NWTA Newsletter - March 2013 

In This Issue


NWTA Calendar:


March 23 - 24th PDX Bicycle show. Come visit!  


March 26th General Membership meeting @ HUB - 6 pm.   


April 6th Golden Spike Trail Build @ Stub Stewart - 9 am.  


April 7th Bike Patrol Information meeting @ Stub Stewart


April 13th Women's Group Ride @ Black Rock. See NWTA calendar for more.


Don't forget NWTA Sunday family days at the Lumberyard!  







Bike Show, Big Air and a Golden Spike


What would you do without NWTA? We have so much going on and you are invited to all of it! You can work the crowd with us at the Portland Bike Show over the weekend. You can show off your bike skills while mingling with other mountain bikers at the Lumberyard for our March membership meeting. Or help drive the "golden spike" and build the final trail connector to complete a new trail at Stub Stewart State Park.


NWTA is going to be there and you're invited!


See you there!

Jon Pheanis

NTWA President

Collaborative Efforts Improve Syncline Trails

Washington Trails Association, National Forest Service, Columbia Area Mountain Bike Advocates, AND Northwest Trail Alliance were working together in March to improve trails at Syncline.  While WTA/CAMBA volunteers worked on improvements to Little Maui Falls trail, NWTA volunteer equipment operators were focused on turning sections of Old Jeep Road back into actual trail! The current grade and water erosion issues had turned them into ditches, but we outsloped tread to 5% and added rolling grade features to make it more sustainable.     Volunteer equipment operators used this project opportunity to learn characteristics of each of our new machines - the Ditch Witch SK755 and Canycom BFP602 carrier.  The Witch's 8-way 42" blade and large plate compactor were our tools of choice!  Long weekends spent sculpting and shaping Old Jeep Road back into shape for the riding/hiking season! It was very rewarding to hear many many words of thanks as riders and hikers passed thru our work area.


Special thanks to NWTA volunteer equipment operators - Kelsey Cardwell, Bruce Gudmundsson, and Dan Suffin for their work on this project!

Equipment Operator Training - March 10th

During time when our equipment was on project site at Syncline, NWTA
Scott Frey (former IMBA Trail Care Crew trainer) demonstrating "float and scrape" method to other equipment training participants for easily removing just top loose duff from trail tread. 
hosted an equipment operator training class based out of Port of Cascade Locks.  A morning indoor classroom session included overview of using mechanized equipment for trail projects.  We spend afternoon up on Syncline demoing techniques and learning about maintenance of equipment in the field.   In May an additional training will be hosted at Stub Stewart State Park for Oregon Parks & Recreation staff.  Contact
partnership@nw-trail.org if interested in use of equipment and/or skilled operators for trail projects.

Join us April 6th to complete the Final Yards of link trail between North XC Stub mountain bike area trail and South!   

Volunteer check-in is at 9am at Clayhill parking area at end of park road within L.L. Stub Stewart State Park.  It's been YEARS of digging by mountain bike volunteers to build out this new mountain bike only section of trail at Stub, and we're finally reaching a major goal which will open up another 2.5 miles of single track built for mountain biking only!  Come join the celebration on April 6th to drive the "golden spike" to complete the final yards of trail!


It's o.k. to be a rebel. Just don't ride illegally.
Every mountain biker knows how tempting it is to be so close to so much flowing single track but to be unable to ride it. It's not worth it though. For every tire track that is imprinted in the mud, we spring another leak in our well of credibility and trust. Opponents and adversaries are vigilant and are watching us and it all makes NWTA look bad in front of all of our partners. We support legal use of trails and so should you. Please ride responsibly so that some day soon, we can ride our own single track legally.

See us at the Portland Bike Show

We have our own volunteers to thank! Stop by the NWTA booths this weekend (inside and outside), say hello and learn about the latest trail projects. See the event website for more information http://pedalnationevents.com/, or contact Raul if you'd like to help at raula@nw-trail.org.  


Bike Patrol info meeting at Stub Stewart State Park on April 7th

Lee Duncan is our lead patrol director and will be filling in interested riders on what Educate. Inform. Assist. is all about as a National Mountain Bike Patrol volunteer. Another info session will be hosted in May at Hagg Lake. Like riding bike?  Want to help others while on trail?  Join the bike patrol!  patrol@nw-trail.org 

Discounts at Bike Shops!
Two new bike shops have recently begun giving discounts to our members out of the kindness of their hearts! Make sure you know where your card is next time you head to these establishments:
  • Bike Gallery, in addition to other efforts to help us bolster our membership numbers, is offering 10% off all parts and gear if you show your card at purchase. Thank you Bike Gallery!
  • The Community Cycling Center is also offering 10% off new parts and gear. If you've never been to their shop on NE 17th and Alberta, it's certainly worth checking out. Thank you CCC for all the important work you do and for helping support our mission!
  • And don't forget about Family days at the Lumberyard! Sundays from noon to 5PM, the Lumberyard gives you and your family $10 off any day pass!  
We'd love to see this list grow much longer this year. If you'd like to volunteer to help spread the word about partnering with the NWTA, contact sonias@nw-trail.org .

Voting Still Open for Sandy Ridge!
The Sandy Ridge Trail System is one of 12 finalists to receive funding from Bell for trail development. Only 3 trail systems will be selected to recieve $100,000 in funding for trail development. To learn more and make your vote count visit:  http://www.imba.com/news/finalists-announced-bell-built-grants.

Women's Group Ride dates are set for 2013. 
Thank you to all of the ladies who have offered to lead rides for our group this year! Specific details will be added about 4 weeks prior to each ride (first ride is scheduled for April 13th @ Black Rock). For more information, search for our Facebook Group "N.W.T.A Women's Group" (all punctuation req'd) or email Debbie at  debbiec@nw-trail.org.

Mark your calendar:

September 13-15th is Trailfest 2013!

This year's TF will be the best yet so keep the calendar open. More details soon. If you have any ideas/suggestions for the event, please contact Dan at danj@nw-trail.org. 


June 1st-2nd is National Trails Day with NWTA

Lots of rides are coming your way so get ready for fun. More details soon. If you have any ideas/suggestions for trails, please contact NWTA at sonias@nw-trail.org 


Helen's Fest is set for July 26-28 2013  

Anyone interested in attending should consider joining the Facebook Helens Fest group up to date information will be posted in this group. As in past years base camp will be at Marble Mountain Snow Park on the South side of Mt. St. Helen's.

North West Trail Alliance