May 29, 2013         
In This Issue
MIP Conference Centre   
localworks ad
   Innovation Nation  
This Week's Member


Steelers Logo      




Over the years, The Steelers Football Club has helped many children within our community and has some great success stories!


Offering the opportunity to play organized football with dedicated & experienced coaches teaching players from 6 - 19 years old basic to advanced techniques & and fundamentals. Mentoring these young athletes in a positive atmosphere and encouraging them to apply these things to everyday life situations.

This year the Steelers will be offering a year round experience with both our usual Spring program and this year's expansion into Fall programs , further lending itself to helping the youth of our community.

Sadly not all our local youth can afford to participate in organized sports. The launch of our Adopt-An-Athlete program allows local business the chance to help change a life through sport. Sometimes football is even an escape for these young adults from the ups and downs of their real life situations. Keeping them focused on real goals and achievements will help them to grow into productive adults and productive members of our great city.  

If you would like to sponsor a youth athlete in whole or in part to enable a player to be part of the Steel City Steelers Football program for the 2013 season please contact:



We have attached our adopt an athlete package with all the details.   




The preceding Member  
E-Promotions are Paid Advertisements

For information on including an eblast or web banner in Pipeline click here.



Thank-you for Renewing 

Nadeem Ahmed, CGA
  Invest in
Hamilton TV

Celebrating The Best and Brightest at the Citizen of the Year Gala.

Click Here for more info 

What's Happening

Sunday June 2nd - Illuminessence Summer KickOff 
Thursday June 6th - Annual GenNext Spring Networking Breakfast

Thursday June 13th - HHCA/YLG Spring Golf Classic:  Special Rate for HIVE Subscribers
Please click here for a complete listing of Hive events.
OCC Rapid Policy Update 


What is the Metrolinx Investment Strategy?
On May 27th, Metrolinx released a report to the Province of Ontario recommending an investment strategy to support new transportation and transit infrastructure in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). The investment strategy outlines 24 recommendations, including revenue generation tools, to fund the Next Wave of projects of The Big Move regional transportation plan.

Why is new revenue for transportation infrastructure important?
Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy and benefits the entire province. Ontario's transportation network is a major part of the province's infrastructure and a significant economic enabler of trade and economic investment. 66% of GTHA businesses surveyed by the OCC believe new revenue tools are needed to fund transportation infrastructure.
Businesses understand the cost of the congestion. The ability to get people moving helps the bottom line -- opens up new markets, allows goods to move more freely, and grows the pool of potential employees from which they can draw. For every $100 million invested in infrastructure, 1,670 jobs are created.
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and GTHA chambers recently released a report based on consultations with GTHA businesses titled  The $2 Billion Question: GTHA Business Opinion on Funding the Big Move.
The OCC continues to support the need to find efficiencies in government. That said, we know that efficiencies alone will not fund necessary investments in transportation infrastructure.
Find out more
For more information and to view the recommendations, visit
For any questions about this issue, please contact Josh Hjartarson, VP Policy & Government Relations, at 416-482-5222, ext. 2320.
Barton Village Real Estate Crawl 

The Barton Village BIA is proud to present the first ever Barton Village Real Estate Crawl: Thursday, June 13th, 6pm - 8pm

Meet Entrepreneurs, Real Estate Professionals, Mortgage Brokers,

Lenders, and Business Professionals.

For information about event or the BIA
, please contact the office at 905.540.9472 or e-mail us at

For more details, please visit:
or click here for the flyer.

Host Location: 413 Barton St. E.
  • Explore participating vacant properties within the BIA boundaries
  •  Rent/sell your property or find your unique business space
  • Learn about financial incentive programs available through the City of Hamilton
  • Enjoy food and beverages provided by the BIA
Exclusive offer for Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Members

YourHamiltonbiz logo

Knowledge is power so why not arm yourself today with a two-month gift subscription courtesy of
Offering a daily dose of intelligence, will help you keep track your competitors, discover the next big idea, land the big contract, find new customers, target investors and know who's who.

No advice columns or press releases, no restaurant reviews or lifestyle features - just news and information that lets you outsmart and outshine the competition to build your business like never before.

Five days a week, 52 weeks a year, we'll supply subscribers with a daily feed of information, mined by a dedicated team of experienced journalists, that we trust will form an indispensable part of your business intelligence gathering. Located in Hamilton and backed by Star Media Group, a division of Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd., this daily digest is filled with original news and information you can use to enhance and grow your business, spot opportunities and stay on top of developing issues affecting the Hamilton and area business community.

