City of Taylor Mill    
April 2013
From the Desk of Mayor Daniel L. Bell
As you may have heard, with only hours remaining in the 2013 Legislative Session Kentucky Lawmakers passed a landmark pension reform deal to shore up the Commonwealth's struggling retirement system and help starve off a looming financial crisis for municipalities and counties alike.  Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 440 passed both the House and the Senate with bi-partisan support.
The package involved two bills to overhaul and fund the Kentucky Retirement System, the pension program for state and local workers that faces $18 billion in unfunded liabilities and administers call one of the worst funded plans in the nation.
I am very proud to tell you that Kenton County Senator's Damon Thayer, Chris McDaniel, John Schickel and Representative's Tom Kerr, Adam Koenig, Arnold Simpson, Diane St. Onge  were very instrumental in getting the Pension Reform Bill passed.
Kentucky Senate Floor Leader Damon Thayer was the master of the Pension Reform Bill.  It was his work in a bi-partisan manor that lead to the final compromise which insured the passage of the Bill.  I also want to commend the Kentucky League of Cities, of which I am a Board Member, in taking the leadership to lobby for the passage of Senate Bill 2.  Mayors, Commissioners, and Council Members from all over Kentucky called their representatives and requested action on this important bill.
In conclusion, I would like to publicly thank Taylor Mill's representatives Senator Damon Thayer, Senator Chris McDaniel, as well as, Representative Tom Kerr and Representative Arnold Simpson for their work.  The passage of Senate Bill 2 will save Taylor Mill a substantial amount of money in the next several budget cycles.  Thank you!
Other issues of importance:                            
Annual Shred Event


The City of Taylor Mill will conduct a Free Shred Event on Saturday, April 27th, 2013 from 9 am until 12:00 pm 


This project is open to anyone and no appointments are needed.  The event will be held at 5225 Taylor Mill Road in the rear of our back parking lot.  Thank you. 

KY 16 - Construction is underway.
With the arrival of spring weather you can expect traffic challenges due to the construction of the middle section of New Pride Parkway.  Be prepared for delays during the peak morning and afternoon rush hours.  Our Police Department is working with the KYTC to make the delays as painless as possible.  Phase 2 construction around the current Taylor Mill Road and Old Taylor Mill Road intersections will cause some issues as the work continues to tie the new KY 16 into the existing Taylor Mill Road.  We also know that the North end of KY 16 will be completed in mid summer.  Please use caution when driving in the area.
No Knock List
Any resident who wishes to have their address placed on a list prohibiting uninvited solicitation on their property, please fill out a No Knock registration from at the Taylor Mill Police Department.  This newly created list of "No Knock" addresses will be provided to the solicitor.  If your address is on the "No Knock" list, and a solicitor presents himself at your residence, please get the name of the company they are soliciting for and contact the Taylor Mill Police Department at 859.581.3234.
Burn Permit Update
Just a reminder that May through September annually there is a NO Burn Ban enforced by the State of Kentucky.  The only burns that can occur are:  destruction of natural wood, agricultural, or fire training.  Permits are REQUIRED!
We have received our third Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) with the help of funding from the State Aid fund and the Firefighters Association.  We now have a TIC on all fire apparatus'.  These cameras are used for search and rescue efforts.
Taylor Mill Pot Hole Repair
Please report all Pot Hole Repair necessary within the community to Marc Roden at your earliest convenience by calling 859.581.1159
Leash Law Update - Pet Maintenance is Important.
I would like to remind all citizens that while walking your dog it is necessary to contain the animal by using a leash.  Plus you are required to carry a doggy bag to pick up all animal excrement.  It is the neighborly thing to do and its the law!  Taylor Mill falls under the guidelines of the Kenton County Animal Control Ordinance and City Ordinance #237 (06-29-06) which requires each dog owner to remove animal excrement from public or private property.  There is a fine of $50.00 for non-compliance.  However, a police officer must be in view of the violation.
Additionally, please note that the following license fees are associated with licensing a dog within our community.  ALL animals must be licensed.
$20.00 per year for dogs and cats not alterned or microcipped,
$15.00 per year for registered  microphipped dogs or cats listed in the Animal Shelter Database.
$10.009 per year for altered animals.
$5.00 per year for micro-chipped and altered dogs or cats.
In the event you would like any additional information please contact any of your locally elected officials or City Administrator Jill Bailey at 859.581.3234. 
Daniel L. Bell, Mayor
City of Taylor Mill