Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Thank you - This communication is made possible by your contributions to
Our Church's Wider Mission.  Individual or group donations are welcomed!
Click here to donate today.
Around Your Conference

Notes From Davida...

The signs of autumn are beginning to appear: students have returned to Eden's campus, there's an occasional nip in the air, and Labor Day is past.  In many of our churches, September is budget-building time and the beginning of stewardship season.  And so in this edition of "Notes from Davida", I'm going to address matters of money.


First, a word of thanks to Mr. Roy Dressel, who is a longtime member of St. Lucas UCC and who read of the need at Shannondale for gifts to cover the cost of the new mower and to repair the old tractor.  Mr. Dressel sent a check for $10,000!  For many years, he had served on the Outdoor Ministries Committee of the Conference and chaired its long range planning work, was our Moderator in 1990-91, a General Synod delegate, and member of the St. Louis Association Committee on Ministry in prior years.  We are so grateful for this gift - and for all the gifts that have come to support this need.  With the funds that remain, we are starting a "tractor fund" as it is clear that we should not put more money into repairing the one Shannondale has.  Thank you, everyone!


Then I want to address the financial circumstances of the Conference.  Your leaders were just getting the Conference on a financially sustainable basis when it became necessary to bring me here to snullerve as your Acting Conference Minister, thus resulting in your paying two Conference Ministers ever since June 1.  One major consequence of that is a serious cash flow situation.  Another is a likely significant budget deficit right at a time when you had good reason to expect that not to be the case anymore.


So as one who has come to value you greatly, I want to issue this challenge to you:this is the moment for you as individuals and as churches to rally to support your Conference.  In recent years, many churches have let their commitments to Our Church's Wider Mission erode.Yet as I have traveled among you, I have sensed a deep yearning for a healthy, vibrant Conference, indeed a hunger to be the Conference together, not just to have a Conference.  Many of you know what a difference your Conference can make in the lives of pastors and churches and leaders.
Now is the time for you to evidence your own personal commitment to that vision of a shared life that strengthens everyone by giving - giving of your own resources, and giving through increasing your church's support of OCWM.
Many of you have been incredibly generous in your words of praise for my time with you. I am indebted to you for the gift of this time, despite the difficult circumstances.  Among you, I have found gifted ministers and laity, devoted Christian leaders, warm and thoughtful people, and tremendous potential as a Conference.  I would prefer not to leave here carrying my worries for your financial well-being.  If during these three months you have begun to catch a vision of renewal and refreshment of your life together, if you have begun to dream of new ways of being the Conference together, then I encourage you to join me in giving.  I will start the fund with a check for $500.  It's simple: make the check out to Missouri Mid-South Conference UCC and send it to 483 E. Lockwood Avenue, Suite 15, St. Louis, MO 63119-3168, and mark the memo line "Friends of the Conference".  Or go to www.mmsucc.org and click on the Donate button on the right side of the home page, or to make it even easier - just scroll up within this eCourier and click on the "Click here to donate today" link.  The opportunity to give to your Conference is offered within each eCourier each week.  Please do it now while it is fresh on your mind and stirring in your heart! 

Generosity knows no season.  Yet certain seasons create needs for generosity and this is one of those.  I hope you will join me in supporting this Conference at this moment in its life!


Davida Foy Crabtree

Acting Conference Minister 

Thank You and Goodbye to Our Davidagoodbye


Goodbyes are as much a part of life as the seasons of the year.                   


The story of gain and loss, of joy and sorrow, of life and death, of union and separation, is inside each one of us. . .

The word goodbye-originally "God-be-with-ye" or "Go with God"- was a recognition that God was a significant part of the going. ~ Joyce Rupp in

"Praying our Goodbyes."


Although it comes far too soon for many of us, it is time to say farewell, goodbye, "God be with you" to our Acting Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Davida Foy Crabtree.  Davida has been a most significant part of our life together in the Missouri Mid-South Conference since she came to us from Connecticut in late May.  We have been blessed, enriched, challenged, and strengthened by her pastoral presence, wisdom and encouragement.


