Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Thank you - This communication is made possible by your contributions to
Our Church's Wider Mission.  Individual or group donations are welcomed!
Click here to donate today.
The next eHappenings will be sent on Friday, May 30th.  The deadline for submissions is Friday, May 23.  Be sure to email your church and organization events to Renee at renee@mmsucc.org
No eCourier will be sent next week due to Renee attending a seminar in Nashville, y'all!  
Around Your Conference

Allen's Message To You   


Do not fear what they fear, and do not be intimidated, but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. 

1 Peter 3:14b


Dear Friends and Partners in the Gospel:


Nothing is more contagious than fear, and nothing can be more intimidating than confronting fear-borne anger.  The polarizations of culture and politics in our present age give ample testimony to the degenerative power produced by fear and make difficult our confidence in the hope expressed in the prayer of Jesus, that God's people "may all be one."


When polarizations like those affecting secular culture begin to develop in the church, it may be a sign that the church itself has been assimilated much too fully into the culture.  We start thinking like Republicans or Democrats or capitalists or bureaucrats, even in our conversations about spiritual things.  We forget to be religious, just when it could help.   


Being religious isn't so much about what doctrines we believe.  I think most doctrines must seem like heresies to God.  But our spirituality lies within us as a reserve force to be called upon when secular oppositions leave our world cynical and hopeless.  In my mind, this is our greatest strength as people of the Spirit.  We aren't on the secular left or right (though our secular beliefs may fall in either of those categories); and we also don't believe in those compromising solutions that disregard the need for love and justice.  Our calling as those who live in the Spirit is to listen to the teachings of Jesus in diverse and faithful gatherings, to practice them as best we are able knowing that we won't all do it the same way, and to trust the compassion of Christ to encourage our hopefulness and call us to the ways of genuine reconciliation.  


May the peace of God that passes all human understanding keep our hearts and our minds and our beloved church in the Spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord.



Allen Fluent, Acting Conference Minister 


Our 2014 Conference Annual Gathering (CAG) will be held on June 12-14 at the Truman Hotel & Conference Center in Jefferson City.   


Registration deadline is Friday, May 30th, which is only 9 days away!!!  


Prices increase after the 30th and the absolute last day to register is Monday, June 2.  Please be respectful of these dates as we need to share information with the hotel.    


Many of the reports for CAG are now available on our website and more will continue to be shared as new documents are completed.  Keep checking!  In our effort to be a greener Conference, no paper packets will be prepared for attendee's.  So bring your laptop, tablet or smart phone to access the reports during the meeting.  Or please print the information and bring with you in a binder.   


REVISED:  Please see the revised CAG schedule, which highlights the main portions of the gathering and business sessions.  More information regarding the faith sharing lunches, workshops, conversations and other programming highlights can be found in the CAG FAQ's.   


Have a question about CAG? - find the answer here in our CAG FAQ's 

There are two ways to register for CAG:
1).  Fillable pdf - Please note that some of you may have difficulty with this form depending upon your computer and which version of Adobe you have downloaded.  If you are not able to use the fillable form, please use registration option #2.
2).  Printable form - This form (in Word) may be printed and filled out by hand which should then be returned to our Conference office.

You may also find the above documents on the 2014 CAG page of our website.

We certainly look forward to seeing many of you in June!   


Youth Group Recognition at CAG!


Calling all pastors and youth leaders!  We would like to highlight the activities of youth groups around our Conference at the Conference Annual Gathering Banquet this year.  In order to do so, we need to contribute news regarding your church's youth activities!  Please submit 5-6 pictures of your youth group in action, along with a 2-3 paragraph narration of their work.  These items can be sent to Jeff Mignerone at jmignerone@hotmail.com for inclusion in our banquet program.  Any questions can be addressed to Jeff or to Rev. Laura Mignerone at zion.pastor.laura@gmail.com or by phone: 636-528-7550.  See you at CAG!

