Wednesday, February 12, 2014
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Our Conference office will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in honor of President's Day.
Around Your Conference

Allen's Message To You   

Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.
-I Corinthians 2:12


Dear Conference friends and partners in the Gospel,


To live together in the mind of Christ is the goal of Christian fellowship according to Paul in his first letter to the cranky Christians of Corinth.  This does not mean to live in a perfect harmony of understanding, as the Corinthian correspondence makes clear, but to live in a harmony of mutual care and acceptance through our common submission to the holy Way of Jesus.


A brief glance at the political world we live in tells us at once that the world does not live this way.  The crass opposition of mutually insulting positions in Congress and legislature and among the media pundits has an unfortunate influence upon the way we think conversation should be.  Too often this secular impulse is reflected in the church.  I've noticed it lately in some Christian conversations I have heard.


All Christians sometimes get angry, but Christians who live in a state of anger with others are due for a little spiritual self-examination; and when such anger leads to advocating division or to withdrawing support from our common and mutual ministries it risks fracturing and impoverishing the very fellowship of Spirit that has the power to heal us.  First we need to care about each other, but sometimes there are just some parts of our tradition we need to be reminded of.


Our United Church of Christ is a denomination that has built into its democratic structures an unusual degree of free expression and mutual respect.  In simple terms, we recognize that the church's faith is expressed in a variety of settings.  The most basic of these settings is the congregation, but there are others as well, made up of elected representatives.  They are called associations, conferences, and our national representative body, the General Synod.  Each setting of the church is expected to engage in actions and speak its mind on the religious and ethical issues of the day, and all of us are called upon to listen and take such expressions seriously, knowing that God's message sometimes comes to us in ways we didn't expect, but in the UCC we are welcome to discern such things for ourselves.  We are a church in which it is acceptable to disagree, but not to condemn one another for our disagreements. 


 For those of us who claim the German Evangelical heritage, it is important to remember how the fore-parents of our tradition while still in Germany established a religious community that recognized the evils of doctrinal division.  Refusing to be divided by narrow teachings, they brought to this country a faith in God and a trust in the teachings of Jesus that focused on living graciously and compassionately with one another before all else.  


            I give thanks for the wisdom and grace of this tradition, and for all of you who remind me each day of the gracious community that we enjoy as its heirs.  Christ's blessings to you this week.



Allen Fluent, Acting Conference Minister 

Conference Annual Gathering (CAG) Update - GET READY!


"Dream God's Dream" is the theme for our Conference Annual Gathering, and the dates are June 12-14, 2014.  As the Missouri Mid-South Conference begins a new chapter of our life together, this Gathering will bring together the work of the Visioning Team, the year of Strategic Innovation ministry, and the anticipation of changes in Conference leadership.


Rev. Geoffrey Black, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ, will join us for these days together as we "Dream God's Dream."  This is an opportunity for delegates and visitors to get acquainted with Geoffrey, hear about the work of our denominational family, and be inspired for the road that lies ahead for all us, both locally and nationally.


There is (at least) one very important change in this year's Conference Annual Gathering:  The meeting will begin with an evening banquet on Thursday, June 12  The meal is open to everyone and we highly encourage you attend.  Friday will be a time for workshops, boundary training, sessions with Rev. Black and other focused and interesting opportunities.  The meeting component of Conference Annual Gathering will officially begin the evening of Friday, June 13, following a shared meal.


Our gathering will conclude Saturday, June 14, with worship.  This will enable delegates and visitors to return home in time for worship in their local churches on Sunday, which is also Father's Day.


Another very important change is that we will meet at The Truman Hotel and Conference Center in Jefferson City for the 2014 Conference Annual Gathering.  This spacious facility will provide sleeping rooms at a most reasonable rate of $64 per night.  The Truman Hotel features ample space for plenaries, worship, displays and the like.  Each person attending CAG will be responsible for making their own hotel reservations directly with The Truman Hotel.


What else is there to anticipate?  Here are just some of the planned events:

Inspiring worship

Meaningful, relevant workshops

Youth programs and activities

Faith-Sharing luncheons

Breakfast and program provided by the Deaconess Foundation in celebration of 125 years

Business sessions that are productive and focused


This will be an Annual Gathering that will bring people together in a spirit of unity and covenant connection as we "Dream God's Dream!"  Keep watching the eCourier weekly for updates and further information on this newly charged and exciting event! 

Leadership Opportunities Available in Our Conference!