Everyone is invited to a time of leave-taking and celebration of Davida's altogether-too-short ministry in our midst.  Please place the date on your calendar:


Saturday, September 7th  

2:00 to 4:00 pm 

Columbia United Church of Christ, 3201 I-70 Dr. NW, Columbia, MO 65202 


If you can't attend and would like to send a thank you, a personal note or best wishes to Davida, please email your message to mms@mmsucc.org.  We hope to see you there!  

HURRY!  PIM Retreat Registration Deadline Is HERE!!!    


Click here for all registration materials for the PIM Retreat on September 16-18 at The Resort at Port Arrowhead -  3080 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO  65049.  Everyone attending is required to complete a registration form so we know who will be attending and we also need a count for meals.  If you are planning to attend, please send your form and $125 registration fee to the MMSUCC Conference office as soon as possible.    


All MMSUCC and Mid-America Region clergy are welcome.  If you are a lay person, please encourage your church to send your pastor to this worthwhile annual event.  It not only promotes spirituality, but also contributes to our continued partnership with the Disciples of Christ.   


The theme of the retreat is "Honest to God Prayer: Being Still while in Motion" and will be led by Kent Ira Groff. Kent is a spiritual companion for journeyers and leaders, a retreat director and a writer poet living in Denver, Colorado. Honest to God Prayer is his tenth and newest book. Dr. Groff is founding mentor of Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development, Camp Hill, Pa. With experience as a pastor of congregations, a chaplain, and a seminary teacher, he describes his work as one beggar showing other beggars where to find bread.  


The annual PIM retreat is a fabulous place to relax, renew and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.    

Last Chance - Boundary Training at Eden, September 6 Eden logo

Eden has added a boundary training session on Friday, September 6, 2013, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room 201 in the Press Building on campus.


The workshop will be led by Jane Porchey and Bruce Moeller of the MMSUCC. Registration fee is $50, lunch will not be provided. To register please contact Chris Davis, cdavis@eden.edu / 314.918.2547.


If you need to fulfill your boundary training requirement, please click here for the MMSUCC sponsored sessions.  Only 3 dates remain in 2013!   

Church Transitions and Searches Protocol
We understand that there is some lack of clarity about how transitions in churches are being handled with all the developments in our shared life lately.  Let's clarify as best we can!

For the near future, all communication related to churches in transition should be directed to Rev. Dale Parson, Associate Conference Minister, at his office in Independence: 816-257-9826 or at his cell phone: 816-806-0499.  Even better will be emails to him at dale@mmsucc.org.  His mailing address is 717 Piute, Independence, MO 64056.


Your staff are in the process of updating the forever changing information about what churches are in which stage of transition and ensuring that we have correct contact information for every search committee.  That information is being compiled by Renee Cordes, Administrative Coordinator, and she may be reached at renee@mmsucc.org if you have an update for us. To ensure consistent communication between your church and our conference, it will be best to email Dale and cc: Renee on emails regarding any transitions happening within your church.


We know that there is a general understanding across your Conference that much is in flux in our common life.  We also know that it can be disconcerting when things change.  We are working hard to make the changes as seamless as possible, still we know there will be rough patches, so please let us know when you have a need we haven't been aware of!  We are here to serve and to lead, but no one does that well without good constructive feedback.  We will value yours! 

"My Faith, My World, My Voice" Video Contest  




Do you know any young adults with a talent for creating inspiring videos?  The UCC is inviting individuals ages 18-35 to create a short video - 60 seconds or less, expressing how their faith transforms, connects or touches the world.  The contest is a great way opportunity for young adults to share their faith and inspire others.  The creator of the video that earns the most votes on YouTube will be awarded $5,000 and national recognition on ucc.org.  Additional information about the contest can also be found on the web:  http://www.ucc.org/videocontest.  The deadline to submit entries is October 31, 2013. 

