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Greetings, fellow collaborators! Welcome to the Hunger.FOOD.Health Spring Dish.
If you have a moment, we'd love your feedback. 

Impact Spotlight:
  HFH small logo
"Food Choices and Health Status of Food Insecure Families in Central Ohio" Pilot Receives National Attention
This FIC funded grant was selected for an oral presentation at the National Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Expo and Conference (FNCE) in Houston, TX this October. In addition, an undergraduate honors thesis based on these data is in progress.

OSU Students Take Part in Local Food Security Research Initiatives   
Interdisciplinary groups of over 50 grads and undergrads assisted with research and community-based initiatives to gain valuable experiences and mentorship in 2012-2013. These five core teams engaged in research and service-based learning initiatives across Central Ohio.
OSU Food Security-Related Courses 
Interested in learning more? We have compiled a complete listing of food security-related courses available at OSU. Click here to peruse the list.
Team Dine and Learn Event
Food Mapping Team
The FIC funded FMT is meeting monthly to build a multidisciplinary team of experts investigating content (e.g., food security, food access, public health, community nutrition) and methodologies (e.g., GIS, asset mapping, agent-based modeling, groundtruthing, secondary data access analysis, and survey research) related to food mapping. Thirteen team members presented their work at the Dine and Learn event in February. The FMT has established  a research agenda and are currently developing research projects focusing on food access and health outcomes.      
Food Fellows
The College of Social Work, Eminence Fellows, Office of Outreach and Engagement, and our Hunger.FOOD.Health Initiative recently sponsored a free screening of the documentary, "A Place at the Table." Over 100 students, faculty, staff, and community members attended the showing. Immediately following, local experts (Ohio Association of Foodbanks, Local Matters, Children's Hunger Alliance, Growing Green, Franklinton Gardens, Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resource Center, Campus Kitchens Project, and Neighborhood Services) led a stimulating conversation. This successful event will inform piloting the proposed Food Fellows project to launch this fall.  

Peter Pringle, editor of "A Place at the Table" and Marion Nestle, author of "Food Politics" discuss food insecurity in the U.S. 
Pringle Video Still
Save the date:
Situating Food Symposium & Exhibition: Planning and Designing for New Urban Food Systems
November 8-9, 2013
Join us for conversation, site visits, panelists and exhibitions to raise awareness and inspire extended dialogue through art, design and planning-based practices. This symposium will identify models and foster consideration, conversation, and innovation of issues that impact food security, food justice, production, access and cultural awareness related to trends in urban revitalization. The exhibition, "Food Situations/Food for Thought" will present ideas aligned with the symposium theme. In addition, displays will include current studies being conducted by OSU scholars and food samples from noteworthy research in progress.
Featured Articles:
Hunger Dish Yellow Small Border
Kids Feed Kids Ag Day 2013
Kids Feed Kids at Ohio State's Scarlet and Gray Ag Day
The West Ohio Food Bank, Ridgemont FFA, Peace Corp volunteers and international students recently partnered to teach 4th and 5th grade students about poverty and hunger on local and global scales at the 2013 Micki Zartman Scarlet and Gray Ag Day. Click here to read more.
Delivering Food Security Without Increasing Pressure on Land
This review examines the use of sustainable intensification (delivering safer, nutritious food from an area while maintaining ecosystem service provision) to feed 9-10 billion people by 2050. It also considers alternative approaches such as management of food demand and waste reduction. Read more.
Resource Mag Cover  
Resource Magazine Highlights Controlled Environment Agriculture: Finding Paths to Feed the World
Biological and agricultural engineers contribute to this issue of Resource Magazine with a shared vision: to feed the world. Read more.
Agricultural Productivity Is Key to Reducing World Poverty
The Farm Journal Foundation's Farmers Feeding the World Initiative co-hosted an international agriculture and food security briefing with the Senate Hunger Caucus on Capitol Hill. This briefing provided an overview of international food aid and agricultural development programs with discussions on the innovative ways the agriculture community is fighting hunger. Speakers, including Bill Gates, discussed their views on the importance of collaboration and the value of investing in agricultural development as a sustainable approach to ending hunger and poverty. Read more.
MidOhio Foodbank Service Opportunities
The MidOhio Foodbank has several excellent opportunities for VISTA candidates for the upcoming cycle running from 06/28/13 - 06/27/14. If you know of anyone interested in becoming a VISTA for the Foodbank, please direct them to the below links. 
Food Dish Yellow Small Border  
Four out of every ten pounds of food produced in the U.S. goes to waste 
A keynote talk ("Reducing Waste of Food: A Key Element in Feeding Billions More People") was held at the National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society. This timely topic described the often-invisible waste in food, the challenges of feeding a global population of 9 billion and how families can save money and cut the food losses now occurring from field to fork to trash bin. Read more.
healthy food