Choose From the Following Menu Items - Or - Why My Church is Committed to Social Advocacy


How do you read the menu of your favorite restaurant? Do you first look at the specials, or the meal categories? Do you pay attention first to the prices, or the ingredients of each entr�e? Sometimes the menu is so voluminous it is overwhelming. Yet, a growing number of people who eat out want to know where their food comes from and how it was grown. We are accustomed to relying upon and trusting that what we eat is safe and we expect it to be

Photo courtesy of: dreamstime menu 1 

fresh. Even if we don't always know where our food comes from, we know we need food to survive, and we know how we like it prepared.  


Churches have many menu options also. There are a variety of programs, projects and groups to choose from. Some of these may be socially or politically connected and may be controversial, even distasteful to us. Some may touch a chord of interest and compassion because of our own experiences.  


Just as we are not likely to choose everything from the menu of our favorite restaurant, we are invited to choose what we feel called in the church to support in order to make our touch and voice collectively heard. We realize that there are others in our church and in other churches, who have different tastes; just as we all do not choose the same entr�e at the restaurant.  God calls us to seek justice and live out mercy. So, together we enable the church to thrive and have, not only a presence but a wide impact in our neighborhood, our city, state, and far beyond.


What are your choices for social involvement?


Jan Aerie,  

jan@mmsucc.org 314-918-2601 

A Peacemaking Practice  

There are times each day which seem to call for a peace-filled expression, word, prayer or touch. In tense moments it is a challenge to seek peace. Watch for tips, guidance and tools each third week of the month right here.

Lens on Conflict

Anyone who wears corrective lenses has experienced the machine of many lenses which is a tool of the ophthalmologist or optometrist in determining which correction works best for us.  "Now tell me which is clearer.  Is it this one, or this one?"  This said as she flips a different lens into place.


I felt a bit like the optometrist on May 17 when we had the first Peacemaker Training Introduction at Central UCC in Jeff City.  A dozen of us gathered to consider our love for the Church and our concern that un-addressed conflicts  can distort our fellowship and impair our mission.  Each participant was invited to identify a persistent pattern of conflict in a significant relationship and to name what is actually happening, what each tends to do in response when it does, and what it is that is missing from the relationship when such things happen.


We only had a few hours to look at the tools for conflict resolution and to see how they might help us address  these issues.  We didn't have time to look at the whole framework of perspectives and practices that I call Just Conflict.  Instead I found myself shuffling between slides in the PowerPoint to find the ones that best (to my thinking) illuminated the issue that was being named and addressed.


We were able to spend some time on the necessity of being centered in our own experience and acting on our own behalf so that we can be of service to others.  We had a chance to look at the nature of agreements and how we can't form a durable agreement without first understanding each other.  We observed the different ways that relationships are structured.  But we just touched on aspects of power and barely even mentioned abuse and violence.


These "lenses" didn't so much allow us to see things we hadn't seen before as to see what has been nagging at us in new ways.  We discovered clarity and depth through the perspectives offered by these cognitive maps.  If we can hold to these new perspectives and allow them to inform our choices we can act to create justice and to relax into the discord such that we can trust that God is God and this is just conflict.


Mark Robinson


Our Amazing Congregations

Telling the Good News is what we are about as Christians. We also know that everyone loves a story. This new and regular feature of the e-courier will tell Good News stories of our MMS congregations. These remarkable and not-so-remarkable acts of faith will inspire you. We also want to hear and share your stories. Send your amazing congregation's story to Colleen Bender at our Conference office: colleen@mmsucc.org   


Philippine Disaster Relief Fund Raiser      


Immanuel UCC, Ferguson, MO, held a Philippine Disaster Relief Fund Raiser on Sunday, May 18, which was a resounding success.  There were more than 50 people who gathered in Immanuel's Fellowship Hall to share food, fellowship and hear the story of the situation in the Philippines.


Immanuel member, Ron Caguin, born in the Philippines, prepared the food and also spoke. 