Start a project within your church to see which young adult can submit the most creative video and then share them with your Conference office.  Show your MMS spirit and love of the UCC!
EA Confirmation Retreat confirmation - Registrations Due!
Registrations are due this Friday for the Eastern Association Confirmation Retreat to be held on Saturday September 14th, 8:30am to 4:00pm, at Emmaus Home in Marthasville. This will be a great opportunity to meet youth from other churches and learn from each other. The all day event includes Global Citizens program, dental missions in South America, and Emmaus Homes mission in this area.  We'll spend time with Emmaus residents and learn about their gifts, and the afternoon will be spent helping with work projects around the campus.  There is no cost to churches or attendees for this event!   


Click here for an information flyer and here for the registration form, which will be emailed to churches this week.  Reminder - registrations are due September 6.  If you haven't received forms or have questions contact Rev Karen Eck at friedenspastor@centurytel.net or call 636-828-5980.  
Alive and Well STL Radio health

The Regional Health Commission (RHC) in partnership with RareGem Productions is hosting a mini-series (13 weeks) of weekly fifteen-minute radio programs on Monday's at 10 am on Hallelujah 1600 based on specific health findings.  If you aren't able to tune in the station you can listen or download the programs from www.aliveandwellstl.com.
Program topics include mental health, breast cancer, and "Youth Violence: Engage and Disarm" with Rev. Starsky Wilson and Nieghl Johnson.  Find the entire schedule here. 

CWS "Health and Safety in Disaster Recovery" Webinar, September 10

Health and Safety are vital components of disaster relief and recovery, not only for the survivors, but also for the null volunteers who are often in risky environments.  Claire Galiano, a health and safety trainer with the New Jersey Work Environment Council (NJWEC), will lead a CWS Webinar on "Health and Safety in Disaster Recovery" September 10, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time.   

Galiano has played an important role in the recovery process following Superstorm Sandy.  She will be joined by Bill Hubler and Jonathan Morawetz, who also have worked with the United Church of Christ, CWS, and various recovery organizations during numerous training events.  These events include "Recovery Tools and Training" workshops in New Jersey following Superstorm Sandy, and in New York City following the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Participation is free.  Register here: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/176790954


A Multi-Faith Meditation with Inner Jazz Concert - FREE

Explore the landscape of the soul through the transformative spirit of jazz on Sunday, September 8 at 5:00 pm, Kirkwood UCC.  Inner Jazz is a monthly soulful journey led by Rev. Cliff Aerie and Rev. Betsy Happel.  Inner Jazz blends jazz, storytelling, the arts and meditation to explore timely themes - a unique spiritual adventure.  The event is free and open to all.  Click here for the event flyer.

Peace Day, September 21 - Pray for Peace

Organize an event in your community with prayer, cultural sharing, music, art, and peace education to interrupt violence and to get your community talking and praying for peace together on or near September 21, 2013.  Read how other churches and cities are getting involved.  What will YOUR church do to promote peace?
September 11th Interfaith Memorial in Music Event - FREE

All are invited to the 3rd Annual September 11th Interfaith Memorial in Music to be held at 5:30pm on Sunday,  September 8th, 2013 at The Sheldon Concert Hall in St. Louis. The event is free and open to the public. Interfaith Partnership is one of many sponsors, as well as Arts & Faith St. Louis, a working group pursuing collaboration between faith and the arts.   


Internationally renowned soprano Christine Brewer and St. Louis acclaimed jazz pianist and composer Peter Martin, renowned St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster David Halen and the St. Louis Children Choir will all perform.


The keynote speaker will be Sr. Mary Jean Ryan, Franciscan Sister of Mary (FSM), and Chair of the Board of SSM Health Care (SSMHC), one of the largest Catholic health care systems in the United States. The system owns, manages and is affiliated with 23 acute care hospitals and two nursing homes in four states: Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin and Oklahoma. In 2002, SSM Health Care became the first health care recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's premier award for performance excellence and quality achievement.


Click here for the event flyer and click here to make a donation to support this great event. 


