Coleman Chronicle

The Official E-Newsletter of Coleman Middle School 

1724 Manhattan Avenue
Tampa, FL  33629
(813) 872-5335
ISSUE 99 - September 4, 2015
Coleman Middle School Newsletter
Parents and Students,
We are officially settled into the 2015/2016 school year.  I want to thank you for sending your children well prepared and ready to learn each and every day. I am excited about where we are academically and look forward to seeing more positive results by years end.
Our morning/afternoon car rider dropoff/pickup has improved dramatically over the first few days of school. I appreciate your support in following the procedures set in place (Which is to pick up your child in front of Coleman on Manhattan traveling North towards Estrella. You can enter onto Manhattan by using San Rafael or San Miguel) and maintaining a safe speed while in the School Zone (15 mph or below). We have had positive feedback and helpful suggestions in making the process safe and orderly. We are always looking to expedite the process, but not at a cost that would jeopardize our students' safety.
In order to keep the campus secure and our students safe, everyone is required to report to the main office to obtain a visitor's pass and to log into the computer. Photo identification is required.  If you are signing out a student from Coleman during the day, you must have photo identification and be listed on the emergency card before the child is called from their class and released to you.
As always, if you have any concerns please feel free to contact the school at 872-5335. Our goal is the success and safety of every child. We always encourage parental involvement.
Yours in Education,
Mike Hoskinson 

Welcome Back Parents!


Coleman Middle School is so fortunate to have a strong PTSA made up of parents, students, teachers and staff. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to be a member.  As you can read below, our PTSA was recognized as a  2015-2017 National PTA School of Excellence.  That is a huge honor and would not be possible without our amazing members!
If you are new to Coleman, you may not realize that our ONLY fundraiser is the FAMILY SPONSORSHIP DRIVE at the beginning of the school year. We will not ask you to buy wrapping paper, attend an auction, participate with a bake sale or any other venture.  We are trying to make your lives as easy as possible. However, that does not mean that we don't need to raise money. We have many programs requiring funding that directly benefit your children. Examples include assistance to teachers for classroom items, student incentives to encourage academic achievement, support of student and teacher enrichment, and so much more. Every little bit helps, so please, if you have not donated, please consider helping us out.  The only amount that is too small is $0.00, ANYTHING above that is greatly appreciated! Click this link for the FAMILY SPONSORSHIP FORM.  If you have already donated or are one of our awesome business sponsors (please see to the right), THANK YOU!!!!  

Finally,  Please save the date for the first General PTSA meeting.  We will be combining it with the Guidance Department's Inside Scoop on September 17th, at 6:00pm in the cafeteria.  Parents and students are encouraged to attend and learn more about what to expect in middle school and what is happening with the PTSA. We will be raffling off two birthday marquee announcements at the meeting, so make sure to attend!


If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.




Jen Carlstedt

PTSA President 




PTSA Membership Perks Logo
Take an active role in your child's education by joining Coleman's PTSA! Your membership will provide support for great programs here at school like Student of the Month, Mini-Grants and Staff Appreciation. Your membership also helps promote education and student-related causes both state- and nation-wide. PTSA is member driven, and while we rely on volunteers and encourage everyone to get involved, your membership does not obligate you to volunteer your time. It simply says you care about education and recognize the positive impact a strong PTSA has on a school. 

Students put the S in PTSA!  Please have your students join along with you. Students enjoy the same member benefits as adults, and receive a monthly treat during lunch to thank them for their participation.  Your child must be an individual member to receive the treat.  Our first student member incentive day will be Friday, October 2, so please send in your membership application as soon as you can.

Membership is only $6 per person.  PTSA Membership Forms may be found on the Coleman PTSA website under PTSA Forms.  If you have any questions regarding PTSA membership, please email Kristy Hines at

PTSA Membership Form


Coleman's school directory is going paperless! 

This will be the first year of having an on-line directory that you will now have access from anywhere via a laptop or smart phone - so never be without a phone number again!

The electronic directory is a great way get in touch with other Coleman parents and students. YOU decide if you would like your information in the directory - so please take a minute and register today!  For those of you that like to have a printed copy of the directory in your car - you can easily print a directory right from your home computer now either by grade or off your favorites list!

To sign up today, please click the link:

After signing up for the directory you will receive an email within 2-3 business
days that will give you your families personalized link and a temporary password.
There will also be instructions on how to login and how to create an app to
be saved to your smart phone.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Harrop at


Please be on the lookout for Best Buddies applications for Coleman Middle School students. We meet once per month in the school setting. We try to also do a couple outside activities together. At the end of the year we have our annual Best Buddies Friendship Ball and Friendship Walk. It is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends 
Best Buddies is a global volunteer movement that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) secure rewarding jobs, live on their own, become inspirational leaders, and make lifelong friends!  Find out more at
Please see or email Mrs. Kendall with any questions.
Room 82
If you want to go ahead and fill out the application here are the instructions:
Go to Membership Applications >>Middle Schools


It's time to start your Reflections entries . . . and YOU could be a winner! Fabulous prizes will be awarded at each grade level. Last year we had 50% of our Cobras advance to county and state levels. 

The PTA Reflections theme is "Let Your Imagination Fly." There are several categories to choose from: Dance Choreography, Photography, Literature, Visual Arts, Music Composition and Film Production. 

Theme: "Let Your Imagination Fly" 
When:  Entries due October 23 by 4:15 pm 
How:   Check out the guidelines & rules using the following links: 
            PTA Reflections Florida PTA
Who:   Contact Diane Barber, Reflections Committee Chair with 
We can't wait to see your creative entries and recognize your winning pieces at the school and possibly county, state and national levels!