Dear Friends in Christ,


The Leadership Development Committee of the MMSUCC wants you to know we have several leadership opportunities.  We ask you, as Conference and Association members and leaders, to help us identify prospects for the following:


1.)   Conference Council seats (three year terms) for election at the June 2014 CAG: MMS Logo

A.  Eastern Association: Two seats - male layperson / female layperson

B.  St. Louis Association: Three seats -male layperson /female layperson / clergy

C.  Western Association:  Three seats - male layperson / female layperson / clergy


Our Conference is seeking a highly qualified, diverse pool of candidates for the limited number of Conference Council positions. Members shall be selected so that our Council represents diverse population groups and can bring to its deliberations a variety of points of view and life experiences, as well as access to cultural, religious, educational, civic, business and economic resources. 


2.)   Deacon positions (openings available immediately).

Deacons play a very important role in the life of our Conference and we are actively recruiting more members.  Deacons visit each assigned church two (2) times a year to:

  • bring greetings on behalf of the Conference,
  • offer a word of thanks for OCWM participation,
  • encourage giving to OCWM and the special offerings of the UCC, and most importantly
  • build relationships and strengthen the connection between the local and wider church.

We have divided each association into multiple groupings.  It is our goal to have two (2) deacons for each of the groupings in each association.  Please contact Joyce Bathke (Joyce.Bathke@RedCross.org) with deacon suggestions and for additional information.  


3.)   2015 General Synod delegates.


Please click here for the Identification Form for prospective candidates for our Conference Council and/or 2015 General Synod Delegates.  You may also find the form on our website's Your Conference Council page. This form should be completed by you (or others), or the candidate, and returned to the Conference no later than Friday, March 21, 2014.  


Please prayerfully consider who might be prospects to serve in these very important roles in the life of our church.  We appreciate your assistance and guidance at this time.


Laura Dierberg Ayers 

Chair, Leadership Development 

Conference Daily Prayers in Lent - A Journey of Faith

We pray at the beginning of a meal, the beginning of a meeting, the opening of a program and during worship. We may pray at the start of our day or at the end of it. Each time we pray something shifts and changes in us.  Praying together gathers up the power of individual prayer into a catalytic movement toward possibility and hope. What better way is there to BE the Missouri Mid-South Conference than to pray together? 


Our Conference has been on a path of change lately, a path of questions and reformulations for the future. Sometimes that is the description of the faith journey through the forty days of Lent. Yet we travel through the days of Lent with growing expectation, because we know that at the end of those days we will arrive at Easter.

This Lent we have chosen to invite everyone in the Conference to commit to praying daily as a Conference family:  each of us lifting up our prayer as close to 12 noon as possible, or at one's most favorable time. A brief meditation based on a scripture verse along with a prayer will be provided for each day. These will be personal views of faith. Each week of prayers will be offered in a printable format in the weekly e-courier, as well as on the MMS website. People will be encouraged to print out the week of prayers, and to share it with others, including having clergy place copies in the Sunday bulletin or pews.


Would you like to write for one of the days? Anyone in the Conference is invited to do so. Please

click here to view the template complete with instructions. 
MMSUCC Boundary Training Info for 2014 - Updated

Click here to see the dates, locations and facilitators for the the Conference-led 2014 boundary training sessions, which are listed on our website.  The Western Association has added a date, and the date for the Conference Annual Gathering has also been determined.   
Boundary Training at Eden Seminary

A boundary training session, "Creating Healthy Relationships in Ministry," will be facilitated by Ms. Jane Porchey  and Rev. Bruce Moeller on Friday, February 14, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in Room 200 in the Press Building on Eden's campus. There will be a lunch break from noon to 1 pm; lunch is on your own.  The registration fee is $50. To register, please contact Ms. Chris Davis at 314-918-2547 or email cdavis@eden.edu


NOTE: If you decide to take boundary training not sponsored/hosted by the MMSUCC (such as at Eden or another UCC conference) please remember it is your responsibility to send a copy of your completion certificate to our Conference so it may be recorded in our database.     

Trusting Steps  


Seven years ago this week I was on a work trip when I stepped in a small hole in a parking lot and badly broke my ankle, severely spraining the other. Ever since then I have carefully watched where I am placing my feet. When it  is snowy or icy I become super-aware of what is under each step. It took a long time to rebuild the flexibility and strength in my ankles, and even longer to regain my trust in being able to safely navigate uneven ground. 


