February/March  2014
News from Around the Network
In recent weeks, the State has released two high-profile reports outlining the need to reshape California's transportation system, with sustainability now joining the ranks of safety and mobility as key system objectives.
While Cal WALKS is thrilled to see sustainability at the forefront of state transportation investment priorities and policies going forward, we do not want safety-particularly for people walking and biking-left by the wayside. With people walking now comprising nearly 25% of traffic fatalities (despite making only 13.5% of all trips), pedestrian safety is at a crisis point that would benefit from a refocused and increased State commitment. Cal WALKS Executive Director Wendy Alfsen underscores that, "[t]hese deaths are preventable, and the State needs to back up any stated commitment to safety with actual dollar investments." 

Our PedsCount! Team is hard at work lining up speakers and sessions to make this year's Summit the best one yet! Get registered now to join 250+ professionals, advocates, agencies, and community members working to make California a safer and more enjoyable place to walk! Early bird registration ends on March 15, 2014Get Registered Now! 
Don't delay! Only 1 week left to submit session proposals! Call for Speakers Ends February 28, 5PM.

We're seeking sponors & exhibors. Download the Sponsor Brochure or Promotional Partner Form Today

With a long-running, sustained trend of 3 people a day being hit by cars while walking and following a recent rash of pedestrian fatalities--10 over the course of 11 weeks--walk advocates in San Francisco have declared enough is enough! Importing the Vision Zero concept from Sweden, Walk San Francisco and its partners have successfully called on the City to adopt a Vision Zero policy of eliminating ALL traffic fatalities within 10 years

Both the San Francisco Police Department and Municipal Transportation Agency have formally endorsed the Vision Zero goal, but now comes the harder part of implementation. Advocates and community members are now working to secure the necessary funding to get projects on the ground NOW to prevent any more tragedies from occuring. For a detailed look at Walk SF's asks, check out their Vision Zero flyer. 

Cal WALKS has been a strong supporter of the Vision Zero Campaign, and hopes to work with other cities across the state to make Vision Zero a reality for all Californians! 
The second National Open Streets Training is headed to Los Angeles April 4-6, co-hosted by CicLAvia! Open Streets present an opportunity for community members to reimagine what our streets can be if they were prioritize for people, rather than cars. Open Streets events close down streets to cars, allowing people of all ages and abilities to walk, bike, roll, stroll, run, skip, hop, hula-hoop, you name it! 

The weekend Training will cover what it takes to pull off a succesfull Open Streets event, as well as have plenty of time for participants to network with one another. The Training will culminate with an opportunity to participate in and observe CicLAvia on Sunday afternoon. Register Today
New Resources
A new federal rule will likely remove previous barriers to funding lower cost walking and biking projects with federal dollars. The final rule adds a new categorical exclusion (CE) from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for projects within an existing right-of-way and projects receiving less than $5 million in federal funds. Projects totaling $30 million with less than 15% of the total estimated project cost are now also excluded from NEPA requirements. Hopefully, this means we'll see more walking and biking projects on the ground more quickly!
Recognizing the unique nature of state highways that also function as small towns' main streets, Caltrans has released a new guide emphasizing a more flexible approach for the roadway design of state-owned roads that serve as main streets.
Recognizing that seniors are at disproportionate risk of injury and even death while walking, the New York City Department of Transportation proactively developed a Safe Streets for Seniors Program in 2008. The Department has recently updated and expanded its program. Learn more about what NYC has done for its seniors here.

This toolkit provides cities, bicycle/pedestrian agencies, academics, and others interested in measuring the success of Open Streets initiatives a framework for capturing physical activity, participant counts, business buy-in, and other relevant measures. 

This new toolkit from ChangeLab Solutions explains how to leverage revisions to zoning and subdivision codes to make a community more walkable and bikeable.

The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy has released its revised Transit-Oriented Development Standard. The Standard is "an assessment, recognition and policy guidance tool uniquely focused on integrating sustainable transport and land use planning and design."
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Upcoming Events
Hosted by the Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Bakersfield--February 19
Inland Empire--February 19
Sacramento--February 28
Los Angeles/Southern California--March 4

[Webinar] Re-thinking the Urban Freeway
Thursday, February 20 | 11:00AM-12:00PM | Hosted by the State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI)

[Webinar] Reshaping Rural Highways for Livability
Thursday, February 20 | 11:00AM-12:30PM | Hosted by the National Highway Institute

Saturday, February 22 | Palo Alto, CA | Hosted by TransForm

[Webinar] Using Crosswalk Laws as a Framework for Pedestrian Safety
Tuesday, February 25 | 11:00AM-12:00PM | Hosted by America Walks

[Webinar] Walking School Bus Sustainability, Both Dollars and Dedication!
February 25, 12:00PM-1:00PM OR February 26, 10:00AM-11:00AM | Hosted by PedNet Coalition
*Include Webinar Title and Date in Message

[Webinar] We Are Traffic: Creating Robust Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Programs
Thursday, February 27 | 10:00AM-11:15AM | Hosted by the Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI) 

[Webinar] Streets as Places Part II: Making It Happen!
Tuesday, March 4 | 12:00PM-1:30 PM | Hosted by the National Highway Institute

Walk with a Doc--Berkeley
Saturday, March 8 | 10AM-1PM

April 22-23 | Sacramento, CA | Hosted by TransForm

May 14-16 | Sacramento, CA | Hosted by Cal WALKS
Have an item you want to share with the Network? 
Send an e-mail to Tony Dang, Deputy Director.

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