In This Issue
Director's Message
Director photo

What Keeps Medical Educators Awake at Night  

This question was the basis for a session at the annual meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges in November 2013. Before any presentation or discussion, the very first activity for session participants was to put their answer to this question on an index card. Take a moment to write down your answer to this question... commit your problem/concern/fear/question to paper. If you can't decide, don't worry: some conference participants completed multiple index cards. Take the next step; submit your reply anonymously using this link. In the next newsletter we will provide an update of what is keeping CHM awake at night.


At the conference session all of the index cards were collected and while the discussion was underway, the cards were collated by themes. I realize that there are many ways to group these types of responses, but what group of concerns that keep medical educators awake at night do you think emerged as the largest category?


The session participants generated a list of over 100 issues in response to the question of what keeps them up at night, and the largest group of concerns focused on faculty. Faculty's concerns about themselves ranged from balancing to competing work demands to the struggles of work-life balance. They cited concerns related to mentoring, the morale of colleagues and buy-in for medical education as recurring themes. A number of them also wondered where the next generation of medical educators would come from.


Sleepless nights related to curriculum and curriculum change was the second largest group of concerns. "What should we be teaching," "are we creating good students or good doctors," and "are we preparing our students for health care models of the future" were common concerns expressed in this category.


Medical students were the focus of the third largest category of concerns for insomniacs. "How to address issues related to professional behavior", "identifying and supporting struggling students," "engaging students in their education", and "supporting medical students to make sounds career choices" were among the many ideas written by the participants. Of course there were other groupings related to technology, administration and leadership, and scholarship that concerned session participants.


The session provided participants with relief that they were not alone with their fears and in fact many were energized to learn that they individually or institutionally were not unique in the problems that they faced. Look back at your answer to the question. It is very likely that someone else shares sleepless nights for the same reason: the complete list generated by the conference participants can be downloaded here. This list, although generated informally, suggests many avenues for scholarship in terms of developing best practice models, empirical studies, resource sharing and collaboration. Perhaps John Lennon was right, "Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?" Not too late to add your dreams and nightmares to the CHM list using this link.


Brian Mavis, PhD 

Associate Professor and Director
Office of Medical Education Research and Development
College of Human Medicine



- NBME U* 

NBME U* is an online collection of lessons for individuals interested in learning a range of topics relevant to high quality assessment. NBME U is being developed in conjunction with NBME's 100-year anniversary. Sign up for NBME U* here. 

DR MERL-Dependable Reviews of Medical Education Research Literature

Monthly medical education digest from Rutgers. Note that the links to the articles are routed through the Rutgers library but the articles can be accessed through the MSU's library link to electronic resources:  


Clinical Rotations:  
Clinical Skills:  
 Medical Mistakes:  

More information and articles available at:    

- OMERAD Spring Seminar Series Sessions Now Available Online  

1. Digital Distribution of Academic Journals and its Impact on Scholarly Communication: Looking back after 20 years. Presenter: Dave Solomon, PhD.Professor, Department of Medicine and OMERAD.
 2.Collaboratively Producing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).Presenter: Stephen Thomas, PhD. Assist. Prof. of Zoology. Assist. Curator for science education at MSU Museum. Assoc. Dir. for Center for Integrative Studies in General Science.

CHM Welcomes New Community Outreach Program Specialists

The Community Outreach Program Specialist (CORPS) is responsible to assist with recruitment of clinical/adjunct faculty, to provide faculty educational development; and to retain faculty and clinical sites in the face of ever-increasing competition from new community-based medical schools in Michigan. This includes making site visits to new and non-teaching physicians in the community to assess interest in and encourage involvement with CHM-MSU, assessment for appropriate learning environments, informing physicians about curricular content, and serving as a liaison between the potential faculty member, the Community Assistant Dean and the college's Human Resources office to facilitate faculty appointment.  


Jayne Johnson

Grand Rapids Area CORPS 

Jayne's background includes working in both the health care and education fields. Prior to joining the College of Human Medicine, Jayne was the Marketing & Communication Manager for MSU HealthTeam, the university's physician practice group. Her experience includes strategic communication planning, marketing health care services and providers, employee communication, and collaborating with staff at area hospitals. While working for Michigan public schools, Jayne delivered employee training and worked on complex communication issues at the intermediate and local district levels. She is excited to combine her health care and education experience as the Community Outreach Program Specialist in Grand Rapids.


