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February 2014

Renyi Zhang is named University Distinguished Professor
Dr. Renyi Zhang joins colleagues Dr. Gerald North and professors emeriti Drs. Robert Duce and Worth Nowlin as University Distinguished Professors. Articles about this award are in TAMUTimes and on the Geosciences website
In This Issue

Dean Kate Miller
 Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations to Renyi Zhang who has just been appointed as a University Distinguished Professor. This is among the highest honors awarded to Texas A&M faculty members. He joins a select group of more than 70 current faculty members who hold this title, including our own Jerry North, Bob Duce, and Worth Nowlin. 


Last week, the university awarded the college $2 million as one-time seed funding towards establishing a Geospatial Information and Technology Center where researchers from across the campus will work together. The funds will be used to purchase infrastructure such as a geospatial computing system (cloud, storage, computation, communication, and geovisualization equipment and software). These funds will support the university-wide effort to establish a center led by Michael Bishop in Geography. This effort has already resulted in establishment of an interdisciplinary research program and the permission to develop a proposal for a Board of Regents approved center with support from faculty in numerous departments, colleges, research centers, institutes and the VPR's office. We anticipate that this center will support a variety of multidisciplinary research efforts on campus, as geospatial technology solutions, environmental and Earth science applications are required by many other scientists and engineers.


As part of our efforts to significantly advance research and instructional excellence in fields related to scientific ocean drilling, the college will launch a search for up to four faculty members who will complement and expand existing university-wide strengths in scientific ocean drilling, especially through the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). A search committee, headed by Jack Baldauf has been formed. Members include representatives from each academic department and IODP. Depending on academic expertise, successful candidates will be appointed as a tenured or tenure-track faculty member in any of our academic departments with the option of joint appointments as appropriate.  


The academic advisors in our college, led by Roxanna Russell, have come up with an innovative approach to help our undergraduate majors meet a new state requirement to file a degree plan to chart their progress to graduation. The advisors are now leading a series of small group sessions for students by meeting in computer labs to provide instruction on how to navigate the software on Howdy. It has been a unique opportunity to work one-on-one with students and to ensure that they are moving efficiently through their degree plans. Eventually, departments will be able to use data mined from the students' plans to reliably plan course offerings. Our goal is to be 100 percent compliant with the law by May 1.


March 3-7 is Staff Appreciation Week at Texas A&M University. I ask that you join me in recognizing our outstanding staff members by stopping to thank them for their work. Their team effort is central to the successful operation of our college. In addition to offering personal thanks, the Dean's Office is sponsoring breakfast for staff at various sites around the college on March 6.


Next up is spring break. I hope you enjoy the time off, and come back energized to finish the semester.




Kate C. Miller


College News

Faculty Search
The Department of Oceanography is interviewing for a chemical oceanographer. Dr.
Jessica Fitzsimmons, Rutgers University, and Dr. Cassandra Gaston, University of
Washington, were interviewed in mid-February. Two additional candidates will be
interviewed in March.

All-Staff Meeting
Thank you to all of the staff that participated in the All-Staff Meeting, Feb. 26 in O&M 112. Your feedback from the meeting is vital to the growth of the college work environment.

Climate Change Workshop

Climatologists from the College of Geosciences will present two sessions on the current state of climate science, March 10 and 17. The first-of-its-kind workshop is being offered to help the university community better understand the science of climate change and how the Earth's climate will develop over the rest of this century. Details are on the news site. 


Advising Awards

Nominations are open for the the Robert C. Runnels Excellence in Advising Award, which recognizes, encourages, and rewards faculty and staff whose advising fosters the academic, intellectual, and personal growth of undergraduate students.

All faculty and staff in the College of Geosciences are eligible. Because of the traditional emphasis on faculty advising in the college, special consideration will be given to faculty, but academic advisors are also eligible and in many cases highly qualified and deserving. Nominees must have one year of service in the capacity of advising as of January 2014.

Nomination packets are due to the Office of the Dean by 5 p.m., April 14, attention Dr. Sarah Witham Bednarz. 


Save the Date for Scholarship Banquet

Faculty members and scholarship recipients are invited to the annual Donor Recognition and Scholarship Banquet, 6 p.m., April 4, Jon L. Hagler Center. Invitations will soon be in the mail, but you can reserve of the College of Geosciences website.

