December 2013
Cal WALKS footPrints
News from around the Cal WALKS Network
What's Next for the Active Transportation Program? Prelim Guidelines Now Available for Public Comment
As we all pin our hopes on the transformative potential of the Active Transportation Program (ATP)--California's consolidated funding stream for walking, biking, and Safe Routes to School--Cal WALKS and our state partners have been hard at work with the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to develop guidelines that will ensure that hope becomes our reality. Since the ATP was signed by Governor Brown, the CTC has hosted a series of stakeholder meetings to inform the development of the guidelines-all on a very ambitious timeline of a March 2014 adoption of the final guidelines, immediately followed by the first ATP call for projects.

In keeping with the aggressive timeline, the CTC released preliminary draft guidelines on November 27, and CTC staff is actively soliciting feedback from already engaged stakeholders, as well as the broader public. Learn more about what you can do here

We're looking for speakers for the 3rd Biennial PedsCount! Summit, May 14-16, 2014 in Sacramento, CA. We want to learn from all of you at the local, regional, and state levels on your successes, challenges, and lessons learned in advancing walking in California. We hope you can join us for the best PedsCount! yet!


Proposals for sessions, presentations and mobile tours are due February 28, 2014, 5 PM. Download the Call for Speakers packet here


Registration is anticipated to open January 2014. Stay tuned to for latest Summit updates!

Executive Director Wendy Alfsen Receives Youth Engagement Award!
Last month, our Executive Director, Wendy Alfsen, traveled to the annual American Public Health Association (APHA) meeting in Boston, MA with our Youth Leaders, MariaJose Diaz and Christopher Chavez, to present their work on community engagement in healthy transportation advocacy.

At the APHA conference, the Community-Based Public Health Caucus awarded Wendy with the E. Hill De Loney Award--recognizing her long-standing and significant contribution to youth leadership and youth development. Congratulations Wendy!
New Resources
Costs for Pedestrian & Bicyclist Infrastructure Improvements
Costs for pedestrian and bicycle safety infrastructure often vary greatly from city to city and state to state. This report provides meaningful estimates of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure costs from states and cities across the country. Using this information, researchers, engineers, planners, and the general public can better understand the cost of pedestrian and bicycle treatments in their communities and make informed decisions about which infrastructure enhancements are best suited for implementation. 

Messaging for Walking Advocacy Call Recording
Missed us on last month's Mutual Aid call hosted by the Alliance for Biking & Walking? No problem! The Alliance has summarized tips from Feet First, Cal WALKS, and WalkBoston and archived the call for your convenience. Check it out here
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 | 11:00 AM-12:00 PM | Hosted by the Alliance for Biking & Walking
The bicycle and pedestrian advocacy community too often presents a homogeneous face to the world, failing to accurately reflect the communities we serve. In this call, we'll hear from organizations both within and outside of the advocacy community and learn about the steps they've taken to diversify their staff and boards in a way that maximizes the value of each person's unique experience. Register Here

[Webinar] Integrating Equity in Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning

Wednesday, December 18, 2013 | 12:00 PM-1:00 PM | Hosted by Association of Pedestrian & Bicycle Professionals (APBP) | $85 for non-members, $50 for members
This webinar session considers equity in the context of three pillars of sustainability: economic, environmental, social. Learn how to define equity and integrate it as a planning factor; what are the standards and requirements of transportation equity? Register Here
Have an item you want to share with the Network? Send an e-mail to Tony Dang, Deputy Director.
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California WALKS | 1904 Franklin Street, Suite 790 | Oakland, CA 94612 | 
Tel. 510.292.4435 | Fax 510.292.4436 |