March 2013
Cal WALKS footPrints
News from around the Cal WALKS Network
State Policy Update: Does the Active Transportation Program Live Up to Its Promise?

Since we submitted our petition to the Governor on the Administration's bold proposal to enact a statewide Active Transportation Program, additional details have emerged from the February 1 trailer bill that have California WALKS and a coalition of active transportation, public health, and equity advocacy groups concerned. The budget trailer bill effectively reduces funding available for active transportation from $147 million/year in FY2012 to only $134 million/year at a time when Californians who walk and bike are fatally injured at more than twice the national average. And for Californians who walk-and make up nearly a quarter (22%) of all traffic fatalities in the state-such funding cuts could literally spell death.  Read our full analysis of the trailer bill's shortcomings here. 


Cal WALKS Executive Director Wendy Alfsen says, "With over 7,000 people and 150 organizations in support of a transformational Active Transportation Program (ATP), we are committed to working with the Administration and the Legislature to ensure that the ATP lives up to its promise: to serve the current needs of Californians who walk and bike and for the health, safety, and equity of future generations to come." 

California WALKS is working with the California Bicycle Coalition, the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,  Safe Routes to School National PartnershipTransForm, and a coalition of advocates to secure an amendment at upcoming budget hearings in Sacramento to correct the flaws in the trailer bill language. State Assembly and Senate Budget Committee Hearings on the Active Transportation Program will take place on Wednesday, March 13 at 9AM and Thursday, March 14 at 10AM. Stay tuned for more updates! And if you can make it to the hearings, please RSVP here.
Welcome WalkBikeGlendale & Santa Monica Walks! to the Network!
Please welcome our newest Network AffiliatesWalk Bike Glendale and Santa Monica Walks! 
Walk Bike Glendale is a volunteer-driven group that has been working since 2011 to make Glendale a safer place to walk and bicycle. Aside from their advocacy campaigns and safety education efforts, they've organized many fun and innovative walk events for their members, including a Pastry Walk, a Dance Walk, and a Zombie Walk. We're glad to have Walk Bike Glendale onboard!
Santa Monica Walks! was formed in January 2013 to provide a community voice for Santa Monica's upcoming Pedestrian Action Plan. We're excited to see Santa Monica Walks! diving headfirst into the Pedestrian Action Plan, and we encourage everyone in the area to get involved.
United Seniors of Oakland & Alameda County Call for Action at Top 10 Dangerous Intersections
The United Seniors of Oakland & Alameda County has been advocating for better walking environments for over a decade in an effort to increase physical activity and reduce social isolation among older adults in Alameda County. United Seniors has organized over 20 walking clubs who meet regularly to get seniors out and about in their communities. 

Walking clubs have had a history of transitioning into walk advocacy work, and the United Seniors are no different. This year, the United Seniors have identifed their top 10 intersections of concern, and will be working on a campaign with the city of Oakland and Alameda County to improve the safety of those walking or crossing at these locations. We'll keep you posted as the campaign heats up!
New Resources

This FHWA report documents ways in which MPOs can utilize community health information in the transportation planning process, idetnfies common best practices, and proposes a framework for communities may use to integrate health into regional transportation planning.


Travel to School in California: Key Findings from the National Household Travel Survey

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership's analysis of the California Add-On of the National Household Travel Survey found that Californians walk 10-25% more than national average, and that among school-aged children, walking trips have increased by 10% from 1999 to 2009. 


Health Co-benefits and Transportation-Related Reductions in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the San Francisco Bay Area
This study published in the American Journal of Public Health presents a model for quantifying the health co-benefits of active transportation strategies used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The study found that increasing daily walking and biking from 4 minutes to 22 minutes resulted in a 14% reduction in cardiovascular disease and diabetes burden, a 14% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and 39% increase in traffic injury burden. While an increase in traffic injuries is to be expected, the study concludes that if appropriate measures are taken to minimize pedestrian and bicyclist injuries, then active transportation (coupled with low-carbon driving) has enormous positive impacts on public health, while also sufficiently reducing greenhouse gas emissions to meet state mandates.


Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

This report analyzes travel behvior data of older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and those living in rural areas--comparing differences in travel behavior between different groups, as well as identifying trends in travel behavior between the 2001 and 2009 National Household Travel Surveys.


Advocacy Advance: Find It, Fund It Table

The Advocacy Advance project has compiled a useful overview table of sources of federal funding for pedestrian and bicycle projects, as well as the eligibility requirements of various programs.


Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development

This federal EPA report documents approaches low-income, minority, tribal, and underserved communities can take to shape the development of their communities in a way that responds to their needs, protects the environment, and is ultimately equitable.


Integrating Walkability into Planning Practice

This Transportation Research Board article assesses the relationship between Walk Scores and actual walk trips. Results suggest that walk scores may be used as a reasonable heuristic to assist with assessing trip impacts for individual projects. With the universal availability of such data, planners can establish a consistent, cost-effective tool for assessing walking behavior with robust and transferable results.


A Distance-Based Method to Estimate Annual Pedestrian & Bicyclist Exposure  in an Urban Environment (FHWA-HRT-11-043)

This FHWA publication describes a methodology for measuring pedestrian and bicyclist exposure based on pedestrian and bicyclist volumes, as well as the distances that pedestrians and bicyclists travel on facilities shared with motor vehicles. The distances that pedestrians and bicyclists travel on these facilities represent a measure of their exposure to the risk of having a crash with a motor vehicle. This methodology has the potential to fill a long-standing technical need for a commonly accepted measure of pedestrian and bicyclist exposure, thereby assisting in evaluating the effectiveness of pedestrian/bicyclist safety programs.