News from Texas A&M Galveston 

Submitted by Dr. Peter Loucheroun, vice president for academic affairs  

New Graduate Fellowships at TAMUG
I am pleased to announce a new graduate-student funding initiative that will help establish stronger bonds between graduate faculty and students across a number of academic units in Galveston and College Station. The competitive fellowship program recrui talented new graduate student, with a focus on merit and diversity, to work under the direction of TAMUG faculty. All graduate students undertaking a research-based program (thesis option) are eligible, either at TAMUG or Texas A&M in College Station.

We have secured permanent funding for six, two-year fellowships, which will be rolled out over the next two years, with three offered in fall 2014 and three in fall 2015.

I have to personally thank Karen Butler-Perry for helping this initiative with tuition funds for any students that may be awarded such fellowships in the next two years. Her effort will greatly enhance our research collaborations across the two campuses and on behalf of the students and faculty, I thank her for her support.

Details of eligibility and guidelines for nominations and preparation of application dossiers can be found at the following on the TAMUG website.

Welcoming new faculty

Department of General Academics  

Dr. JoAnn Digeorgio-Lutz (tenured full professor), head  

Department of Maritime Biology 
Dr. Ron Eytan, tenure-track assistant professor  
Dr. Maria Pia Miglietta, tenure-track assistant professor 
Department of Maritime Transportation
Capt. Jaime Bourgeois, assistant professor of the practice

Faculty searches
Marine Sciences: Three candidates for head of the Department of Marine Science interview in Galveston and with the Department of Oceanography to better integrate efforts in ocean sciences

Maritime Systems Engineering/Marine Engineering Technology: Two tenure-track positions,   instructural engineering with a specialty in ocean engineering and instructional engineering for first-year course instruction


Maritime Biology: Tenure-track position for assistant professor in marine toxicology


TAMUG faculty in the world and in the news
I write this from the beautiful island of Oahu where I am attending the Biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting with a large contingent of our faculty and students. It is very impressive to realize the number of people that TAMUG has sent to this meeting. I have attended a number of presentations of our faculty and students and I am very proud of the level and quality of the work. Great job! 

 Professional Activities



AMS Annual Meeting

The Department of Atmospheric Sciences students and faculty attended the 94th annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society, Feb. 2-6, in Atlanta, Ga. Events included a reception for alumni and friends.


Oral presentations and panels

Air Quality and Atmospheric Chemistry Measurements II: Measurements of Submicron Aerosols during the Cal-Mex 2010 Field Campaign. Misti Levy*, R. Zhang, J. Zheng


Analysis and Forecasting with Ensemble or Probabilistic Techniques I: Investigation of the Dynamics of the Forecast Errors with the THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble. Michael A. Herrera*, I. Szunyogh


Atmospheric and Oceanic Observations III: Remote Sensing and In-Situ: On-Demand Radisosonde Observations to Aid Severe and Hazardous Weather Forecasting in the Southeast Texas Upper-Air Sparse Region. Don Conlee, L. Wood, R. C. Sodowsky**


Climate Data and Modeling Applied to Long-Term Renewable Energy Resource Development: Wind Resource Assessment Utilizing Time-Averaged Community Earth System Model data. Jesse M. Steinweg-Woods*, R. Saravanan



Poster Sessions

Avery Tomasco**, J. Hernandez**, C. Thomas**, R. Sodowsky**, L. Barta**, C. Holt*, D. Conlee. Mobile Upper Air Observations in Support of the MPEX Field Experiment


Bingqi Yi, P. Yang. Evolution of dust aerosol single-scattering properties during transport


Chao Liu, P. Yang, S. L. Nasiri. A fast radiance simulator for the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)


Christopher M. Maderia* (GEOG). Importance of tree type and precipitation estimates for modeling hurricane-induced power outages


Dillon J. Amaya**G. R. Foltz. Impacts of canonical and Modoki El Nino on tropical Atlantic SST


Jeffrey C. Cohen**, A. Tomasco**, J. Rivas, D. T. Conlee. Wireless Sensor Data Transmission Techniques in High Precision Meteorological Instrumentation


