June 2014
Watch Tonight: ABC's Extreme Weight Loss 
Tune in as male survivor Bruce confronts his painful past and its impact on his health. Like some survivors, Bruce has dealt with eating disorders as a way to cope with the trauma of the assault. Extreme Weight Loss airs tonight, June 24, at 8 pm (7 pm CT). 

RAINN at the Roundtable
This week, RAINN's policy chief joined Sen. Claire McCaskill to discuss the best way to combat sexual assault on campuses.

Survivor Spotlight: Ashley & William 
Two members of RAINN's Speakers Bureau share how they are recovering from sexual trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. Ashley and William share the signs of PTSD and offer advice on how to manage the effects.  

Save the Date: 
Brunch with Tori Amos
On Sunday, August 17, singer-songwriter Tori Amos will be in Washington, DC, to celebrate RAINN's 20th anniversary. Mark your calendar for brunch, mimosas and Tori. Details on RAINN's Facebook page coming soon!

"As a former district attorney and prosecutor, I've witnessed
 the horrific aftermath of sexual assault, rape and incest. It pains me to know that some of our citizens have had to endure these situations, but I also know they are not alone, because 
RAINN is there for them in a multitude of ways. 

RAINN also supports lawmakers in Washington to ensure bipartisan support for measures like HR 2772, that protect women from predators who seek parental rights after rape. With strong partners on the Hill, RAINN continues to be the most important voice in accomplishing the necessary protections against sexual assault." 

--- Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) 

"Sexual assault is a very real and serious issue that impacts thousands of women each year. In fact, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted every two minutes. This statistic is devastating and unacceptable.
That's why organizations like RAINN are so important to our community, as they work each day to support victims of sexual violence. I am so proud to join RAINN in working to turn victimization into victory!"

 --- Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)

An Impact That Lasts All Year
Want to make a difference to survivors of sexual violence year-round? Sign up to be a monthly donor, and give in manageable increments throughout the year.

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"The focus here really needs to be on how dangerous and inappropriate it is for an institution to know about these kinds of allegation and to not pursue them." 

--- RAINN's 
Katherine Hull-Fliflet

"You're not just bringing justice to the victims but taking rapists off the streets. It's great that they recognize the seriousness of this." 
---  RAINN's 
Scott Berkowitz 

"We're pleased to see more resources going towards solving more cases. Having all this evidence and not testing it just increases the number of crimes. It is dangerous for the community and bad public policy."

--- RAINN's 
Scott Berkowitz
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