Food Banks Adopting Healthy Food Standards

Food banks across the country are adopting policies to make sure the people they serve get nutritious meals, according to Yale research. The groups that help feed the hungry are concerned about the rise in obesity and other illnesses even in those people who cannot afford steady meals, the researchers at the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity found. Read more. 

University Cafeteria Goes Trayless 

American University's Kiho Kim reports that the university's main dining hall showed a significant reduction in food waste and dishes used when trays were removed. Kim and his coauthor noted that "removing trays is a simple way for universities and other dining facilities to reduce their environmental impact and save money." Read more.
Health Dish Yellow Small Border  
Franklin County Health Rankings and Roadmaps
Ranking the health of nearly every county in the nation, the County Health Rankings illustrate what we know when it comes to what's making people sick or healthy. The County Health Roadmaps show what we can do to create healthier places to live, learn, work and play. Learn more. 
HealthMap 2013
Franklin County HealthMap 2013: Navigating Our Way to a Healthier Community Together
Authored by the Franklin County Community Health Needs Assessment Steering Committee, this assessment provides the residents of central Ohio with a comprehensive summary of the community's health status and needs. These data will be used to develop and implement strategic plans to meet the community health needs identified. Click here to view the Franklin County HealthMap 2013.
From Pilots to Practice: Speeding the Movement of Successful Pilots to Effective Practice
Rising health care costs continue to stress budgets at all levels-family, employer, state, and national. At the same time, the results from health care are not commensurate with this level of investment. This publication shares best practices for moving translational research. Read more.  


Featured Grants:


School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies, Obesogenic Behaviors, and Weight Outcomes (R01, R03, R21)

Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (R01, R21)

Addressing Health Disparities in NIDDK Diseases (R01)  


Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Food Security  



Community Spotlight:
Community Development for All People 
and the HEAL Initiative
HEAL logo  
Community Development for All People (CD4AP) is a multi-faceted faith based community development organization. Primary areas of programming include the development of affordable housing, health and wellness, childhood development, and direct services. In 2012, CD4AP launched HEAL (Healthy Eating And Living) initiative aimed at improving health outcomes in disparate populations. Matching each person with a peer coach, HEAL is designed to accompany individuals as they set goals and create actions plans to improve their health. Approximately 10 HFH student volunteers are actively engaged in HEAL efforts.  
The Food Innovation Center's 
Hunger.FOOD.Health Initiative seeks to improve access to culturally appropriate, health-promoting foods for food insecure families across Central Ohio by impacting food availability, food access, food quality, and food use. 
Stay Informed! 
Share your complete contact information with us by emailing Hunger.FOOD.Health@osu.edu.
The Hunger.FOOD.Health Seasonal Dish is compiled by Amy Alwood
Quick Links:
Crops to the Clinic Peloton:
2013 Pelotonia
August 9-11
To those interested in food and health: 
You are invited to join the Crops to the Clinic Peloton, a unique combination of scientists, students, supporters, clinicians, and patients, with the common interest of using diet, food and nutrition as a method to fight cancer. Register as a rider, a virtual rider or simply donate directly to the team. Read More.

To register, click here.


What the World Eats: 
A Look at One Week's worth of Groceries Around the World
What USA eats

Columbus Farmer's Markets
Swiss Chard

Click here to search the Columbus, Ohio Farmer's Market Database


Link to HFH:
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In This Issue
Featured Video
Kids Feed Kids
Delivering Food Security
Paths to Feed the World
MOF Service Opportunities
Reducing Food Waste
Food Banks to Serve Nutritious Foods
Trayless Cafeteria
County Health Rankings
HealthMap 2013
From Pilots to Practice
Featured Grants