Isn't that true of other life experiences as well? Something that upsets us, or hurts us, or makes us feel embarrassed becomes a memory we want to avoid in the future if at all possible. It takes time to heal from these experiences too. Sometimes it requires real effort and the passage of many months to begin to trust ourselves and others again in similar situations.


Trust is crucial to growth in any relationship, especially where faith is concerned. Sixty-six percent of the 78 interviewees in our Conference expressed the need to rebuild trust. They spoke of revitalizing trust in their and our connections with clergy and congregations, and trust in the work of the Conference, and in the Conference's ability to listen, hear and collaborate with Conference constituents. There is no shortcut to rebuilding trust - it requires effort and intention to grow and heal. We as a Conference have taken some healing steps lately. Listening, empowering, uniting and deepening relationships are all steps found on the way to strong trust in our families, churches, communities and Conference.  


What steps have been most beneficial to you in strengthening your trusting relationships?


Jan Aerie, jan@mmsucc.org, 314.918.2601
A Message from the Pension Boards - NGLI: Target 2030 Program

In 2011 the Pension Boards through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance officially began a bold new initiative to energize and sustain young clergy for service in local congregations of the United Church of Christ.  This was the beginning of a twenty year plan called Next Generation Leadership Initiative:  Target 2030 (NGLI: Target 2030).  I am writing today because we need your assistance in helping the initiative reach this pool of high potential pastors.


In these days, no doubt, you have heard conversations, worries, and debates about what the future of the Church will be.  No one knows exactly where the Church is headed, but we can all probably affirm that leadership is going to be needed to get us there.  NGLI: Target 2030 seeks to raise-up and strengthen transformative leadership for the Church since we believe that healthy, catalytic pastors lead to healthy, vibrant congregations.


Those selected for NGLI: Target 2030 will be provided with advanced training to hone their skills and gifts in order to serve as transformational leaders. They will also have the opportunity to create a cohort of colleagues in which they can encourage, challenge, and reflect together on the life of a local church pastor in the twenty-first century.  There is also a financial incentive-the Pension Boards will make a $10,000 contribution to the participant's Annuity Plan account during year one to help seed the participant's pension account, which should have a value of approximately $75,000 at the end of a 35-year career. (These figures are calculated based on an assumed growth rate of 6% per year over a 35-year period.  It will be 50% vested at the end of the fourth year and fully vested at the end of the tenth year.)


The ideal candidate will:

  • Be 35 years of age or under at the point of admission to NGLI: Target 2030
  • Be authorized for ministry in and on behalf of the UCC by an Association/Conference
  • Have served a total of five years or less as a called pastor in United Church of Christ parishes
  • Hold a called position of 20 hours per week or more in a parish setting
  • Be committed to long-term ministry in local churches of the United Church of Christ

Here are four detailed documents about the training provided and the application process: FAQapplication processexecutive summary, NGLI Intent to Apply form. Please help the Church by getting these materials in the hands of any eligible clergy you may know-- notice of intention to apply is due March 21-so don't delay!  Spread the word and be a part of the transformation in this way!


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, Krista Betz at kbetz@pbucc.org 

or 800-642-6543 x2716.   
Yearbook Update

WORTH REPEATING - All church yearbook reports have been sent from our Conference office!  The majority were emailed on Friday, January 24 and Monday, January 27, and a few were snail mailed on those same dates.  If you have not received an email from Colleen Bender with your yearbook attachments, please contact Colleen or myself and we'll be happy to resend to you. 

I've spoken with several of you who are entering your yearbook info online through the National data hub. First of all, let me congratulate you for trying!  If you haven't attempted it, I highly encourage you to try. Church instructions were emailed with your reports which give you a step by step guide for this process.  It's very easy to log in and enter your church's stats, and it also saves our Conference time by having one less church to enter. However please know that if an error is made, you cannot correct it, but we can take care of it for you!  National's data hub does not allow you to delete or change any information once it has been saved.  But not to worry - if you do make a mistake, a simple phone call or email to either Colleen or myself is all you need to do.  Just let us know what needs to be corrected and we'll handle it for you by contacting National.  It's super simple, ta-da!  Plus the National data hub has some really cool reports you can see and print for your specific church. Again, give it a try.  

Several of you have asked why Form E was not included in the attachments this year.  Cleveland did not request this information, so your church has one less form to complete!  Consider it a positive.  While our Conference may ask you for this later, no need to worry about it now.  Only Forms F and G are necessary. 