Coleman Middle School PTSA has been named a National PTA School of Excellence for the 2015 -2017 school years. National PTA's School of Excellence is a program that supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to improve the educational experience and school environment for every child. As a National PTA School of Excellence, families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement. This program provided guidance to assist our school in engaging families in school decision-making, and help our school build inclusive policies related to education, health, safety or the arts. 

Becoming a National PTA School of Excellence began with a joint commitment of PTA and our phenomenal administrative team who wanted to work together to welcome all families, communicate effectively, support student success, speak up for every child, share power and collaborate with the community. Our school has successfully mastered these commitments and we applaud everyone for doing so.

Thank you for your commitment to our school community. Thank you for helping us reach this honorable milestone for our school and community. 

Mindy Taylor
2014-2015 PTSA President


Hello Coleman Families, 

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am very fortunate to be the school psychologist at Coleman Middle School this year. I received my undergraduate and graduate training at the University of Florida, and I am an avid Gator football fan! More importantly though, I love my job and the opportunity to assist with our district's vision to prepare students for life. As a school psychologist, I work with students, families, teachers, administrators, and others to help students be successful in school. School psychologists are available to assist with academic, social, emotional, and/or behavioral concerns. I am at Coleman on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, unless I have an off-campus meeting. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. 

Hope everyone is off to a great start for the 2015-2016 school year! 

Thank you, 
Christine Pickering 

Christine Pickering, Ph.D., BCBA 
Phone: 813-872-5335 ext. 237 

The Great American Teach In will take place on Thursday, November 19, 2015.  Please contact your child's teacher about presenting.  If you are planning on presenting, please contact the teacher early, because our times fill quickly.  For any further information, please contact Karen Wilkins at
If you are planning on volunteering this year, please complete a SERVE FORM as soon as possible.

All Coleman students will have the opportunity to participate in the following competitions:
WOW Tournament- (World of Wisdom)- a team Jeopardy type of competition usually in December.
Geography Bee- Individual geography competition.  Usually in the late fall.
Please listen for announcements about these up-coming competitions.
All 8th graders will be required to create a History Fair project this year.  Each student will have the opportunity to compete in our school competition.  Then, the two best entries will compete at the regional competition.
If you have any questions about any of these competitions, please contact Karen Wilkins at
6th grade- Ancient Civilizations and U.S. history/government in 4th quarter.
7th Grade- Civics and EOC (End of Course Exam) in May
8th Grade- U.S. History and Florida History

Counselor's Corner
    Guidance Counselor 
    The Guidance Department has many events coming up that we would like to share with our Coleman family. First of all, we would like to introduce ourselves. Ms. Wicker is the 8th grade counselor and 6th grade counselor for students whose last names begin with L-Z. Mrs. Morter is the 7th grade counselor and the 6th grade counselor for students whose last names begin with A-K. We work as a team and would like your first point of contact to be your child's assigned counselor, but know that we will see each other's students and speak to a parent if one of us is unavailable. Combined we have 43 years of middle school guidance experience and look forward to working with you and your children.
      Our first event is Inside Scoop on September 17th at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Sixth grade parents and parents new to Coleman are invited to join us for ice cream and gain information on how to guide your child through the middle school years.
      The next parent meeting will be for the 7th grade parents of students who are identified to participate in the Duke Tip scholars program based on their FCAT or other qualifying test scores. Parents of these students will be notified by letter with a date and time for the meeting.
      Please do not hesitate to call or email us with any questions or concerns you may have.
      Shell Wicker and Lesley Morter


Make sure that your child's birthday is not missed this year.  Please return your Birthday Announcement form back into the PTSA from the first day packet!

CLICK HERE for the form if you missed it!

September 7th: 
Labor Day - No School
September 16th: 
Basketball vs Madison 6:00PM in the Gym
September 17th: 
Inside Scoop & PTSA Meeting  6:00PM  
September 18th: 
Midterm Reports
September 24th: 
Picture Day through Electives 
Conference Night  5:00 - 7:30PM  
Basketball vs Wilson 6:00PM at Wilson MS Gym

September 25th: 
Coleman Spirit Night at Village Inn 4:30-9:00PM


Coleman Middle School PTSA is on Facebook and Twitter! CLICK ON Icons to Follow CMS on Social Media. Remember to turn on your notifications to ensure you do not miss Principal Hoskinson's Tweets or PTSA's Facebook Posts. 

Quick Links

Coleman PTSA Website 


Coleman PTSA Forms





Nannette Harvey

Assistant Principal, Administration


Assistant Principal, Curriculum
PTSA Board

 Lisa K. Ford 

1st VP of Mini-Grants


Cathy Erhardt

2nd VP of Volunteers


Anne Marie Abdoney

3rd VP of Fundraising


Michele Molinelli



Leslie Farrell

Recording Secretary


Amy Harrop

Corresponding Secretary 

 Business Sponsors

King Cobra Sponsors 
State Farm Logo
Jim Cornwell

Gold & Black Sponsors






Spirit Sponsors


Rob Daisley

Mediation Services




Thank you to all our business sponsors as of 8/31/15.

Coleman Family Sponsors
Updated Family Sponsors List 
Hillsborough County School Board


magic lamp


County School Board

Chair - Susan L. Valdes

Vice Chair - Doretha W Edgecomb



April Griffin

Sally A. Harris

Carol W. Kurdell

Melissa Snively

Cindy Stuart


Superintendent of Schools

Jeff Eakins

Coleman Chronicle Submissions 
Do you have an announcement you'd like posted in the Coleman Chronicle? 
Click here
to email article to 
Amy Harrop
PTSA Corresponding Secretary.