.252.8489.




February 3, EA Pastor's Lunch

Will be held at Zion UCC in Troy.  More details to follow.  Weather date:  2/10/15

February 28, Gateway ONA, 9am 


The fourth annual Gateway ONA convocation will be held on the campus of Eden Theological Seminary on Saturday, February 28, 2015 beginning at 9:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m.  Cost will be $15.00 per person up to 5 people and then $75.00 per church regardless how many attend from any one church. 

April 9-11, 2015, UCCOSSN Annual Gathering  


Support Staff Network Gathering To Be Held In Ft. Wayne In 2015.  Support staff members (administrative assistants, secretaries, office managers, bookkeepers, etc.) from all settings of the United Church of Christ are strongly encouraged to join the United Church of Christ Office Support Staff Network (UCCOSSN) at their 2015 Annual Conference to be held in Ft. Wayne, Ind. April 9-11, 2015. "Rediscovering the Joy of Play" will be the theme for this time of networking, fellowship, professional growth and retreat for those who keep our offices running. Acclaimed storyteller Valerie Tutson will be the keynote speaker. For more information, contact Lettie Eagar at lme@plymouthfw.org or Nikki Richards at n.richards@ikcucc.org 


April 18, EA Quilt Show

To be held at St. Paul's in Gerald.  More details to follow.
May 7, St.
Louis Association Spring Meeting

The evening of Thursday, May 7, 2015.  First Congregational Church of St. Louis, United Church of Christ. Hold the date. More details to follow.   
September 12, EA Confirmation Retreat

More details to follow.
Contact Us
Missouri Mid-South Conference United Church of Christ, 314-962-8740 or 877-877-5884,
Email renee@mmsucc.org to submit information for a future issue. Not all submissions may be included.