We've received about 6 church yearbook reports to date, so we have a lot more to go but I know you are all busy working on finding the proper data.  Please take the time to participate in this process for your church.  The statistics you provide are important to the UCC, both locally and nationally. STAND UP AND BE COUNTED!   
New Cornerstone Fund Mission Interpreter for Our Conference


Greetings and grace to you all. I want to introduce myself.  My name is David Moyer, and I have recently taken on the role of "Mission Interpreter" in the Upper Midwest for the Cornerstone Fund of the United Church of Christ.  In July of 2013 I retired as the Conference Minister in the Wisconsin Conference, and I am now enjoying meeting people in this new role.


The Cornerstone Fund is a financial ministry of the United Church of Christ that provides opportunities for individuals, churches, associations, conferences and other institutions related to the United Church of Christ to invest and receive a competitive return on term notes and other financial instruments while supporting ministries of our church.   


The money invested in the Cornerstone Fund is then offered as loans to local churches and UCC related ministries for purposes like new construction, remodeling, new program development, debt consolidation or the growth of ministries.

As a Cornerstone Mission Interpreter, I am available to your congregation or organization to answer questions and provide information on both investments and loans. I invite you to contact me about the ways the Cornerstone Fund of the UCC can be of service to your church. Look for a Cornerstone Fund table in the resource area of your next Conference Annual Gathering in Jefferson City this June.

Please visit the Cornerstone Fund website at cornerstonefund.org for current investment and loan rates and other information, or contact me at dmoyer@cornerstonefund.org or 608-630-3177.   
Get Ready to Dance Tomorrow!


For Chapel on Thursday, February 13th at Eden Seminary they will once again be participating in the international campaign One Billion Rising For Justice to raise awareness about domestic violence.  The official event is on Friday the 14th, but since they do not have Chapel they are doing it on Thursday. service will begin at the regular time, 10 am, but meet in the Schroer Commons.  There will be a short liturgy, followed by a One Billion Rising dance (we'll teach you) and some other dancing, and communion.  There will also be other activities to promote awareness, for those who don't want to dance.    


If you are interested in helping with planning the liturgy, serving Communion, decorating the Commons Wednesday night or leading the dancing, please contact Vanessa Myers-Dudley (vmyers@eden.edu).  They also have an official event page: check it out and share with your churches (http://www.onebillionrising.org/events/eden-theological-seminary-one-billion-rising-chapel/).  The more people in attendance, the more awareness is raised!

Open and Affirming: Blessings on the Way

If you are an Open and Affirming congregation, talking about becoming Open and Affirming or thinking about starting the conversation, if you want to explore how to be effective allies, this meeting is for you. Come be in conversation with others, learn what it means to be Open and Affirming and how to fully express extravagant welcome to all God's children.  If this sounds of interest to you and/or your church, join the Gateway ONA on Saturday, February 22 at First Congregational in Webster Groves at 10 am.   


Registration $15 per person/includes lunch or $75 per church with 5 or more attending.  The keynote address will be presented by Rev. Dr. Jo Hudson.  Also available - Workshops around various issues and concerns including: Initiating ONA Conversations;  Biblical Perspectives;  the ONA Process; Transgender; Youth, GLBT Legal Issues; Bisexuality; Advocacy...and Featuring Resources; Resource People; Displays, Fellowship, Food, and Fun!


Click here for more information and the registration form.  Deadline for registrations is February 20th! 

Join the El Salvador Immersion Trip


Members of Peace UCC are doing an "Immersion Experience" in El Salvador under the direction of International Partners for Mission, August 9-16.  Prof. Clint McCann from Eden Seminary will accompany the group.  Are there any members of our UCC churches that would like to go and enjoy this great experience?  The cost is about $1,250, plus your airfare.  IPM will make all of the arrangements and provide SAvaldorian hosts.  If you are interested, or would like more information about the trip, please contact Mickey Clarke at clarkem@wusm.wustl.edu, or Marilyn Stavenger at mstavenger@eden.edu. 

Mission Funds for the SLA null

The criteria and application for the 2014 SLA Mission Funds can be found on the St. Louis Association page of our Conference website.  The deadline is for ALL applications is Tuesday, April 1st.   