To take advantage of this special offer from, simply email Margaret Lintott - - and mention that you are a Hamilton Chamber of Commerce member. Arm yourself today at absolutely no cost or obligation.
Energized and Ready:
How 6 Simple Strategies Can Boost Your Energy and Productivity

Interactive session
June 5, 2013, 7:45 to 9:30 a.m.
Location: Williams Fresh Caf�, Discovery Drive

Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Join the Chamber's Human Resources Committee on Wednesday June 5, 2013 for an interactive morning that will give you:
  • 6 strategies to increase your energy and productivity
  • Simple exercises that can fit into a busy schedule
  • Resources for your company
Bring others from your company along! RSVP by contacting Whitney Simmons at
Chamber Division and Committee meetings and events

Transportation Committee: Tuesday, June 4, 8:00am, 120 King Street West (Chamber office)

Human Resources Committee: Wednesday, June 5, 8:00am, Williams Fresh Caf�, Discovery Drive

For an overview of the Chamber's committees and divisions, please visit,

If you wish to attend, please contact Whitney at 905-522-1551, Ext 100 or
Include your ad in the 2014 Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Directory:


2013 Directory CoverMaximize your company's coverage in this once-a-year marketing opportunity. The annual hard copy version of the directory will be available on the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce website in a digital version as well. This valuable marketing platform will enhance your membership investment by reaching a new virtual and vast audience.  Members company name and website address will be boldly displayed and will hyperlink to business websites in the digital version.

What better way to get your message to over 2500 fellow members, business leaders and beyond, than to include an ad in this popular Directory. Prime locations are available with rates to suit any budget.  Keep  your business visible, enhance your brand name and attract new customers.

Call Diane Stephenson at 905-522-1151 ext. 220 or email to book your ad today.
Chamber Events 

Chamber's Annual Golf Tournament
Monday, June 10
11:00 a.m. Registration & Lunch
11:45 Shotgun Start
5:30 Dinner
Golf Spots still available
Location:  Glendale Golf & Country Club - Sponsorship Opportunities available.  Contact Whitney at 905-522-1151, Ext. 100 or
  • Scramble Format
  • Lunch & Dinner Included
  • Putting Contest by
  • Hole In One Contests 
  • Trophies
  • Draws for Fabulous Prizes
  • Singles & Doubles Welcome
  • Great Networking Opportunity
  • Everyone takes home a prize!

Click here for the registration form. 


Coffee with the CEO with guests

Friday, June 14th
Guests: Ron Neumann, Innovation Factory & Kevin Browne, Software
Topic:  Innovation Factory, The Big DIF
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Location:  The Loft, Sheraton Hamilton Hotel
$10 at door  


Business After Business   

Thursday, June 27th 
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Location Host:  Sheraton Hamilton Hotel, 116 King St. W.
Free to members and their guests


To register for any Chamber event please contact Whitney at 905-522-1151 ext. 100 or
Hamilton Chamber Mailings are a great way to get your promotional material into the hands of 2000 Chamber members.  
The schedule has been set for the next two mailings. We have a mailing going on August 30th and one on December 6th book now, members $599.00 plus hst, not-for-profit $399.00 plus hst and non members add 75%. Get in touch with 2000 fellow members with your marketing/promotional material.

Space is limited so book now.  Please call Diane Stephenson at 905-522-1151, Ext 220 or e-mail for more details or to book your spot.
Members Making News

Toshiba aquires assets of Elettra TechnologiesToshiba International Corporation (TIC) has announced that a binding agreement is in place to acquire all assets and intellectual property from Elettra Technology Inc. (ETI), a manufacturer of custom electrical industrial motors based in Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada. With assets including those from former Westinghouse Motor Company Canada Ltd., the acquisition is a strategic move for TIC to add its strength in the electric motor marketplace and support the growth of TIC's industrial and infrastructure business.  
The new company will be named Toshiba Industrial Products Canada (TIPCA), pending approval, and will continue to operate with the same employees that are 
manufacturing to a recently renovated facility in Hamilton with added space and crane capacity, and with the ability to further grow the business in the Hamilton area. TIPCA's assets will provide TIC with the ability to manufacture larger motors and motors that fill complex and special application requirements, which will further enhance TIC's business portfolio of large electric motors in the Canadian and global marketplace. The integration of the two companies will take place over the next few months.  Click here to read more.
Innovation Nation Innovation Nation Conference & Robotics Competition
As part of our outreach program, this year the Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation (CSii) is holding our annual conference, the
Innovation Nation Conference & Robotics Competition in Hamilton at LIUNA Station.   The Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation (CSii), a National Centre of Excellence research accelerator tasked with leveraging Canadian space technology to create image guided surgical robotics and associated medical devices. See attached for more information.

New this year "The Innovation Gala" is one of the highlights of the Innovation Nation Conference & Robotics Competition.

Tickets for the Gala are $150. per person, Corporate tables: $1,200. See attached invitation.

Funds raised through the gala will support surgical research and innovation at St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for the eligible amount of the ticket price. 
calendar image
Community Calendar
Be sure to check out the Community Calendar and the Member News links on the right side panel of this newsletter.  Contact Diane Stephenson at 905-522-1151 ext. 220 or
 to have your information included. 

*Please Note:  Member News is reserved for Not-for-profit member news and Hamilton Chamber Member milestone news i.e.  Anniversaries, Grand Openings, Awards etc.  All Chamber members are welcome to include their events in the Community Calendar. 



Hamilton Chamber of Commerce 

120 King St. W., Plaza Level 507  |  Hamilton, Ontario   L8P 4V2
Office (905) 522-1151  |  Fax (905) 522-1154
� 2012 The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. All rights reserved.