Kathryn Westerman**, R. J. Chilton**, K. J. Cobb**, L. E. Seidensticker**G. Sims, L. Gerber-Chavez** (GEOG), H. Upton*, D. T. Conlee. Micrometeorological Instrumentation of a Green Roof and Living Walls Project


Renyi Zhang, M. Levy* and J. Zheng. Measurements of Submicron Aerosols in Houston, Texas


Sarah E. Spivey**, D. T. Conlee, M. Murat**, R. C. Sodowsky**. Beta-testing of New InterMet Systems Radiosonde Software


Wei-Chun Hsieh, R. Saravanan, P. Chang, S. Mahajan. The influence of tropical air-sea interaction on the climate impact of aerosols: a hierarchical modeling approach


Yuan WangR. Zhang. Aerosol-Cloud Interaction from Asian Pollution on Local, Region, and Global Scale



R. SaravananCreating a browser-based virtual computer lab in the cloud for instruction and visualization using Python 

Dr. Mona Behl (TXSG), co-organized and co-chaired the 12th Symposium on Coastal Environment at the AMS meeting. Twenty scientists from around the country presented their research results.


Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference

The Department of Oceanography and Geochemical Environmental Research Group (GERG) attended the conference, Jan. 26-29, in Mobile, Ala., as well as meetings for GoMRI and GISR, Jan. 30-31.


Dr. Matthew Howard organized and co-chaired a conference session, "Data Management and Informatics Supporting Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science," and presented "What's in a Name? Vocabularies for Search, Browse and Interoperability."


Dr. Terry Wade (invited workshop presenter), presented NOAA Status and Trends and Other Programs: Quality Assurance/Quality Control. GoMRI Hydrocarbon Analyses QA/QC Workshop.


T. S. Bianchi, C. Osburn, S. Yvon-Lewis, M. Shields*, J. Young*, L. Guo, Z. Zho, Deep Water Horizon Oil in Gulf of Mexico Waters after TwoYears: Transformation into the Dissolved Organic Matter Pool.


S. F. DiMarco, L. Spencer*, J. Kuehl, N. L. Guinasso, C. Nygren*, P. Chapman, R. Montuoro, J. Kurian, V. Khade, P. Chang, J. R. Ledwell, Volume and mass transport on the continental slope near the Macondo spill site from a moored deepwater current meter array.


M. Du *, S. Yvon-Lewis, D. Valentine, S. Mendes*, J. Kessler, High resolution flux measurements of methane and carbon dioxide reveal the influence of the depth of release on emission rates to the atmosphere.


R. Hetland, A submesoscale eddy field along the Mississippi/ Atchafalaya River plume front.


M.K. Howard, F.C. Gayanilo , C.A. Rueda, T. A. Chavez, J.C. Gibeaut, What's in a Name? Vocabularies for Search, Browse and Interoperability.


V. Khade, P. Chang, I. Szunyogh, R. Montuoro, J. Kurian, K. Thyng, Quantification of the uncertainty in the BP oil spill using a mesoscale coupled model: An ensemble based approach.


J. Kuehl, L. Spencer*, S. DiMarco, N. Guinasso, C. Nygren*, Deepwater variability as seen by the GISR mooring array.


J. Kuehl, K. Thyng, P. Chapman, GISR Drift Card Program: Surface Transport Observation.


J. R. Ledwell, R. He, Z. Xuo, P. Chang, R. Montuoro, J. Olascoaga, J. J. Kuehl, S. Dimarco, L. Spencer*, P. Chapman, Tracer dispersion at mid-depth in the Gulf of Mexico: Field experiment and simulations.


Y. Lee, E. North, A. Thessen, S. McGinnis, E. Adams, R. He, M. Du*, J. Kessler, Integrating Models and Observations to Estimate Subsurface Degradation Rates and Oil Transport.


I. Mitchell, E. North, R. He, R. Hetland, P. Chang, R. Montuoro, The Influence of Grid Resolution and Wind Specification on the Prediction of Transport of Oil at the Surface.


R. Montuoro, J. Kurian, P. Chang, R. Saravanan, Oil Spill Forecast in the Gulf of Mexico Using a High Resolution Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model.


M. D. Rayson, E. S. Gross, R. D. Hetland, O. B. Fringer, Tracer age as a diagnostic for understanding the relationship between surface and boundary forcing and estuarine circulation.


