Financing Business Opportunity  

 April 2015
In This Issue
Client Spotlight
Program News
Spotlight on Success
Employer Resource
SBA 504 Rate Update
Quick Links

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From the Executive Director




I do like this time of year. One of my favorite programs is ramping up again as we start getting the community and youth participants ready for Humboldt Lemonade Day, which is happening on Saturday, June 6. Of course the focus is youth entrepreneurship, but as these kids plan and build their stands, identify supporters and eventually try to sell their products with quality, innovation and outstanding customer service, we can see they're learning about more than lemonade. They're learning about life. How to consider the many facets of any business, promote its strengths, and cater and respond appropriately to its customers. These are skills, once established, they will draw on for the rest of their lives and how fortunate we are that this is Humboldt's workforce! These are the kids we will hire first for our entry level jobs and eventually as our accountants, contractors, and other skilled professionals. These are the kids that will eventually open our new and innovative small and large businesses, helping to grow them with the skills they learned through Lemonade Day. This year, we're thrilled to be including Garberville as an active Lemonade Day community. 

Please support  AEDC and all our wonderful sponsors as we encourage this next set of leaders in our community.




Client Spotlight  


Thanks to a loan from AEDC, this January Jeremy and Aspen Logan fulfilled a long-time dream when they purchased Beckman Printing in Fort Bragg.  "We have wanted to own a business for many years but have not had the opportunity until now.


Beckman Printing fits very well into both of our skill sets and we are ready to become a thriving part of our small community," Aspen Logan explained. "Purchasing the business allows us to put down strong roots in the community and feel invested in it. We also have a vision to "bring up" our community members-through great graphic design and being an employer who has their employees' interest at heart."  

Prior to buying Beckman printing, Jeremy was a freelance artist and Aspen worked as an independent project management consultant. They currently have 3 employees and offer graphic design, printing (any paper materials), copying services and office supplies. Their retail storefront also offers long term, high quality business branding services.


"Beckman Printing is situated to become the 'one stop' for businesses--from office supplies to branding to business card printing. Without the generous and quick processing of the loan from AEDC, the purchase of this business would not have been possible. We are eternally grateful for the chance to really make a difference in our own lives and lives of our community members," Aspen added.




For more information, visit them on

                            *  *  * 
Program News   

Registration Now Open 

Local youth can now register for Humboldt Lemonade Day at


Saturday, June 6




All registered youth receive a free Lemonade Day backpack and workbooks designed to help guide them through the business planning process.  Backpacks can be picked up at any Humboldt County US Bank or the Community Credit Union in Garberville.


For more information, visit

or contact Susan Seaman at (707)822-4616 or


Small Business Rocks! 


AEDC Celebrates the Small Business Success at the ninth annual Spotlight on Success  


On Tuesday, March 31, AEDC celebrated the success of local entrepreneurs with local food and beverages, live music and an opportunity to meet business owners and learn about organizations that provide business support services to local entrepreneurs. 



About 200 people attended the event at Arcata Theatre Lounge. 

Charlie Heinberg, from Financial Resource Center, enjoys a sample from Humboldt Hotsauce. 

Businesses represented included Fire and Light, Los Bagels, Arise Bakery and Boujie Baking Company.

 * * *  

Thank you to all of our sponsors, business and food displays and economic development supporters.

See a complete list, with links to their businesses, here.

See more photos by Brandi Easter Photography here

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HSU Internship Program Recognized at Spotlight on Success event 


AEDC recognized the Humboldt State University School of Business Internship Program during the event 

for its contribution to workforce development in Humboldt County.


In academic year 2012-2013, HSU launched a partnership with the Smullin Foundation that allows HSU to place up to 25 consulting interns and 15 volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) interns each year for five years. The grant allows each student to receive a $2,500 honorarium, and receive 2 units of credit.


To date, 97 students have participated in consulting internships, and approximately 60 students have interned through the VITA program.


In academic year 2014-2014, HSU launched a McLean partnership to expand opportunities for consulting interns into Fortuna and the Eel River Valley. This grant is also for five years with a goal to place up to 10 interns each year. McLean interns receive an honorarium of $3,000- the increase meant to help defray the cost of traveling to Fortuna. This year the program has 8 interns working in the Eel River Valley, with one intern traveling to Santa Rosa each week to intern at Humboldt Redwoods Company.


Businesses who have employed interns include: Fire and Light, Sun Valley, Boy and Girls Club, Marimba One, City of Arcata and the City of Fortuna. 


From left to right: Fernando Alcala, Internship Assistant; Chris Gaines, faculty internship coordinator; Denise Vanden Bos, Director of Project Development, Dr. Hari Singh, Chair, and Sarah Loomis, internship assistant. All are from the HSU School of Business except Vanden Bos, who is with the College of Professional Studies.

HR Training Opportunity 

Sequoia Personnel Services presents Great Performance 101, how to build a culture of consistently great performance and retention of your best people. Debi Callahan, Human Resource Management Consultant, will inform you of the critical success factors to achieve great performance. 


The workshop is Tuesday, May 12 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Ingomar Club in Eureka. There is a $20 cost for lunch, which you pay at the venue to the Ingomar. RSVP to Michael Kraft at 445-9641 or email him at Seating is limited.
Employer Resource  

Expand your Employees Food Budget  


Sequoia Personnel is working with the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services to educate employees about the benefits of enrolling in CalFresh *


Many working people, including retail employees, bank tellers, hospitality service workers and more qualify for CalFresh (especially if they are supporting children).  Encouraging qualifying employees to participate in CalFresh can increase a family's budget and results in less turnover from employees seeking a nominal pay increase. This can:

  • Increase employees' standard of living
  • Help stabilize a workforce
  • Avoid the high cost of employee turnover
  • Increase CalFresh funds spent and recirculated in the Humboldt County economy

Contact Michael Kraft at Sequoia Personnel for more information at 707-445-9641 or

* CalFresh is California's version of the USDA's SNAP (supplemental nutrition) program. It promotes healthy eating and adequate nutrition.



SBA Commercial Property 504 rates


SBA Logo


SBA 504 Current
  • Low down payment for borrowers
  • Competitive fixed interest rate
  • Long Term loan
  • From $50,000 to $5 million for commercial real estate, construction and equipment acquisition.
Many commercial loans available on the market require a sizeable percentage down before the loan will be granted, and this can be an obstacle for many business owners looking to improve their facilities. The SBA 504 Loan offers a solution for that -- you can borrow up to 90% of your financing needs at a fixed rate, so only a minimum of 10% down is required.
The remainder is split between the SBA loan (40%) and a bank loan (50%), and the Arcata Economic Development Corporation will work with your bank to submit your loan application. Loan amounts range from $50,000 to $5 million, and some restrictions apply.  

Kelli Sterling

Loan Manager

(707) 822-4616  Ext 14

color map 

We are proud of the variety of businesses we've served over the years at AEDC. We would love to include you in our family of success stories. 


Visit to get more information about AEDC loans, events and programs. 



Ross Welch
Executive Director
(707) 822-4616 ext. 11