The Story - Bible Reading Campaign

Friedens UCC in Warrenton is launching a groundbreaking Bible reading campaign by using The Story.  The Story presents the word of God in an engaging and easily understood format because it reads like a novelFriedens UCC plans to begin The Story experience on Saturday, September 28 at a new, weekly 6:00 pm service. 

Click here to read more of how this church and their pastor, Rev. Jason Emmerson, are encouraging more people to read the Bible.  Maybe your church can begin a similar program! 
Gateway ONA - The Future of LGBT Ministry and Advocacy 


The United Church of Christ Coalition for LGBT Concerns and the United Church of Christ Office for Health and Wholeness Advocacy have launched The Churchwide Consultation on the Future of LGBT Ministry and Advocacy. The Consultation is meant to be a listening project that takes place in as many setting of the UCC as possible. We are interested in hearing from any and all churches regardless of ONA status and encourage as many as possible to participate.  Click here for further info.

We have three conversations are planned within the Missouri Mid-South Conference:

  • Sunday, September 8 at 4:00 p.m. at St. Peter's United Church of Christ, 20 East Fifth Street, Washington, Missouri 63090; Phone: 636-239-6176.  We will gather in the Atrium Room.
  • Saturday, September 21 at 10:00 a.m. at Epiphany United Church of Christ, 2911 McNair Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri  63118.
  • Friday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Eden Theological Seminary, 475 East Lockwood Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri  63119.  We will gather in Room 201.  

The Gateway ONA will meet on the following days, beginning at 7:00 pm in the McCarthy Room of Eden Theological Seminary:

  • September 26, October 24, November 21, December 19.

The Annual Gateway ONA Convocation:  Saturday, February 22, 2014 at First Congregational Church UCC of Webster Groves. 

Apple Pickin' for St. Andrews Society null  

Gleaning America's Fields - Feeding America's Hungry.  On Saturday, Sept 7th, 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. in Independence, MO the St. Andrews Society needs a field supervisor and 10-20 gleaners for apple picking.


If you can help supervise or glean, please e-mail Karin Page at 
GleanKC@endhunger.org and she will give further directions. 
Visit their website for other gleaning events.   Thanks so very much for helping feed people in need!

Eastern Association Fall Meeting Info   


You are invited and called to participate in the Annual Fall Business Meeting of the Eastern Association of the Missouri Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ! 


The Eastern Association Fall Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 22; 2:00 p.m. at Femme Osage United Church of Christ, 4360 Cappeln Osage Road, Augusta.  


Please click here for further information.  Please contact Karen Watson, swatson002@centurytel.net, 636-236-5611 with any questions regarding the meeting.   

Western Association Fall Fellowship Rally on Spirituality    spirit


Western Association Fall Fellowship Rally is Saturday, Sept. 28th, at Ebenezer UCC in Levasy, MO from 10:00am to 3:00pm. The theme is Spirituality and Rev. Carol Shanks, Director of Admissions at Eden Seminary and Pastor of Bethel UCC, Cahokia, Illinois, will speak on "Body Building: No Pain but Plenty of Gain." There will also be Workshops on Prayer, Spiritual Discernment, and the Nature of Spirituality. Registration is $15.00 at the door which includes refreshments and lunch. Please contact Rev. Bob Atkinson, Assn. Secretary at 816-237-9222 or robertatkinson@sbcglobal.net 

Further info for the event:  Invitation, Agenda, Flyer 

St. Louis Association Fall Annual Meeting    fall


The SLA Fall meeting will be held on Saturday, October 5th at Parkway UCC, 2841 N. Ballas Rd., St. Louis, MO 63131.  Registration will begin at 8:30 am.  Further information will be emailed to churches and authorized ministers soon.  We hope you can join us!  