Rev. Karen Aitkens, former Associate Pastor at Immanuel and Bill Wootten III, Immanuel member, have traveled to the Philippines on immersion trips and have interacted with residents and witnessed the harshne

ss of their existence.  For those of us who take so much for granted, it was an eye-opening experience.


Immanuel members, Ron Caguin, who is from the Philippines, and his wife, Karen prepared authentic Philippine  food, shared some of the language, and hosted the evening.  This event was free and open to the public, and several area residents joined for the evening.


More than $2,500 in contributions was received at the event. These funds will be forwarded to the Philippine Relief Fund through our UCC's Global Ministries.  Contributions are still being accepted.  Anyone wanting to support this relief effort can make checks payable to: UCC Disaster Relief Fund and mail to Wider Church Ministries, 700 Prospect Ave East, Cleveland OH 44115.


If you would like more information about holding a similar event, or to learn more about Immanuel's event, contact info@immanuelucc.org.

More Vision Team Sharing/Listening Sessions     


We'd Like to Hear Your Vision for Our Conference!

Join Vision Team Members at the Upcoming Sharing Sessions


Vision Team members are making as many opportunities as possible to ask the same questions of everyone in the Conference. If you have not attended a Vision Team Listening Session in the past month or so, there are still opportunities:  

  • Wednesday, May 28 at 10 am - Free 90 minute phone-in conference call. Participate by calling  619-326-2730 and entering access code 548303
  • Thursday, May 29 at 7 pm - Free 90 minute phone-in conference call. Participate by calling 619-326-2730 and entering access code 548303.                                                          

Listening Session at CAG

Friday morning breakfast from 7:30 - 8:30 am for sharing and dialogue. After CAG more listening sessions will be held in various location.  Keep watching the eCourier for further opportunities!

UCC to Sponsor International Gay Games     


The United Church of Christ has become the first-ever faith denomination to become a major sponsor of the International Gay Games, which will be held in Cleveland in August 2014.  As an extended witness, local ONA churches have been invited to share their own extravagant 'Open and Affirming' welcome, by being individually named as a sponsor of Gay Games 9, as well.

Individual congregations are invited to become sponsors of the Ninth International Gay Games for $250. The National Offices of the United Church of Christ will then match your $250 sponsorship contribution, dollar-for-dollar, so that you will be listed in all program materials and throughout the event (to reach the $500 minimum sponsorship level).  


The International Gay Games is an event that brings together more than 30,000 athletes and spectators from all 50 states and more than 30 countries. The Gay Games were created in 1982 to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion and excellence in sports.  Founded by U.S. Olympian Dr. Tom Wadell, the Gay Games now include 36 competitive sports, a festival village, cultural and social events, interfaith worship, and opening and closing ceremonies. Held every four years, the Gay Games have been hosted by some of the world's greatest cities, including San Francisco, New York, Vancouver, Sydney, Amsterdam, and Chicago.


United Church of Christ Conferences are also invited to participate in this exclusive sponsorship opportunity.  You may visit http://www.ucc.org/gaygames or mail a check to the attention of Julie Dombos (UCC, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115) by June 1, 2014.

Miracles Promoting Justice    


Just this week, there have been significant miracles in justice action. When you place your offering in the plate or basket on Sunday, you can celebrate the fast-action impact it has - like these miracles:


Leaders from Kansas City and St. Louis gathered to set a path for working together on justice and legislation, null called "Gamaliel of the Heartland".  A year ago, they shaped their goals for the 2014 Missouri Legislative Session, and working side-by-side they have built amazing relationships, and have become a significant force in the State capitol.


There are two internship positions for young adults are available with the UCC Young Adult Service Communities (YASC), one at First Parish UCC of Westford MA, and one in Old First, Philadelphia. The young adults live in intentional community, and work in community service and justice advocacy.    


Our MMS Conference has a partnership with Global Ministries in the Congo and so we share a long history of engagement and solidarity there. That partnership is changing the lives of people there in amazing ways.


Our Church Works Miracles!

OCWM: creating miracles every Day.