Men's Retreat at Shannondale, May 2-4, 2014

Click here for a printable brochure (in Word) highlighting the weekend events and schedule for the Men's Retreat. For further information or questions, and to register please contact Jonathan Jones at 314-608-0783 or via email jonathan@jonathanjonesconsulting.com  

  • Cost:  $60 per person, which includes your lodging and food

  • Lodging:  Dormitory-style air-conditioned bedrooms. Please bring your own bedding & pillow.Camp sites & camp sites with electrical hook ups are available.

  • Work projects:   Will depend on the number of men & the skills of the men attending.  Please let Jonathan know what specific skills you can provide.  

We hope to see you at Shannondale in May for the Annual Men's Retreat.  Gather a group of guys from your church, work or office, or just a bunch of friends who want to (or maybe need to!) get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and spend a few days getting back to the basics.  Back to the basics of God, fellowship and nature.  See you in May!

Debra Harness Ordination & Installation Invitation

The St. Louis Association of the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ and St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ

cordially invite your presence to the ordination of

Debra A. Harness

to the Ministry of the Word and Sacrament and installation as

 Associate Pastor

of St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3:00 PM

St. Johns Evangelical United Church of Christ

11333 St. Johns Church Road

Saint Louis, Missouri, 63123


All clergy are asked to arrive by 2:30  to assemble for the processional and are invited to robe
and/or wear red.  A reception will follow the service.
Our Amazing Congregations

Telling the Good News is what we are about as Christians. We also know that everyone loves a story. This new and regular feature of the e-courier will tell Good News stories of our MMS congregations. These remarkable and not-so-remarkable acts of faith will inspire you. We also want to hear and share your stories. Send your amazing congregation's story to Colleen Bender at our Conference office: colleen@mmsucc.org 


"Peace is not merely a distant goal ..."  Martin Luther King Jr.

St Louis' Pilgrim Congregational UCC recently held their Annual Joint Martin Luther King Day worship service with Westminster Presbyterian and Union Avenue Christian Church.  Rev. Allen Grothe and the other pastors planned a celebratory worship experience for members of the churches and the community.  The churches' joint choirs uplifted everyone.   The sanctuary also resounded with the congregational singing of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" and ended with "We Shall Overcome," as people spontaneously joined hands with one another.


Guest preacher, professor and performer,  Dr. Jeffrey Q. McCune Jr., powerfully presented his message, "What Shall We Tell Our Children in the Midst of All This Mess?"  He shared that when he was eight years old his teacher asked him to memorize and recite Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech for MLK Day at school.  Because of that, his life's focus was forever changed.  The worship celebration's finale showcased four young students from Afriky Lolo, a local West African Dance Company, led by drummers Diadie Bathily, founder of the company, and Caph Gueu.


Pilgrim has made a commitment over its long history to be an "open door" church-welcoming people of all backgrounds, races, and views.  Pilgrim holds the historic honor of playing a key role in enabling the conversation which led to the 1957 merger creating the UCC and is one of the first churches in the country to intentionally integrate its congregation in 1953.  An amazing congregation!

(With thanks to Dana G. Randolph, The St Louis American)
St. Louis American


Send your amazing congregation's story to colleen@mmsucc.org.  

Mission to Mexico

The Congregation of St. John's, Bem United Church of Christ is planning a Mission Trip to Chiapas, Mexico this summer; and you are invited to attend!  We will be travelling to Chiapas to work with INESIN, one of our United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ Global Ministries Mission Partners.  The trip is tentatively planned for June 4-11, and will cost each participant around $850-$900 (Including airfare).  We will be encouraging fundraising prior to the trip to raise money for the mission work at INESIN; but fundraising to help pay for the cost of the trip is a possibility among participants as well.  The deadline for making a commitment to participate in this trip is March 1. If a deadline extension is needed, please contact Rev. Rick Oberle, rick@bemchurch.com 


Lindsey Mercer, a member of St. John's, Bem, is working for Global Ministries as a Missions Intern in Chiapas at INESIN.  She and the employees of INESIN will be working with us, building relationship with the people of Chiapas and promoting peace in that region.  Knowledge of Spanish is NOT required!  Please click here to finish the article and to see more photos from the October, 2013 trip to Chiapas. 

Family Solutions for Kids: Free Help for Struggling Families

ECH, Every Child's Hope offers Family Solutions for Kids a new program designed to help parents and children who are facing challenges in their family functioning.  


The program is funded 100% through a grant from St. Louis County Children's Service Fund in collaboration with Every Child's Hope and Presbyterian Children's Services.