Jonne' McCoy White, MPA  

Flint Area CORPS 

Jonne' comes to CHM from the Shelter of Flint where she was the Transitional Housing supervisor, Family Literacy Program supervisor, and Nutritional Program supervisor. Prior to that, she was the Division II Instructor for the American Red Cross. She is also the Practicum Coordinator of Medical Office Programs for Baker College and may continue to teach evening classes at Baker College if her schedule permits.  




Anne Leiby-McMahon

Lansing Area CORPS  

Anne brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to her new position. Before joining CHM Anne worked closely with physician practices affiliated with Sparrow Health System and has extensive experience in aligning with system services and programs that would best benefit physician offices.






In collaboration with faculty in the Office of Medical Education, Research, and Development (OMERAD), the Outreach Specialist delivers faculty development in the field to current and prospective preceptors and residents, conducts regular clinical site visits to assess the learning environment, supports faculty members, and performs needs assessments for further faculty development.


New IAMSE On-Demand Seminars and MSU Cloud Resources

Innovations in Assessment
OMERAD is pleased to announce that recordings of the IAMSE webcast audio seminar series from February 27th thru March 27th are now available for on-demand review.  


February 27
Newer Approaches to Medical Student Assessments
March 6
Individual Learning Assessment Approaches
March 13
Pivio:A New Records Management and Life-Long Learning Tool for the Medical Community
March 20
Assessment Review: Learning from Mistakes
March 27
ACGME "Milestones"

Zoom- Cloud Web Conferencing

Zoom is a cloud-based platform for video and audio conferencing, mobile collaboration, and simple online meetings. Zoom's web-based conferencing uses high-quality video and audio and is accessible on MacOS, Windows, iOS and Android mobile devices. Additionally, Zoom can be used with conventional phone lines for audio conferencing. This online platform can also connect to existing Polycom, Tandberg, LifeSize, and similar devices. Free access is available for MSU faculty, staff and students for the Basic Zoom service. Enhanced access is available by purchasing a license through the MSU Computer Store.  


For more information, visit:  



FileDepot is a service that provides space to temporarily store large data files intended for recipients within or outside of the university. This drop box type service addresses the need for sharing files that are too large to be e-mail attachments. The maximum file size is 900MB and files are automatically deleted from the space 14 days after upload. No manual clean up is required. This service is offered to the MSU community at no cost.  


For more information, visit:   



MediaSpace is a cloud based web service which facilitates the conversion and distribution of various audio and video media formats. MSU Faculty, staff and students may upload media content to the MediaSpace server which automatically converts and optimizes your media for hassle-free distribution on the web. Once files are uploaded, MediaSpace will provide links and embed code that you can use to share your media with others. This service is offered to the MSU community at no cost.  


For more information, visit: 




Geraud Plantegenest, MA 

Manager, Blended Curricular Learning Resources (B-CLR)

A214-C East Fee Hall

965 Fee Road, East Lansing, MI 48824 

517-353-2037 ext. 237 | [email protected] | @omerad_chm 


programeval CHM Program Evaluation

Serving the People: Outcomes of the U.P. Rural Physician Program  


The Upper Peninsula is a primarily rural and medically underserved region of Michigan that makes up 29% of the state's land area and is home to 3% of the state's population. In 1974, CHM began the Rural Physician Program (RPP) as a specialized a rural training option, with a goal of increasing the number of rural primary care physicians and physicians that specifically serve rural Upper Peninsula communities.


As CHM has expanded the class size, explored new certificate options and works towards developing a new curriculum, the time was right to document the success of the RPP. Using data from the AMA Masterfile for CHM graduates, the rates of primary care specialty choice, rural practice location, and Michigan residence for RPP-trained physicians were compared to CHM graduates who did not participate in the program. In Phase 1 of the project, outcomes were reviewed for graduates from 1996 to 2006, the most recent decade of graduates for which practice data are available.



RPP graduates (56%) were more likely than other CHM graduates (42%) to choose Family Medicine, Pediatrics and Internal Medicine as practice specialties, and CHM overall exceeds graduates nationally (32%) in this regard. RPP graduates were more likely than other CHM graduates to practice in rural communities (42% vs 13%) and to practice in Michigan (55% vs 40%). Non-RPP CHM graduates are representative of national trends in terms of rural and in-state practice. It is important to keep in mind that RPP participation is optional and interested students must apply to the program before matriculation.  