Marshallese Congregation Prepares for New Building


The JRD/UCC Marshallese Ministry of Springdale, Arkansas, gathered Saturday, May 17, to break ground for a
Two lay members of the congregation breaking ground.
new church building.  The day was filled with celebration and anticipation for this 300-member congregation which was received into the Western Association in 2006.  Following the ground-breaking service, participants enjoyed a meal together and were treated to some beautiful Island dancing.


The building will be used for worship, fellowship, education and service.  The much-needed and long-anticipated facility is made possible through the United Church of Christ Church Building and Loan Fund and the Rott Foundation of the Conference.  The total estimated cost of the building is $500,000.  Construction should begin by July 1st with target date for completion in about seven months.  The contractor is welcoming "work teams" from the church and Conference to participate in the construction of the building. 


Approximately 100 members of the church attended the festive occasion.  The church is served by the Rev. Ham LeJohn.  Representing the wider United Church of Christ were Linda Stenger, Chair of the Western Association; David Rauch from St. Peter's UCC, Billings; Rev. Doug Burwick, retired pastor from Ozark, MO; and Rev. Dale Parson, Associate Conference Minister.

Prayer Time

We, as a Conference, are finding new ways to be prayerfully mindful of each other. We are also building and deepening our relationships. This new feature which will appear in the eCourier weekly, is one way of attaining this goal.  Each week three (in random order) congregations, their pastors and other clergy, will be named, inviting your prayers during the week. We will rotate through the entire list of churches and clergy in one year. Please join us and share with others in the power of collective prayer.


Prayers for May 25 - May 31, 2014 

Churches & Pastors

Southwood UCC in Raytown, MO - pastor Michael Stephens

Christ the King UCC in Florissant MO - pastor Traci Blackmon

St. Johns UCC in Chamois, MO - pastor Frank Husted


Retired Clergy

Rev. Lowell Zuck

Revs. Libby and Richard Brueseke

Rev. Jim Mennerick

Internship Openings for Young Adults

Two positions have just opened up in the UCC Young Adult Service Communities (YASC). 

YASC at First Parish Church United of Westford, MA - position with the Wish Project or Minute Man ARC

YASC at Old First Reformed UCC, Philadelphia, PA  - position with P.O.W.E.R. Faith Based Community Organizing or Broad Street Ministry.


Applications here www.ucc.org/volunteer/yasc

Serve September 2, 2014 - August 2, 2015

      Intentional Community

      Community Service-Justice Advocacy

      Congregational Service

      Faith Conversations


Housing, health insurance and living stipend provided.  YASC is a national networkwith host churches located throughout the United States

  Please contact Rev. Mary Schaller Blaufuss, Executive, UCC Volunteer Ministries at blaufusm@ucc.org or Diane Dicken at dickend@ucc.org 216-736-2810 Visit our website for more information:  www.ucc.org/volunteer/yasc

PET Devices to India


Back in January, Columbia UCC invited our Conference, as well as our Disciples partners, to help fund a shipment of PET devices (Personal Energy Transportation carts, built in the U.S. by volunteers - please visit  http://petinternational.org/) to Drs. Anil & Teresa Henry at Mungeli Hospital in India.  


PET International is prepared to fill an ocean-going shipping container; Dr. Henry has land transportation in India taken care of.  We asked for contributions totaling $4,407.00 to fund the sea-transport of the container from the U.S. to a port in India.


To date, contributions and commitments have been received for $2,800.00 - thank you!  Gifts have come from churches, Sunday schools, women's groups, clergy clusters, and individuals.


Anil and Teresa recently concluded another visit to our Conference.  To date we've received $2,750.00 and still need to raise $1,650.00.  Gifts are being held in a designated account (PET Project) at Columbia UCC.  Please make checks payable to Columbia UCC and mail to our church at 3201 I-70 Dr. NW, Columbia, MO 65202 with PET Project written on the memo line. 


Thank you for your partnership!