D. Shi*, T. L. Wade, S. T. Sweet, N. L. Guinasso, Estimated Oil Equivalents in the Water Column three years after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.


A. M. Shiller, D. Joung, T. Wade, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Distribution and Modification in the Sub-surface Plume Near the Deepwater Horizon Wellhead.


L.J. Spencer *, S.F. DiMarco, J. Kuehl, R. Montuoro, V.M. Khade, J. Kurian, P. Chang, Water Column Inertial and Sub-In

ertial Oceanic Response to Hurricane Isaac in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. 

K.M. Thyng, R.D. Hetland, Texas-Louisiana shelf connectivity and time variability using particle tracking  


T.L. Wade, J.L. Sericano, S.T. Sweet, N.L. Guinasso, Distribution of Water Column Hydrocarbon from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 


T.L. Wade, D. Shi*, P. Chapman, S.T. Sweet, N.L. Guinasso, Hercules 252 Gas Blowout Rapid Response: Water Sample Estimated Oil Equivalents 

Z. Wang, S.F. DiMarco, The Role of Turbulence in the Mixing and Diffusion of Oil in the Gulf of Mexico.


J. Young *, S. Yvon-Lewis, T. Bianchi, M. Shields*, R. Reddig, M. Du*, Linkages with dissolved inorganic/organic carbon, pH, and oil and gas emissions in the Gulf of Mexico.

*graduate student; **undergraduate 

Heather Wade (TXSG) presented "Bringing Texas Coastal CHARM to Rockport, Texas: Using Real-time GIS Modeling and an Interactive Tabletop to Help Coastal Communities Plan for the Future," at Bay Talks at the Bay Education Center in Rockport, Jan. 31




IODP Expedition 349, South China Sea Tectonics, is under way, Jan. 26-March 30. Dr. Denise Kulhanek (IODP) is staff scientist. The expedition ends in Keelung, Taiwan. Expedition scientists are investigating the opening of the South China Sea and its implications for southeast Asian tectonics, climates and deep mantle processes since the late Mesozoic.  




Geoscience Senators


Congratulations to junior Environmental Studies students Elora Arana and Kaitlyn Simpson

who were elected by geosciences students to represent them in the 67th Legislature of the Texas A&M Student Senate. Both students are leaders within the college and campus and plan to increase geosciences student participation on campus affairs. If students have an issue that they would like brought to the senate, please email:


The Student Geosciences' Council hosted a very successful Geosciences Career Fair in the the MSC Feb. 10. The story is on the College of Geosciences news site.


Jessica Wang, senior meteorology major, was selected by the College of Geosciences 

to receive the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation Undergraduate Student 

Travel Grant for $250.00. This award provides educational opportunities to Texas
A&M students in support of travel to conferences, research projects, study, or
internships in the United States and abroad. Jessica used the grant to travel to the
AMS Student Conference earlier in February. 

Dr. Yuan Wang, a former graduate student in ATMO, was recently awarded the first prize of the 2014 COAA-Springer Dissertation Award at AMS. He completed his dissertation under Dr. Renyi Zhang (ATMO) in August 2013 and is  a post-doc fellow at the NASA-Jet Propulsion Laboratory. During his doctoral research at Texas A&M, Wang published 11 papers in Nature Communications, Nature Climate Change, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, and Atmospheric Environment, including five first author articles. His research produced a major breakthrough on the assessment of the climatic impacts of Asian air pollution and was picked up by media outlets worldwide, including Smithsonian Online, Science Daily, Wired, Earthweek, Discovery News, and Futurity. The COAA-Springer Dissertation Award includes a cash award of 500 euros and a contract for publication of his dissertation.




Dr. Mark Lemmon (ATMO) is on THE team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory that used the Mars Curiosity cameras to image

Earth from Mars in the evening twilight sky. 


The skull of an infant, 12,650 years old, indicates that Native Americans originated from a single mass migration from Asia rather than additional sporadic ingress from Europe and Polynesia. Although the grave was found in 1968, more advanced methods in DNA analysis gave Dr. Michael R. Waters (ANTH/GEOG) and other researchers the tools they needed to perform a complete genome sequence. The results were published in Nature and the news spread worldwide. An article in the Chronicle of Higher Education refers to Dr. Waters as the "grandmaster" of the new movement "archeology of archeology," which refers to researchers returning to old sites armed with news tools of investigation. 