Family Solutions for Kids is a free in-home intervention tailored to meet the distinct needs of every family served. FSK is available to any St. Louis County family with identified youth ages 4 through 19.


The FSK Case Therapist will be available to the family for an average of 16 weeks depending on the needs of the family. We will assist the family in developing natural supports within the community to help them be successful during the intervention and lasting long after they leave our care.


For referrals, call Michael Brennan at 314-427-3755 or mbrennan@echmail.org

Miracles Unfolding 


Like the unfurling of a leaf or the unwrapping of a flower, miracles sometimes transpire over a period of time, and not all at once. Just as we may watch in anticipation the gradual blooming of a flower, these miracles in our midst are unfolding because of our giving:


70-plus teens will spend this weekend at MoVal exploring and expanding their faith


Clergy and church search committees can now use a newly created and more user-friendly way to create and read profiles


A new 1.5 minute video called "I Feel Love" tells how welcoming the stranger in our churches is a powerful and beautiful story: http://www.ucc.org/news/i-feel-love.html?utm_source=kyp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=kyp021114


Our Church Works Miracles!
  OCWM: creating miracles every day.
Eastern Association Pastor's Lunch

Save the Date - March 4th, noon.  All Eastern Association clergy and a guest are invited to gather for a "Mardi Gras by the River" lunch in celebration of Fat Tuesday at the Chamois Community Center.  We'll have food, music, and fellowship as we prepare to head into the Lenten season.


Please click here for an informational flyer and directions.  You may RSVP to Karen Eck, 636-828-5980 or via email Friedenspastor@centurytel.net 

From the Heritage Committee

Have you ever thought about what happens to the historical records of a church or an institution, such as Deaconess Hospital, after it closes?


There are a number of different UCC-related archives that preserve historical documents and artifacts from churches and church-related organizations.  Some items come from churches or organizations that have closed or no longer have the resources to maintain an archive.  Other items come from thriving churches or organizations that want to assure that some details of their history will be professionally preserved and available for research purposes.  There are four such archives that pertain directly to the Missouri Mid-South Conference.



The Archives at Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves, MO, include collections from the former (German) Evangelical Synod of North America (1840-1934) and from many of the individual churches that were part of that denomination, as well as from the institutions that began as missions of that denomination, such as Deaconess Hospital, the Emmaus Homes and Neighborhood Houses.  


The Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society Archives in Lancaster, PA, is the home of the archives for churches that began as early as 1725 as German Reformed churches.  It also focuses on the former E&R denomination and churches that were part of it, from its beginning by merger with the Evangelical Synod in 1934 until the completion of another merger to form the United Church of Christ in 1957.


The Congregational Library and Archives in Boston, MA, have documents dating back to the 1600's that are associated with the Congregational denomination and its churches.  It is also the home of the records and documents of the denomination of the Congregational Christian Churches (1931 - 1957) and the home of newspapers from the Christian Connection (pre-1931).


The United Church of Christ Archives in Cleveland, OH, preserve documents from the national setting of the UCC (1957 - present) and items from churches and organizations that were originally formed as UCC.   


The small staffs of these organizations work diligently to preserve our rich denominational history for us and future generations.   

-submitted by Joy Dressel 

Young Adult Service Communities Application

Young adults of Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas and beyond, ages 21-35 - Are you looking for a way to make a positive difference in the church and world?  Just YASC! Excitement is building about the UCC Young Adult Service Communities - one near you or in another part of the country.   February is the month for Applications.  The service year is September 2, 2014 - August 2, 2015.  Inquire today UCC Young Adult Service Communities.


First Parish Church United of Westford, MA (near Boston), is a joint UCC-Unitarian church that loves to make everyone feel welcome and engaged.  Old First Reformed UCC in Center City, Philadelphia lives every day as a wellspring of hope for diverse people in their neighborhood, city, region and throughout the world.   A UCC congregation near St. Louis is regenerating their church by working to regenerate their community. On the west coast, Pilgrim UCC in Carlsbad, CA (north San Diego county), is a church committed to inclusion, progressive Christian theology and social justice. And the Justice Leadership Program in Seattle, WA  gives interns the opportunity to link passion for social justice with spiritual and personal growth.   Great community internships are lined up for the right candidates. YASC interns serve both in a community agency and part-time in congregational service at the church. Interns live in intentional community with one another and figure out how to live as 'change-makers' in the world. AmeriCorps education grants are available for interns placed in some community agency positions.

