Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida
In this Issue: October 20, 2016

Mark Your Calendar!
You don't want to miss any of the great things happening at GSSEF.
The 2016 Fall Product Sale is Not Over!
Even though girls have submitted orders for nuts, candy and coupon books from their order card, the Fall Product Sale Program still continues. Magazine Catalog orders can be taken until November 15.
The Fall Product Online Sale Program for nut, candy and magazine orders continues until November 26th. It continues to generate strong sales results for girls and troops.
Girls can participate at any time during the sale. If you have not registered for the 2016 Online Sales Program - do this today and watch how this will increase the girl and troop sales. You are missing out on a great and easy opportunity.
Be a Reader Patches  To earn Be a Reader patches, simply complete the Be a Reader activities that are listed on the Program Poster that was in the Troop Leader Fall Product Sale Program Envelope.
The patches are available to purchase in both of our retail store locations. The cost for the set of both patches is $1.50
Online Program Listings and Calendar
Be sure to check out our online program listings and calendar here to see all the fun and exciting programs we have to offer.
Program Spotlight
Attention Villains! Registration Ends October 21.
Last call villains! You won't want to miss out on all the villainous fun. Spooky Movie Mania is only a few days away! This year's Spooky Movie Mania has something fun for everyone! Daisies, Brownies and Juniors can enjoy movies that include Maleficent, Matilda, Hocus Pocus, and Hotel Transylvania.
Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors this NEW release is just for you. Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life as well as Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Ghostbusters and how about a great classic Hocus Pocus!
At this up all night event enjoy music from a great DJ, watch movies all night (both new releases and great kid-friendly classics) and party the night away with your sister Girl Scouts! In between the big screen attractions, grab some Ghoulish Goodies from the concessions (at an additional cost), complete your villain look and get your face painted, take your picture at the photo BOOth, participate in gory games and take home a commemorative program patch.
Are you ready for a wicked good time? Register today! Open to all Girl Scouts and registered adult females.
General Admission Registration - $28 per person
For more information, contact your favorite villain Catalina Cano at ccano@gssef.org.
Welaka Winter Wonderland: Grow Your Heart 3 Sizes
Experience winter celebrations from across the globe through songs, dances, tastes and traditions at Camp Welaka on December 3. Troops will learns lesson of Global Citizenship and Cultural Competency as they explore the holidays of Chinese New Year, Christmas, Eid, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa by visiting different destinations throughout Welaka Winter Wonderland. And don't forget a stop in Who-ville where girls will learn the "ungrinchiest" lessons of all - that we should always be open to growing your heart during the holidays, holidays are really about the importance of community and friends can come from the most unlikely places!
Registration is open for Welaka Winter Wonderland here.

I Can't Wait for My Next Girl Scout Adventure!
Do you have photos from your troop or service unit activities that you would like to share? We'd love to give you a shout out. To submit them, complete this short form here.
Girls in Brownie Troop #20285 enjoyed a delightful Tea Party with Girl Scouts founder, Juliette Gordon Low.
Over 90 local Girl Scouts from 19 troops representing at least 6 different Service Units participated in a First Aid Training event at Broward County Sheriff's Headquarters to earn their First Aid Badges. Each grade level attended their own class taught by an instructor from the Fire Rescue Unit.
Take a look at more photos of Girl Scout Adventures
Check-out GSSEF'S Flickr page.

Find Your Fave Girl Scout Style
Getting ready for your next awesome adventure? Find your fave Girl Scout style and swag at either of our retail stores to make it the best ever. There is plenty of new merchandise to check out. Be sure to take a look at our new Girl Scouts Fall Catalog too. Questions? Email Jodi Potter at jpotter@gssef.org.
You can also shop anytime by visiting our Online Store that is open 24/7.

Come Join Us and Celebrate Our Founder's Birthday - October 27
We invite to stop by either of the Retail Store locations and help us celebrate our Founder's, Juliette Gordon Low's birthday. It's a great time to check out all the awesome new merchandise in the store. Plus get a free tin (while supplies last) with a surprise in-store discount inside (up to 30%). And yes, cookies will be served.
Deal of the Week on Facebook and Instagram begins October 31We're getting social and sharing our Deal of the Week special on our Facebook page and on Instagram each Monday beginning October 31 through November 21. Be sure to follow us so you can check out the Deal of the Week special. The special cannot be combined with any other offer.

Redeem Your Back to Troop Coupon starting November 1
Get ready to shop til you drop starting November 1st. If you earned a $10 off a $25 purchase coupon, it's time to make your shopping list out and bring it in to the store with you.* We have extended the expiration to November 19, 2016.
*Please Note: The $10 coupon given out at stores can only be used at the store that issues the coupon. $10 coupon codes that are sent to customers who shop online can only be redeemed online at www.girlscoutshop.com. Customers cannot use in-store coupons online and online coupon codes cannot be used at the GSSEF council stores.

BYOU Magazine and Stand Beside Her Awareness Contest
BYOU Magazine and Stand Beside Her are collaborating to bring national attention to remarkable girls and adults within Girl Scouts.
Between now and October 21, nominations are being accepted for Girl Scouts and Girl Scout volunteers who are go-getters, innovators, risk-takers and leaders to be featured in the winter edition of BYOU Magazine in honor of National Stand Beside Her Week. Nominate the extraordinary Girl Scouts in your life at http://www.standbesideher.org/byou-magazine.html.
BYOU will choose three Girl Scouts and three leaders, as well as 10 Honorable Mention honorees. Also, all nominees will be entered to win prizes throughout the contest. The earlier you enter your nominee, the more chances she has to win fun prizes.

Now Accepting Applications for Delegates to the National Council Session
E very three years the members of the corporation of Girl Scouts of the USA gather at a central location to conduct the business of the National Council. Each Girl Scout Council according to the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA, as defined in the Blue Book of Basic Documents, elects Delegates from the Council to the National Council Session. Nominations are now being accepted for Council Delegates to the National Council Session to be held October 2-8, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. If you meet the nomination criterion as listed here and are willing to accept the responsibilities as listed, please complete and submit an Application for National Council Session Delegate (Adult or Girl as applicable). Links to the applications can be found on the nomination criterion document above (if you do not have the fillable PDF tool, just print out the application to complete). Please follow the submission instructions on the application. Additional information and instructions will be sent to eligible candidates that will indicate next steps and deadlines. A slate of delegates to be elected will be presented at the next Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida Annual Meeting on February 18, 2017.


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