Meteorology as an undergraduate major and the Texas Aggie Stormchasers were featured in the first issue of the Office of Admissions magazine Aggie Bound. The article quoted Dr. Don Conlee (ATMO) on the merits of majoring in meteorology. 





Brannstrom, C., S. Trimble, A. Santos, H. Lee Brown, C. Houser. "Perception of the rip current hazard on Galveston Island and North Padre Island, Texas, USA," Natural Hazards [10.1007/s11069-014-1061-3] 


Kim, M.*, R. S. Bednarz.

"Effects of a GIS Course on Self-Assessment of Spatial Habits of Mind (SHOM)," Journal of Geography, Vol. 122(4), pp. 165-177   


Kim, M.*, R. S. Bednarz. "Development of Critical Spatial Thinking Through GIS Learning," Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Vol. 37(3) pp. 350-366. 


Yoshikawa, A.*, R. S. Bednarz. "Gender Differences in Mobility Adaptations of Senior Citizens: A Case Study of Yao City, Japan," Activities, Adaptation & Aging, Vol. 37(4), pp. 297-318


Texas Sea Grant

Dr. Pamela Plotkin (TXSG) co-authored a letter that appeared in the Jan. 31, 2014, issue of Science. She describes the need for ongoing research funding to support the recovery of the Kemp's ridley sea turtle in the face of natural and man-made stressors. 


Mike Haby and Gary Graham (both TXSG), published "Reducing Fuel Use in the Southeastern U.S. Shrimp Fishery with Vented, Cambered Doors and Braided, Sapphire Webbing." The publication describes verified fuel savings with a new type of trawl gear and explains the economic analysis shrimp fishermen can use to determine the cost savings. 




Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon (ATMO) has been selected to serve on a new National Academies committee to review the NSF draft of science goals and objectives for the atmospheric and geospace sciences. He joins nine other nationally known scientists, including representatives from WHOI, NCAR, Harvard and the universities of Colorado-Boulder, Miami and Arizona. 


Dr. Robert A. Duce, distinguished professor emeritus and former dean (OCNG/ATMO), participated in the advisory group meeting of the National Academy of Sciences $500 million Gulf Research Program, Feb. 10-13, Houston. 


Dr. Tony Knap (GERG) was reappointed for the sixth year to the executive committee of the Partnership for Observations of the Global Ocean.


Knap was also selected to serve on the review board for the Institute of Basic Science at its symposium in Seoul, South Korea, Feb. 11-14.  


Terrie Looney, Julie Massey, and

Cindie Powell (all TXSG) hosted the National Ocean Sciences Bowl Dolphin Challenge, Feb. 1, Texas A&M University at Galveston. The regional competition comprised students from 17 high schools from northern Texas. The Loggerhead Challenge, representing the southern part of the state, is March 1 in Port Aransas.


Rhonda Cummins (TXSG) was re-appointed to another three-year term on the San Antonio Bay Foundation Board. The foundation fosters and stewards the natural resources of the San Antonio Bay estuarine system.


Heather Wade (TXSG) joined the Texas Coastal Hazard Analysis Resources and Technology (TXCHART) team. TXCHART is FEMA's comprehensive approach to integrating flood hazard identification and analysis with risk communication for 17 coastal counties.


Tony Reisinger (TXSG) taught a class in the art of fish printing at the University of Texas-Pan American Coastal Studies Lab on South Padre Island. Reisinger is a master of the technique, called "Gyotaku" (Japanese for "fish rubbing"), which is an art form used by Japanese anglers to document their catch. The course is part of the curriculum for the Texas Coastal Naturalist program.


Texas Sea Grant's Floating Classroom Program (FCP) on board R/V Karma was coordinated by

Russ Miget (TXSG) who taught hundreds of Willacy County students about marine life, Feb. 10-21 in Port Mansfield. 


Heather Wade (TXSG) is working with Nueces County to address sea-level rise adaptation through a Coastal Storms Program grant. Wade will be providing advisory support and hosting a Sea Level Rise adaptation workshop with the county, city and Conrad Blucher Institute.