Monthly Health and Wellness Tip Sheet - February


Valentine's Day, February 14th, brings flowers, candy and hearts as gifts. The American Heart Association has designated February as "Go for Red Women" or "Go Red Por Tu Corazon" to raise awareness to saving women's lives and beating heart disease - the number one killer of women. Each year cardiovascular disease claims the lives of nearly a half million women - that is almost one per minute.


Simple changes can make a difference. This month Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries recognizes all that matters to one's heart by asking you to join in "Going Red" for heart disease by making some simple changes that can keep your heart healthy and prevent cardiovascular disease.  These changes are easy to do and can be done by everyone.


First, by shedding just a few extra pounds in weight your heart can be stronger.  Switching sugar and fat for vegetables and fruit can make a big difference in weight reduction over time. Healthy eating begins by making simple changes to eat less fat and salt, five vegetables and three fruits a day, and limiting red meat to only four times a week. Good nutrition is important to heart health!  Click here to finish reading the article, and for a printable version. 

Quotes for Your Week - Be Respectful of Others

As we grow as unique persons, we learn to respect the uniqueness of others.
- Robert H. Schuller

There is no respect for others without humility in one's self.
- Henri Frederic Amiel

There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.
- Nathaniel Branden

Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect.  If it's not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long.
- Amy Grant

Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect.  We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves.
- U. Thant

Once you respect yourself, there is no longer any reason to disrespect anyone else.  Once you are confident of your own worthiness, the worthiness of others ceases to be an issue.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Employment Opportunities
Employment postings will run for one month, unless otherwise specified.

St. Philips UCC, Organist/Pianist, 2/5/14
St Philips UCC in South St. Louis County seeks a musician to provide keyboard music for one Sunday service, and to rehearse with the church choir.  Organ skills preferred, but not required.  Extensive choral experience not required.  Temporary position March 1-August 31, 2014.  $500 per month.  College students with church music experience are encouraged to apply.  For information contact:  Barbara Barnes 314-843-4157, nickh105@msn.com.
Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries, Mapping/Location Coordinator, 2/5/14 
Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries received a grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health to do a mapping project of all the faith communities cross referenced with community health needs. We are seeking a person who would like to work on this project, at least ten hours (can be twenty or more in the summer) during the school year for $10 an hour, plus mileage to drive to see the small store front churches that may not be listed on web or denominational listings. The project runs until October 2014. If you are interested, contact Donna Pupillo at
Samuel UCC, Director of Youth & Family Ministries, 2/12/2014
Samuel United Church of Christ in Clayton, a progressive, Open & Affirming church, is seeking a Director of Youth & Family Ministries to develop and coordinate children and youth ministries for the congregation's youth and their families.  Specifically, we would ask this person to:

*           Support Christian Education Committee in the recruitment of Sunday school teachers

*           Order and coordinate Sunday school curriculum 

*           Teach Sunday school twice a month

*           Plan and execute fellowship, service, and faith-building activities for our elementary-age children and their families (approx. 6 times/year), and older youth (approx. 4 times/year). 

*           Work with the Pastor to plan intergenerational church services 3-4 times/year

*           Plan and execute the annual Christmas program

*           Build relationships with older youth, and assist them in becoming involved in the life of the church

*           Assist the Pastor with confirmation planning and meetings every 2-3 years

*           Participate in the life of the congregation 


This person should have the experience and ability to work with and relate to children and youth, and an interest in understanding the tradition and progressive theology of Samuel.  S/he will report to the Church pastor, and contribute to and gain support from the Consistory and Christian Education Committee.  


This is a 10 hour/week, year-round position with paid vacation.  The DYFM will create, coordinate, and provide a variety of spiritual, fellowship, and mission experiences, and will share some teaching responsibilities.  The DYFM will provide support to families; recruit, train and support adult leaders; and will participate in the life of the congregation and worship with us.


If you are interested in applying for this position, download the application from our website-samuelucc.org- in the Children and Youth section and send the information requested along with your resume to info@samuelucc.org

or via mail to  Youth and Family Minister Search Committee, Samuel UCC, 320 North Forsyth Blvd., Clayton, MO 63105.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.  For more information, visit our website at samuelucc.org.
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Missouri Mid-South Conference United Church of Christ  314-962-8740 or 877-877-5884  
Email renee@mmsucc.org to submit information for a future issue.  Not all submissions may be used in future eCouriers.