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Volume 5                                                                                                     November 2012



I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful autumn and that you have weathered the storm well. The last few weeks have been a great example of expansion and contraction in life.  Being present seems so easy when there is so much beauty around us and a splendour of colour.


A number of wonderful things have happened since the last Newsletter. Mindful Leadership is doing very well and the feedback has been fantastic.  It seems to have really struck a chord with organizations, as well as, individuals in general.  And that was my hope and intention, that Mindful leadership be seen as applying to everyone.  You may recall that I define a leader as anyone who is in a position to influence another person for any period of time.  This, of course, has as much applicability to the leader of a corporation, a nation, the head of a school or any professional, as it does to a child, a teenager, a parent or someone who is retired.  

Every one of us in society has the potential to be a Mindful leader. The choice is ours. We and only we have the power to make a difference each and every day of our lives, moment by moment. And we never know how that choice will impact the lives of those around us, some whom we know and countless others we will never know.  

I am delighted to say that since the last Newsletter Harvey Schachter of the Globe & Mail wrote a great review of Mindful Leadership.  You can see the full review in the right panel of this Newsletter.

And as of September, Mindful Leadership is available as an audio book and can be obtained from Audible.com


I don't think I had previously mentioned that Mindful Leadership had been selected to be included in airport bookstores earlier this summer.  This is really wonderful for a book that is non-fiction and is in hard cover, as most books sold in airports are fiction in paperback form.  But the really great news is that as of December 3rd the book will be promoted as a "Recommended Read" and available across Canada at all airport Bookstores, as well as, Newsstands which comprises over 100 locations.  

Additionally, last week we received the news that Mindful Leadership would also be available in US airport Bookstores in high-profile locations like JFK T4, JFK T9, O'Hare, Newark, DFW, LAX, Denver, Seattle, and LaGuardia.  It is really wonderful that we have reached a time in our culture when a book applying Mindfulness to life and leadership is so prominently placed and accessible.

On September 27th and 28th I offered the first Day and a Half Introductory Mindfulness Course.  I am delighted to say that it was extremely well received and had a waiting list for participation.  This Course was offered because so many people had wanted to take the Program, but were unable to participate in 8 week classes as had been previously offered.  Consequently, the next Day and Half Introductory Mindfulness Course will be offered on January 10 and 11, 2013.


Then later on in January / February 2013 I will be launching a Day and a Half or Two Day Mindful Leadership Program for those who have already taken an Introductory Course or Coaching Program. Details will be available shortly.

But in order to enter the holiday season with calm and focus I am offering a One Day Creating Mindfulness for the Holidays Retreat on Friday, November 30th.  The entire day will be guided and we will be doing both formal practice and Mindfulness in Action.  This is aimed at reducing stress and creating joy for the holidays and beyond.

In this Newsletter the Mindful Missives and 
Mindfulness in Action Tips focus on being of service as an act of leadership, being impeccable and becoming increasingly aware of the 5 Hindrances that impede personal and professional success. 
I am also delighted to say that I am in Conversation with Dr. Mary Vachon, a world renowned psychotherapist and clinical consultant who is a Mindful leader in her own right.  She discusses how Mindfulness impacts her life and her work.

I hope you enjoy the Newsletter and find it useful.  As always your thoughts, feedback, questions and suggestions are always welcome.

May your day be filled with Mindful moments.

Upcoming Mindflness

Training Programs

One Day Retreat - Creating Mindfulness for the Holidays

Friday, November 30th

9:30 - 3:30pm


2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Register Now 



One & a Half Day - Introduction to Mindfulness


Thursday, January 10, 2013      
1:00 - 4:00pm 


Friday, January 11, 2013



2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada  

Learn More

            Register Now



NEW This Winter  Two-Day Mindful Leadership Program

Dates and times  TBD


2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

Custom Corporate Mindfulness Leadership Programs


Learn More

Register Now



Further Explorations in Mindfulness Two Courses Offered Wednesdays and Thursdays 

WednesdaysSeptember 19 -

November 28, 2012
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.


ThursdaysSeptember 27 -

November 29, 2012

9:30 - 11:00 a.m.  


2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

  Learn More

 Register Now



One-on-One Coaching Program  



2 St. Clair Avenue East

Suite 800

Toronto, Ontario Canada

 Learn More

 Register Now


Talk About Mindful Leadership


Globe & Mail  

Mindful Leadership 

Book Review



CLICK to listen 


Tyler McLean, Host of Maritime Morning interviews Maria Gonzalez about Mindful Leadership


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Tips of The Week


Use Power Appropriately to Engender Trust

Being impeccable includes the appropriate use of power.  Power is a responsibility and privilege that comes with leadership.  Unfortunately, it is at times misused or abused. When power is misused, there are always hindrances at play, which deny you the ability to see clearly. A Mindful leader knows that power is to be used with great care. Indeed, it is to be used with deep humility. Humility is critical because....  



