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 Connecting Ambition with Opportunity

   July 2013
   Volume 4
    Issue 7 
In This Issue
NYNY Spotlight
MLC Hosts Field Day
NJNY at The Barclays
NYNY and American Express

NYNY Spotlight



Fellow Spotlight
Tsechu is a 2012 Fellow currently attending Barnard College and majoring in Environmental Science and East Asian Studies. She is a Program Ambassador for Running Start's Young Women's Political Summit, and attended their conference earlier this month. Tsechu is interested in a career in the environmental sciences, and on a research trip in Mustang, Nepal, she learned the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices and their effects on rural communities. She was also recently selected as an Udall Scholar, which is a congressional scholarship for students pursuing careers in environmental policy. This summer, she is a G2 Experience intern at Global Commerce Education, Inc.




Mentor Coach Spotlight

We are proud to recognize 2012 Mentor Coach and Mentor Leadership Council (MLC) member, Dr. Amaresh Vydyanathan. Amaresh is an Assistant Professor at Montefiore Medical Center, and has been a great support for his Fellow, Themasap, as well as to others in the NYNY network. Amaresh worked closely with Themasap on his application to get into the BP-ENDURE two-year program for students planning to obtain a Ph.D. in neuroscience, and has helped arrange job shadowing and career exposure opportunities at Montefiore for other Fellows interested in healthcare. In an effort to recruit more volunteers from the healthcare industry, Amaresh also served as an Industry Ambassador during our Mentor Coach recruitment period. We appreciate Amaresh's dedication to our program, and thank him for his continued support!




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Dear friends of NYNY,


It is with great enthusiasm that I write this first message to you in my official capacity as CEO of America Needs You. We at New York Needs You (NYNY) and New Jersey Needs You (NJNY) are absolutely thrilled about the launch of America Needs You, which will serve as an umbrella organization encompassing the groundbreaking and essential work of NYNY and NJNY, and implementing our model nationwide. Having served as a founding director on the NYNY governing board since 2009, it is an honor to now join the team as a staff member, and spearhead the national expansion of our mission.

In my new role, I will oversee the programmatic and geographic expansion of our organization so that our curriculum can touch the lives of college students around the nation. During my first month, I have already had the chance to meet a number of Fellows, Mentor Coaches and volunteers, facilitate workshops and set organizational priorities for the year. By working more closely with the NYNY and NJNY stakeholders, I am encouraged about the organization's future! It is my hope that in replicating our Fellows Program, Career Development Program and other initiatives throughout the country, we will be able to help many more ambitious, low-income college students as they realize their academic and career aspirations.


We look forward to bringing all of our classes together this Saturday for NYNY's first Field Day, for an afternoon of friendly competition! Our Fellows, Mentor Coaches and staff will participate in soccer, softball, kickball, and more at Central Park from 2:30-5:30. If you have any questions about Field Day, please contact our Development Coordinator Sara Williams at


I'm also excited to announce a great fundraising opportunity for NJNY. NJNY will be selling general admission tickets and pavilion passes to The Barclays (a PGA Tour event), taking place August 20 - 25. Packages include a lunch buffet, full bar, reserved seating, and more. More details can be found in this newsletter.


I want to congratulate NYNY Fellow Support Coordinator Bryan Garcia on completing the NYC Triathlon. We were so happy to cheer him on!


Finally, I'd like to recognize Sheila Ramachandra, Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships, for her service as both a Mentor Coach in NYNY's inaugural 2010 class and her work as a staff member. Sheila has been a great help to NYNY, including developing our resume book, creating partnerships and helping us improve our internal systems. She will leave NYNY at the end of the month to attend Columbia Business School and we wish her the best of luck!


Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with all of you in the coming months.



Kimberly Harris 

Chief Executive Officer
America Needs You

NYNY's Mentor Leadership Council Hosts First Field Day on July 27!

On behalf of the Mentor Leadership Council, we want to remind all our Fellows, Mentor Coaches, and alumni that Field Day will take place Saturday, July 27th from 2:30 - 5:30pm. Please join us at Norman Landscape in Central Park (near the corner of Central Park West and 86th Street) for an afternoon of soccer, kickball, tug-of-war, art, and more! Special thanks to our sponsors Red Rabbit, Cup & Compass, and iMentor for providing food, drinks, and sporting equipment. We hope to see you there!  


Please stay tuned for email updates in case of inclement weather.

Join NJNY at The Barclays, a PGA Tour Event!

Where were you when the NY Rangers won the NHL championship for the first time in 54 years?  Or when the NY Giants ruined the Patriots' perfect season in the Super Bowl?  The world's greatest athletes make history in New York's biggest tournaments - that's why so many corporate deals take place at sporting events here.  Watch sports history be made - or entertain a client - at the PGA Tour's upcoming tournament "The Barclays" from August 20 to 25 at Liberty State Park.    


NJNY has a limited number of general admission 3-day passes and an even smaller number of 4-day passes to their own pavilion tent on the 18th Hole!  Bring yourself, friends, or a client to the tent with reserved seating, lunch buffet, full bar, private bathrooms, spectator cards and pairing sheets. VIP parking and ferry passes are also available. Tickets are limited so don't wait!


Please contact NJNY Executive Director Pauly Rodney at for more details. Please share this event with your clients and networks through email, Facebook, Twitter, and everywhere else!     


NYNY Celebrates its Partnership with American Express!  
Since 2011, New York Needs You and American Express have had a formal partnership. In addition to providing financial support, American Express has hosted a number of NYNY workshops. American Express also hosted a Career Day to provide career exposure for NYNY Fellows and to identify diverse, young talent interested in the financial services sector. Four NYNY Fellows had internships at American Express last summer and three Fellows are interning there this summer. American Express employee and 2011 Mentor Coach Leslie Delery has also been a great NYNY volunteer. Thanks to American Express for being such a wonderful partner!



How You Can Help!

Internships for Fellows

Is your company or anyone in your network currently seeking talented summer interns? Please contact with any internship or entry-level job opportunities. We appreciate your help in strengthening our network and finding great internship experiences for our Fellows!


Volunteer Engagement Grants

Find out if your company provides volunteer engagement grants to recognize employees who volunteer - it's a great way to highlight your good work while supporting NYNY!

Email if you have questions.

Double Your Donation at No Cost to You!

Your company may be one of many that match employee contributions to New York Needs You! Let us know if your company can match your donation, and your generous contributions can help a New York Needs You Fellow! Email if you have questions.


Upcoming Workshops
Join us as a volunteer at one of our upcoming workshops. Email for more information!


NYNY Congratulates...
  • 2011 Fellow Lucia, who made her Broadway debut performing with her choir Songs of Solomon in the one day revival of Violet that starred Sutton Foster on July 17th

  • 2012 Fellow Haby, who successfully transferred to Hunter College from the College of Staten Island 

  • 2012 Fellow Arturo, who was accepted into John Jay College of Criminal Justice

  • NYNY Training Manager Jaimie Krause, whose recent blog post for can be found here   



Think someone deserves to be congratulated? Email with the subject line "Newsletter Congratulations!"