Like the MMSUCC on Facebook! null  

Be sure to Like Us on Facebook! Your Conference office is posting more often and we would love to get everyone more involved in our social media.  Make sure the youth in your church are aware of our Conference page so they can keep updated, and that goes for the adults as well!  Our Likes are growing each day - but we want more!  Is there a topic you'd like to see posted on Facebook?  Let us know at mms@mmsucc.org
2nd Annual Eden Festival of Psalms and Psalm-Singing Workshop  
You all are cordially invited and encouraged to attend the 2nd Annual Eden Festival of Psalms on Sunday evening, September 29, 2013 at 7:00 in the Wehrli Chapel in the Press Building on the campus of Eden Seminary, 475 E. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119.  Click here to read more about the event! 


Festival of Sharing  Festival of Sharing

The third Saturday of October is the day that people of faith, from many different denominations all over the state, gather at the Missouri State Fairgrounds, in Sedalia. The groups and families bring money that has been raised and "kits" that have been assembled during the year. Volunteers help to sack rice, beans and potatoes for distribution to Missouri agencies. In the afternoon state agencies bring their trucks and trailers to receive the kits, rice, beans and potatoes to distribute to their clients. Kits, assembled for Church World Service, are loaded on a semi truck to continue their journey to other parts of the world.

Visit their website to see how you, your church or workplace might contribute.  Also take a moment to click on the Donate button and see the many different organizations that need our help, such as The Rainbow Network, Patch, Foods Resource Bank, Bread for the World and more.  Start a challenge at your church or office.  Be a leader, be the difference, change begins with you!

Hungry for God?

Be part of YouthFest October 18-19 as we become more informed of the hunger issues faced by communities around the world and serve in ministry together to end poverty and hunger.  Early Bird registration ends September 9th!  Get details and register online at http://tinyurl.com/YOUFest. 

Neighborhood Houses - 100 Years of New Beginnings   NH logo

Neighborhood Houses is celebrating 100 years of strengthening children and families! 100 years of faces, stories, families, and dreams -

100 years of new beginnings.  The weekend of November 1st-3rd is the culmination of a year-long celebration, so please join us!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Centennial Lecture:  Modern Settlement Houses & Community Development

Time:  7:30 - 9:00 a.m.

Location:  Wehrli Chapel in the Samuel D. Press Education Center at Eden Seminary

Free and open to the public


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Centennial Celebration Gala

Time:  6:00 - 11:00 p.m.

Location:  The Four Seasons Hotel 

Tickets start at $175 per person.  Click here to buy tickets now!  

Honorary Chairs and Presenting Sponsor:  Ward and Carol Klein (members at First Congregational in Clayton)

Gala Chairs:  Jim and Sheila Schnurbusch (Jim and Sheila are both long-time volunteers)


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Centennial Closing Worship Service

Time:  3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Location:  Wehrli Chapel in the Samuel D. Press Education Center at Eden Seminary

Open to everyone!


For questions about any of the Centennial Events, please contact Ellen Reed-Fox, Vice President of Development, at ereedfox@neighborhoodhouses.org or 314-383-1733, ext. 15.

Job Opportunities

Congregational Life & Mission Associate Pastor - part time - Webster Groves Christian Church (7/9/13) 

Interested candidates may contact Dr. Penny Ross-Corona, Southeast Gateway Area of the Christian Church of Mid-America, at 314-918-2515 for further information or click here for the full job description.


Director of Christian Education - part time - St. John's UCC, Chesterfield (9/3/13)  

This is a part-time 20 hours a week position.The ideal candidate will be responsible for planning, organizing and implementing a comprehensive program of Christian Education for children and youth.  This will include directing Children's Ministry through weekly Sunday school and Children's Worship along with special programs, such as VBS, Christmas Program, and other Sunday school events.  An energetic and enthusiastic person of strong faith is needed who has experience in working with children in a faith based setting.   A college degree is preferred and

musical talent is a plus.  Resumes only, no calls please.  Please submit a job specific cover letter and resume to:

stjohnsucccareers@yahoo.com    For a complete job description go to www.stjohnsuccchesterfield.org.  

Conference Quick Links
Contact Us

Missouri Mid-South Conference United Church of Christ  314-962-8740 or 877-877-5884  
Email renee@mmsucc.org to submit information for a future issue.  Not all submissions may be used in future eCouriers.