Make Everything You Do an Act of Service

One of the ways to bring greater joy to your life is for everything you do to be an act of service.  Service arises when we are fully present.  The act of being fully present is a service to ourselves and anyone who witnesses it.  Being fully present makes the moment sacred and in that is sheer joy.

And to that presence, add compassion.  In doing that... 


Conversations with Mindful Leaders

Mary Vachon



In this newsletter I am in conversation with Mary Vachon, a world renowned psychotherapist and clinical consultant who is a Mindful leader in her own right. She discusses how Mindfulness impacts her life and her work. 



Mindful Missives 


Hindrances You Are Blind to Will Impede Your Success

Hindrances are mental states that impede success both personally and professionally. They get in the way of you realizing your full potential as a leader and experiencing personal fulfillment, and they cause great suffering. There are numerous hindrances, but the five most applicable to our topic of mindful leadership are...

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Hindrance #1: Do You Experience Attachment?

Attachment refers to the unrelenting drive to succeed, to acquire, to compete, to control and to the inability to let go. This can apply to market standing, material goods, position, status, and even beliefs. Attachment is a fixation; you become convinced that you're absolutely correct in your views and desires, no matter what they are, and then you set out to create conditions that will...

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Hindrance #2: Do You Experience Aversion?

Aversion is the fear of losing what you have, including market standing, material goods, financial resources, social position and status, and even an argument. You become so fearful of loss that you make poor decisions.  As a leader, your aversion to bad news may tempt your team to withhold information or to paint a falsely rosy picture.  Consequently...

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Hindrance #3: Do You Ever Experience Ignorance, Confusion, Delusion?

Together these three represent one hindrance. This hindrance is characterized by not seeing reality for what it is. Most people realize that they don't know what they don't know. However, people suffering with this hindrance believe they do know it all, and are often so convinced that they're correct that it's impossible to...

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Hindrance #4: Do You Ever Experience Envy or Jealousy?

Envy and jealousy often manifest themselves through spending beyond your means in order to buy another company, another building, a new computer system, a larger home, a boat, another car, et cetera. A leader could become envious that a leader in another company has higher compensation, believing that "if they fall behind" they will not be as well perceived by the market or their peers.  They could also become jealous if they see that...

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Hindrance #5: Does Your Pride Ever Get in the Way?

Pride manifests in two ways - as superior and inferior pride. Superior pride says, "I am better than you," while inferior pride says, "You are better than me."

Those with superior pride need to win all the time in order to feel worthy. They'll go to great lengths to try to make others feel inferior - by reminding them of how smart they themselves are, how much money they have, how well connected they are, how successful their companies are, how much money they have made with their investments, or even their golf handicap. But it's all a house of cards; in reality sufferers of this hindrance are saying...

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Do What You Love and Love What You Do

One of the key contributors to experiencing happiness is to "do what you love".  It is a real blessing if we can get up in the morning and know that what lies ahead is a real pleasure for us.  This can refer to our work or just pleasant activities we have planned.  This is almost stating the obvious.  Of course we will be happy when we do those things we love to do...

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Lack of Forgiveness and Perfectionism Are Often Linked

If you forgive another person when things don't turn out positively or that person has made a mistake, it sends the message that it's okay to make an educated guess or take a calculated risk. Unless you are able to do this, creativity will dry up, and the expectation or unspoken rule will be that unless you are guaranteed a win, you need not take a chance.  Blaming, particularly if done publicly, has the risk of...

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To Forgive Is to Be Impeccable

I can't overemphasize the importance of forgiveness. When you have done your best and you have fallen short, or when you were not as impeccable as you might have been, remember that forgiveness is critical. After all, you are human, and it takes great courage to accept responsibility for failures or misdeeds, to make the situation right (if possible), to dust yourself off, and...

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To Be Impeccable Is to Do Our Best Every Day, Under the Circumstances

The 9th aspect of being a Mindful leader is being impeccable in your words and deeds. Impeccability includes having integrity, being honest, and being courageous. It's a tall order. It implies behaving the same way when you are with others as when no one is watching.

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To Truly Be of Service Is a Privilege and a Pleasure

If you don't feel that your service is a privilege and a pleasure, then it is not really service.  It is a duty.  And it is important not to confuse duty with service.  To be of service is to have a particular attitude.

Service comes deep from within and carries with it compassion.  As I mentioned in last week's blogs, compassion is deep caring without attachment. The other element of compassion which is worth repeating is self compassion.  Without self compassion it is very difficult to...

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In the Next Newsletter



In the next Mindful Leadership Newsletter I will be in conversation with Lois Rowe, Vice Principal at Havergal College in Toronto, Canada.  We discuss the role and value of Mindfulness in education. 



"If there is some thought within the mind, though you listen to the words 
spoken by another, you will not really be able to hear him."
- Hakuin (1686-1768)