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Volume 6                                                                                                     December 2012


I hope all is well with you and that despite the hectic nature of the Season you are experiencing peace and clarity.

It is in particular at this time of year that our "equanimity" can be challenged.  Although this can be interpreted as unpleasant, it is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our Mindfulness practice and to become more and more skilled at Mindfulness in Action. As you know, the less one resists, the less one suffers.  I have talked about this at length in other Newsletters and Blogs.  But it is worth remembering.
At the same time, the Holidays can bring a great deal of pleasure and joy.  To be able to relax without pressure, to read a book, listen to music, go for an unhurried walk are all wonderful delights. And to experience fulfillment in these simple activities also requires no resistance or "grasping" for more.  Just to be with the moment and enjoy its splendour is sufficient...just this moment. 
So as the Holidays unfold, you may wish to remember that they are fertile ground for growth and to attain a deeper and deeper level of "equanimity".  After all, what is equanimity?  It is a loving acceptance of "what is", moment by moment.
Every moment provides an opportunity to be a Mindful leader.  After all, we have an opportunity to potentially influence countless others in a given day.  In fact, paying attention to every interaction is key, especially during the Holidays when we may be interacting with those with whom we normally do not spend time. Mindful interactions or communications are a gift.  And when we find it challenging to be Mindful it is often one of the 5 hindrances at play.
In the short videos below I share what it is to be a Mindful leader, what characterizes Mindful interactions and how the Hindrances can derail our personal and professional success.  I hope you enjoy them.
Mindful Leadership
Mindful Leadership

Mindful Interactions
Mindful Interactions

The Five Hindrances
The Five Hindrances
In this Newsletter I am "in Conversation" with Lois Rowe, Principal at Havergal College.  It is a real pleasure to speak with this Mindful leader and visionary who has given deep consideration to the future of education and the benefits Mindfulness can bring.
On a final note, Mindful Leadership is now available in all Canadian and major US airport bookstores.  Perhaps it will provide a good read for Holiday travellers.  May anyone who reads it be inspired to make a difference for themselves and others.
Book in airport  
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah.  And may 2013 be filled with the joy and peace Mindfulness brings.
Warm regards,
Upcoming Mindflness

Training Programs


One & a Half Day - Introduction to Mindfulness


Thursday, January 17, 2013      
1:00 - 4:00pm 


Friday, January 18, 2013



St. Clements Church

59 Briar Hill Avenue

Toronto, Ontario Canada

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Further Explorations in Mindfulness on Thursdays 

Thursdays, January 10 - March 7, 2013

9:30 - 11:00 a.m.  


2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Learn More

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NEW This Spring  Two-Day Mindful Leadership Program

April 11 & 12, 2013


2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Discovering Your Life's Purpose
(Based on Mindful Leadership)
One & a Half Day Program

May 2 & 3, 2013

2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Custom Corporate Mindfulness Leadership Programs


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One-on-One Mindfulness Coaching Program  



2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

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  Register Now

Talk About Mindful Leadership


Globe & Mail 

by Wallace Immen
November 27, 2012



Squaring Off - December 6, 2012  

Mindful Leadership - Easing Holiday Stress-CHCH TV
Mindful Leadership - Easing Holiday Stress-CHCH TV


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Tips of The Week

Be the Change You Want to See in the World

"Be the change you want to see in the world" is a beautiful and profound quote by Mahatma Gandhi.

During the holidays emotion is often magnified. It is not uncommon to be with people with whom you generally do not spend a great deal of time with during the year. Additionally, emotions can run high because you are pressed for time or because potentially the aspirations of the year may not have been realized. When this happens you...

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To Reduce Stress, Pay Attention to Your Breath

The holiday season is always a busy time. There is more to do than time allows. You can be pulled in so many directions at times by circumstances other times by those around you.

All in all you can easily feel out of balance.

You'll notice that when you feel stressed and out of balance very often you have forgotten to breathe. Quite literally you may find yourself holding your breath or out of breath.

So when this happens...

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When Your Heart Is Broken, Keep it Open

As the holidays approach it is not unusual to experience greater stress and perhaps even to experience greater sensitivity. Often the holidays are a time for reflection. We may become aware of the inequities in society and that can touch us deeply or perhaps we may experience heightened emotion in dealing with family and friends.

Know that if you experience a broken heart, it is an opportunity to develop deep compassion. But this can only happen if you...

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Enlightened leadership is Mindful leadership. And what is Mindful leadership? It consists of 9 ways to self-awareness, transforming yourself and inspiring others. These 9 ways are to be:


Now this may seem daunting. But it doesn't have to be because...

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Conversations with Mindful Leaders

In this newsletter I am in conversation with Lois Rowe, Vice Principal at Havergal College in Toronto, Canada. She is a visionary and an outstanding educator.  We had the pleasure of discussing the role of Mindfulness in education and its impact on students, faculty and society. 

     Part One    Part Two    Part Three

Mindful Missives 


So, What is Enlightenment, Anyways?      

I am often asked this question.  And it is worth answering because there is such a great misunderstanding about what it is and many believe it to be what it is not.

So that we are clear, enlightement is NOT a state of constant bliss, of no pain where nothing touches us.  It is not the final end to suffering where others suffer and we are not touched.  It is not a state of perfection.  It is not a state where all our dreams come true effortlessly.  It is not a brought about by positive thinking.  These are fairy tales and completely counter to what enlightment is.

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What is Equanimity at the Deepest and Simplest Level?

Equanimity has many layers and is often misunderstood. At the deepest and simplest level it means being completely okay with the present moment.

To be completely okay with the present moment as it is has a deep and elegant simplicity. There is no push, no pull, no wanting things to be any different than they are. Whether you are experiencing the deepest joy or the greatest tragedy it is the total acceptance of the moment.

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The one thing that distinguishes Thanksgiving from every other holiday is that most people will take a moment at some point during the day or weekend to reflect and give thanks.  And what do we experience when we do that?  We experience gratitude even if it is fleeting.  And while we feel gratitude we have a sense that all is okay at this moment and that we have more to be thankful for than we might have realized or taken the time to acknowledge.  And the effect on the body when we experience gratitude is a relaxation in that moment, an okayness in our being.

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Equanimity develops as you train your mind, just as focus and clarity do. Equanimity is not something that you have full control over. Rather, you create the groundwork for equanimity to naturally arise in your life and in your experiences.

From an internal point of view, equanimity refers to accepting what is arising in your sensory experience without resisting or distorting it. For example...

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In the Next Newsletter

In the next Mindful Leadership Newsletter I will be in conversation with Chuck Thompson.  He is Head of Media Relations for CBC English Services. But our "Conversation" will focus on "Mindful Golf".  Chuck has a passion for golf which began early in his life. He has worked with some wonderful coaches, most notably Fred Shoemaker of Extraordinary Golf and has played the great courses of the world. In this Conversation he discusses the benefits of applying Mindfulness to the game.   
"Be the change you want to see in the world."
       Mahatma Gandhi