Similarly, the RPP selection process identifies students interested in a rural lifestyle, and they are likely over-represented among RPP graduates compared to CHM graduates overall. Despite these limitations, this sample of recent graduates suggests that the RPP is successful in encouraging students to practice primary care in rural Michigan settings. 


facdevFaculty Development
From CHM Educator: Resources on Giving Feedback to Students     

In this issue of VitalSigns we continue a series of articles highlighting items from CHM Educator, OMERAD's website collection of teaching resources. 


Found in the Community Preceptors section of CHM Educator are several resources on student assessment and feedback. 
  • ReCaP: A model for Giving Corrective Feedback 
  • Providing Effective Feedback: The S-FED Model 
  • Twelve Tips for Giving Feedback in the Clinical Setting

ReCaP is a feedback model developed at CHM. The steps of the model are Reflect, Correct, Perfect. This is a student-centered feedback model that engages students in analyzing their own performance and coming up with plans for improvement.


The link in CHM Educator is currently only to the pocket card, but faculty and staff in OMERAD and Community-Wide Assessment are working with the community assistant deans to create instructional materials, including video examples, for faculty. So stay tuned!  


S-FED is a model similar to ReCaP in providing an opportunity for students to assess their own performance. S-FED stands for Self-Reflection, Feedback, Encouragement and Direction. The model is presented as a Teaching Tip from the Einstein College of Medicine.


Twelve Tips for Giving Feedback Effectively in the Clinical Environment is an article in Medical Teacher that reviews the literature on feedback and distills it into 12 tips that clinical educators can use in day-to-day interactions with learners. The authors explain each tip and provide an extensive list of references.


CHM Educator contains links to resources for community preceptors, classroom instructors and course and clerkship directors. The web address for it is Suggestions for additions to CHM Educator are welcome at [email protected].   


hotpressHot Off the Press

- Solomon DJ. (2014) A survey of authors publishing in four megajournals. PeerJ 2:e365  


- Bj�rk, Bo-Christer; Solomon, DJ. (2014) How research funders can finance APCs in full OA and hybrid journals. Learned Publishing, 27: 93-103 doi:10.1087/20140203   


- Mavis B. Measuring mistreatment: Honing questions about abuse on the Association of American Medical Colleges Graduation Questionnaire. Virtual Mentor. 2014; 16(3): 196-199.


- Mavis B, Holmes-Rovner M, Jorgenson S, Coffey J, Anand N, Bulica E, Gaulden C, Peacock J & Ernst A.  Patient participation in clinical encounters: A systematic review to identify self-report measures.  Health Expectations.  2014: DOI: 10.1111/hex.12186 


-Mavis B, Sousa A, Lipscomb W & Rappley M. Questions about Mistreatment: Learning from Student Answers to the Graduation Questionnaire. Academic Medicine.  2014; 89(5).


resourcesOMERAD Resources

B-CLR Showcase 

An interactive gallery featuring examples of CHM blended and online learning projects by B-CLR.


CHM Educator

A website with Information to help you teach, whether in a classroom or in a clinic.



A medical education listserv maintained by OMERAD.


Medical Education Online (MEO)  

Peer-reviewed international open access journal for disseminating information on the education and training of physicians and other health care professionals.


Vital Signs Newsletter Archive

Click on the link to view past issues of our newsletter.


Medical Education Scholarship Group

Meets first Wednesday of each month in room A116 East Fee Hall from 1:30 pm-3:00 pm.For questions about this group contact Dr. Brian Mavis:[email protected]


OMERAD Technology Center (OTC)  

Units within the College of Human Medicine interested in sponsoring faculty and/or staff development programs in support of education and scholarship may request use of the room.


The OTC is located in A211 East Fee Hall. For questions about the OTC contact:

John Williamson ([email protected]


The Office of Medical Education Research and Development is a unit within the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University. Its mission is to improve medical education and related service programs through evaluation and research consultation, relevant instruction, and programs of faculty development.


Established in 1966, OMERAD is the oldest continuously operating office of medical education in the United States.


A-202 East Fee Hall

965 Fee Road 

East Lansing, Michigan 48824


 For questions about this newsletter, please contact us

@ VitalSignsNews