From the Desk of Mayor Daniel L. Bell
As you may have heard, with only hours remaining in the 2013 Legislative Session Kentucky Lawmakers passed a landmark pension reform deal to shore up the Commonwealth's struggling retirement system and help starve off a looming financial crisis for municipalities and counties alike. Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 440 passed both the House and the Senate with bi-partisan support.
The package involved two bills to overhaul and fund the Kentucky Retirement System, the pension program for state and local workers that faces $18 billion in unfunded liabilities and administers call one of the worst funded plans in the nation.
I am very proud to tell you that Kenton County Senator's Damon Thayer, Chris McDaniel, John Schickel and Representative's Tom Kerr, Adam Koenig, Arnold Simpson, Diane St. Onge were very instrumental in getting the Pension Reform Bill passed.
Kentucky Senate Floor Leader Damon Thayer was the master of the Pension Reform Bill. It was his work in a bi-partisan manor that lead to the final compromise which insured the passage of the Bill. I also want to commend the Kentucky League of Cities, of which I am a Board Member, in taking the leadership to lobby for the passage of Senate Bill 2. Mayors, Commissioners, and Council Members from all over Kentucky called their representatives and requested action on this important bill.
In conclusion, I would like to publicly thank Taylor Mill's representatives Senator Damon Thayer, Senator Chris McDaniel, as well as, Representative Tom Kerr and Representative Arnold Simpson for their work. The passage of Senate Bill 2 will save Taylor Mill a substantial amount of money in the next several budget cycles. Thank you!
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