Upcoming Events
Thursday, March 7, 2013 | 11:00AM-12:00PM | Hosted by Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Monday, March 11, 2013 | 10:00AM-12:00PM | Hosted by Caltrans
This informational webinar will help explain how SRTS type projects may be considered in an HSIP application for the next HSIP call for projects expected in April 2013. The focus of this webinar will be for those seeking funds for improving safety of walking and bicycling to school. Register Here


[Webinar] How to Bring Fire Up Your Feet to Your State/Region

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 | 8:30AM-9:30AM | Hosted by Safe Routes to School National Partnership

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership is hosting a webinar specifically for leaders of local and state biking and walking advocacy groups on the new Fire Up Your Feet program and healthy fundraising initiative. Fire Up Your Feet helps schools raise funds through healthy fundraising, centered around physical activity such as walking school buses, bike trains, and fun runs. In partnership with Kaiser Permanente and the National PTA, the Safe Routes to School National Partnership will help advocates work with schools and/or PTA groups across the nation to prompt healthy fundraising. A school could then use their new funds to purchase new bike racks or support bicycle and pedestrian safety education. To register, e-mail your contact information to


[Webinar] Technical Assessment of State Pedestrian Safety Programs

Thursday, March 14, 2013 | 10:00AM-11:30AM | Hosted by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

Come hear about the most recent State Pedestrian Safety Program Technical Assessment conducted in Florida. Panelists will discuss the process involved in planning and implementing an Assessment, the Assessment Report and direct benefits to the Assessment process. Leah Walton (NHTSA) and Trenda McPherson (Florida Department of Transportation) will lead the presentation. 


[Webinar] Building the Walking Movement-New Strategies and Coalitions 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013 | 11:30AM-1:00PM | Hosted by America Walks

Join this webinar to hear from presenters from the Every Body Walk Collaborative who are all working to make America a great place to walk. This webinar will also provide an opportunity for participants to discuss how local efforts can tie into the National Walking Movement. Register Here


Thursday, March 21, 2013 | 11:00AM-12:00PM | Hosted by Safe Routes to School National Partnership

 There are a variety of approaches to educating and engaging local elected officials as a part of your community's Safe Routes to School movement. Join us for a discussion with staffers and practitioners who understand successful approaches to working with local elected officials to bolster the health, safety, and economic impacts in their community through Safe Routes to School.


North County Transportation Equity Summit: Making Transportation Work for Everyone

Saturday, March 23, 2013 | 8:45AM-12:00PM | Hosted by Sustainable San Diego

Please join the Sustainable San Diego colalborative and CSU San Marcos Commuter Services at the first ever North County Transportation Equity Summit. Come join 200-300 North County residents for a morning of exciting civic dialogue designed to engage residents who wish to become more active in community and regional planning efforts. The Summit will bring together diverse community leaders interested in improving transportation conditions in their neighborhoods and across the region to enable active, healthy mobility options that are viable for everyone


Tickets are free! Participants will be entered into a bike raffle and must be present to win. Snacks/Drinks provided. A $5.00 donation is appreciated. Kids are welcome. If you have any questions abou the event, please contact Kathleen Ferrier, Policy Manager for Walk San Diego, at (619) 544-9255 or 


[Mutual Aid Call] Government Contracts & Consulting

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 | 11:00AM-12:00PM | Hosted by the Alliance for Biking & Walking

Alliance organizations can collaborate with local governments for opportunities to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of advocacy work. Partnering with an agency can increase chances of winning or subcontracting grants and, as governments cut back in providing direct services, they are relying on local nonprofits to do the work. Join this call to learn about government contracts and consulting. Register Here


Transportation Choices Summit & Advocacy Day

Wednesday & Thursday, April 23-24, 2013 | Sacramento, CA | Hosted by TransForm

Join leading community organizations and advocates in Sacramento and help ensure state policies and investments promote effective public transit, great walking and bicycling, and affordable homes. Participants will hone their skills and messages in breakout sessions, and there is time for networking with advocates from your area, and from across the state. At least 30 full scholarships are available to community advocates and organizations representing low-income and people of color from across California. The deadline to apply for a scholarship covering travel, lodging and registration is March 5 - apply now! 


10th Annual Healthy Living Festival

Thursday, July 18, 2013 | Oakland Zoo, Oakland, CA | Hosted by United Seniors of Oakland and Alameda County

The Healthy Living Festival (HLF)-originally designed as an "Intergenerational Picnic, Walk and Policy Event"-brings together thousands of participants annually, providing resources, information and fun activities on all aspects of healthy senior active living. Registration to open in late March. If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor for the Festival, please contact United Seniors staff.


 [Conference] 4th Biennial Safe Routes to School National Conference

August 14-15, 2013 | Sacramento, CA | Hosted by the Local Government Commission | Co-presented by the National Center for Safe Routes to School & the Safe Routes to School National Partnership

The Safe Routes to School National Conference heads to Sacramento this year--recognizing California's key role and leadership in the Safe Routes to School movement. In fact, California was the first state to enact SRTS legislation all the way back in 1999. Come learn about the latest in SRTS strategies and join the parents, volunteers, public health practitioners, and active living afficianados that make the Safe Routes to School movement so great! Registration to open in early May 2013.

Have an item you want to share with the Network? Send an e-mail to Tony Dang, State Network Coordinator.
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California WALKS | 1904 Franklin Street, Suite 790 | Oakland, CA 94612 | 
Tel. 510.292.4435 | Fax 510.292.4436 |