Dr. Mona Behl and Heather Wade
(TXSG), will represent Texas Sea Grant in the Weather Ready-Nation Ambassador Initiative. Texas Sea Grant recently joined the new NOAA program, which recognizes NOAA partners who are improving the nation's readiness, responsiveness and overall resilience against extreme weather, water and climate events.


Mary Carol Edwards (TXSG) presented a plan to the Exploration Green Conservancy steering committee that would incorporate storm-water wetlands into a proposed 178-acre park in Clear Lake. Clear Creek I.S.D. released a video on the floating wetlands project coordinated by Edwards.




Dr. Rick Giardino (GEPL) received a grant from NASA for $256,065 for the STEM
project, HUNCH (High School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware).

Dr. Ryan Ewing (GEPL) received a three-year Mars Fundamental Research Grant
for $300,000 to study intermittent aeolian transport on Mars. He, co-investigator
Dr. Doug Sherman, and graduate student Christy Swann (GEOG) will conduct their
research at the Planetary Aeolian Laboratory, Mars Surface Wind Tunnel at NASA
Ames Research Center in Moffet Field, Calif. Christy will be funded as a post-doctoral

scholar through the grant.


Texas A&M Galveston

Drs. Anna Armitage and Antonietta Quigg (Marine Biology). TGLO: Identifying compensatory restoration techniques that maximize wildlife recovery in coastal wetlands


Dr. Jens Figlus (Maritime Systems Engineering). TGLO-CEPRA: Innovative technology seaweed prototype dunes


Dr. Doug Klein (Marine Sciences). Welch Foundation: Chemical models: Classical to quantum theoretics


Dr. Thomas Linton (Marine Sciences). NASA: Sargassum landing forecasting tool project


Dr. Patrick Louchouarn (Marine Sciences). Welch Foundation: The Welch Foundation departmental grant to enhance undergraduate research in chemistry at TAMUG


R. Antonietta Quigg (Marine Biology). TGLO: Automated detection of harmful (and/or toxic) algae blooms (HABs) in Galveston Bay


Dr. Peter Santschi (Marine Sciences). Naval Postgraduate School-DOD: Chemisorption studies of selected radionuclides for use in autonomous collection and in situ detection systems for monitoring marine and coastal waters


Dr. Pete Van Hengstum (Marine Sciences). NSF-Collaborative Research: Holocene Tropical Cyclone variability in the Western North Atlantic


March 3
"Is CLAW Dead?" Dr. Peter Liss, TIAS Fellow, 3:55 p.m., 112 O&M

March 4
"How Will the Storm Track Change?, Dr. Walter Robinson, North Carolina State University, 112 O&M 

March 6
Staff Appreciation Day, 8:30 a.m., breakfasts served in O&M, Halbouty, GERG, and IODP

March 7
"Integrating GIS and Spatial Methods into Epidemiological Research: Opportunities and Challenges," Dr. Daikwon Han, Texas A&M, 4 p.m., O&M 112

March 10-14
Student Spring Break

March 13-14
Faculty and Staff Spring Break

March 17
"Simple Models for the Heat Flux from the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) to the Atmosphere," Dr. Mona Behl, Texas Sea Grant, 3:55 p.m., O&M 112

March 18
On the Dynamics of Large-Scale Circulation Variability in the Meridional Overturning Circulation, Dr. Stephen Yeager, National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3:55 p.m.,112 O&M

March 21
"It's Real, It's Us and It's Going to Be Bad," Dr. Gunnar Schade and Dr. Gerald North, Coffee Conversations: Topics in Higher Education, 8:30 a.m., Room 101A, General Services Complex

"Spatial Position Explains Multi-Decadal Survivorship and Morality of Individual Woody Plants in a Temperate Forest," Dr. Daeyhun Kim, University of Kentucky, 4 p.m., O&M 112

March 22
"Geography Graduate Student Research Symposium," 4 p.m., O&M 112

March 24
"Ocean Acidification on the West Coast of the U.S.: Impacts on Native Species, and Policy Implications," Dr. Tessa Hill, University of California Davis, 3:55 p.m., O&M 112  


March 31
"Numerical Modeling for Tsunamis and Storm Surge," Dr. Kyle Mandli, University of Texas, 3:55 p.m.,112 O&M  


Send items of interest for the March issue to Karen Riedel.
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