-submitted by Rev. Steve Swope, Columbia UCC

2013 Clergy Information Review Forms SENT


The 2013 Clergy Information Review forms were emailed the first week of May to all authorized clergy, both active and retired, along with the Minister codes.  If your email address bounced back or you do not currently have an email address, the form and code were snail mailed so please be on the lookout for this information. 

If you believe you should have received a form/code and did not, please contact me at the Conference office, renee@mmsucc.org or 314-918-2602.

All completed forms are due back to our Conference by Friday, May 30, 2014, via email, fax or snail mail.  

Christianson Native Craft Workshop at Shannondale  


Now in its 40th year, this exciting event offer hands-on folk art, craft experiences, and demonstrations in a family- oriented setting.  The workshop has given hundreds of persons, young and old, a chance to learn talents in an  Ozark forest setting and take home beautifully handcrafted items. Classes are held at Shannondale Community Center's Timber Lodge, our very own UCC haven. The workshop will be held on July 27 - August 1, 2014 - be sure to register soon.   


For more information, contact Phil and Judy Jones at 618-493-6371 or email cncwdirector@gmail.com.  Visit the craft website for even more info!  Brochure 1, Brochure 2Registration form.    

Quotes For Your Week - FEAR

Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world. 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. 
- George Bernard Shaw

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. 
- Marie Curie

We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear. 
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Weekly Affirmation:  I will live fearlessly knowing God is always with me. Praise, praise, praise
Have a very happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend - our office will be closed on Monday, May 26 in honor of the holiday. 
Employment Opportunities
Employment postings will run for one month, unless otherwise specified.

Chaplain at Cape Albeon, 5/21/14

Cape Albeon is seeking a part time chaplain, 20 hours per week.  For further information and to apply, please contact Carol DiSanza at cdisanza@standrews1.com.

Faith Community Nurse at St Peters Evangelical UCC, 5/7/2014

St. Peters Evangelical UCC, a church in North County, is seeking someone to work with the congregation and clinic every other Saturday. 3 years of experience as registered nurse in either home health, public health or community health preferred. 22 hours per week.  Send resume to dpupillo@faithnurses.org.


Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries, Development Associate, 4/23/2014 

The Development Associate will be responsible for the conceptualization of culture of philanthropy, goal setting for fund development and direct oversight of a multi-faceted development program including building, growing and sustaining fundraising efforts that capture the interest and stimulate the philanthropic intent of prospective donors. Click here to see the full job description. All qualified applicants should submit their resume and cover letter via email to Rev. Donna Smith-Pupillo at dpupillo@faithnurses.org. Application deadline is May 31, 2014. No phone calls please.


Pilgrim UCC, Coordinator of Christian Ed/Outreach Ministry, 4/23/2014  

Pilgrim Congregational UCC, a multicultural, multiracial, and O & A church in the city of St. Louis is seeking a Coordinator of Christian Education and Wednesday Outreach Ministries.  Christian Education responsibilities include planning, coordinating, and teaching faith-based educational opportunities with children, youth, and adults on Sunday mornings; supervising the paid Nursery Staff Person; and planning and coordinating church events with the appropriate church staff and ministries as needed.


The Wednesday Outreach Ministries responsibilities include supporting and coordinating the volunteer Community Lunch staff and the Food Pantry staff in providing these outreach ministries.   This is a 20 hour/week, year-round position with paid vacation. The Coordinator of CE and Wednesday Outreach Ministries will provide support to families and will create, coordinate, and provide a variety of spiritual, relational, and mission experiences.  For further information, please contact the Rev. Dr. Allen Grothe allengrothe@yahoo.com or 440-371-1885. 

Conference Quick Links
Conference Website          National UCC Website        Conference Calendar              
           2014 Remittance Form        Email Your Conference Office

               2014 Commitment to Basic Support/OCWM Form 
Contact Us

Missouri Mid-South Conference United Church of Christ  314-962-8740 or 877-877-5884  
Email renee@mmsucc.org to submit information for a future issue.  Not all submissions may be used in future eCouriers.