Peace Progress
Session Update 
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art students 

Message from Chris

As the fourth week of Session begins, I want to update you on the work I am doing in Richmond on your behalf. All legislators are busy meeting with constituents, attending committee hearings, and making up for time lost due to the recent snow storm.
The House of Delegates continues to focus on providing opportunities in education, fighting Federal regulations, promoting religious liberty, and protecting your second amendment rights. 

Opportunities in Education
Last week, Republican members of the House of Delegates outlined their legislative agenda to promote greater opportunities in education. This agenda focuses on continuing to enact common sense reforms in public education, promoting choice and flexibility, and encouraging early childhood education. Our ideas will help strengthen Virginia's public school system so all children have the opportunity to succeed.

I am a fellow patron of Delegate Rob Bell's constitutional amendment that would give the Board of Education the authority to establish charter schools in Virginia. For years, Virginia has lagged behind other states when it comes to charter schools. New York has 187 and Washington D.C. has over 115 while Virginia has 9. This amendment, if approved by voters, would set up a framework for the state to establish charter schools.  This amendment must pass the General Assembly this year before being sent to voters for final approval in the form of referendum.
I have also signed on as a co-patron for Delegate Dave LaRock's legislation to create Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). ESAs will allow parents to receive 90 percent of the State's portion of education funding for their child, which would then be used for tuition, tutoring, private courses, instructional supplies for homeschooling, online learning, and more. Funds not used could be saved for college. I support this piece of legislation because I believe in the importance of a child's education for his future success.
Sterling Rives and Chris Whitley of Hanover
The General Assembly is also looking at several ways to increase access by creating a pilot program to test a mixed-delivery early childhood education model; establishing a stakeholder committee to explore how to break down barriers that limit the use of private providers; and expanding the eligibility of the successful Educational Improvement Scholarship Tax Credit to include early education providers. 

Concealed Carry Reciprocity

Capitol Region Caucus meeting
Due to pressure asserted by Assembly Republicans, the Governor agreed to restore and expand Virginia's concealed carry reciprocity agreements. After Attorney General Herring's announcement to sever Virginia's reciprocity agreements with other states, the House of Delegates made reversing that decision a top priority. After some candid discussions, we reached an agreement to grant universal reciprocity was made in return for allowing voluntary background checks at gun shows, and prohibiting individuals under permanent protective orders due to a domestic violence offense from possessing a firearm.
This agreement restores the rights of law-biding citizens while sending a clear signal about the House's commitment to preventing and combating domestic violence or sexual assault.  
Fighting Federal Regulations
On Wednesday, the House passed legislation to require General Assembly approval of Virginia's implementation of the federal Clean Power Plan thereby restoring legislative oversight of energy regulations. House Bill 2, introduced by Delegate Israel O'Quinn (R-Washington), passed the House of Delegates 66-34. The bill would restore legislative oversight by requiring the Department of Environmental Quality to receive approval from the General Assembly for a state implementation plan to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. 
Dr. Kelley Dodson of Mechanicsville
These regulations are another example of the overreaching federal government and more proof of the Obama-Clinton-McAuliffe fight against coal. Virginia's economy cannot afford these job killing attacks that also significantly drive up energy costs for families and businesses. The independent and nonpartisan State Corporation Commission estimates these regulations will increase electricity costs in Virginia by $5.5 to $6 billion and potentially force the closure of reliable power plants ahead of schedule.
By passing this legislation, we are able to protect Virginians from key job losses and significant rate hikes. I am urging Governor McAuliffe to sign this legislation when it reaches his desk.
Sydney Shermer, Lee-Davis High School Student, Shadows Delegate Chris Peace 
have been delighted to host Lee-Davis High School student Sydney Shermer at the General Assembly on Thursday, January 28, 2016. Sydney spent the day immersed in the legislative process, including hearing committee meetings, sitting in the gallery during floor session, and attending constituent meetings with me.   

Del. Chris Peace and Sydney Shermer
Sydney is a very smart young lady and has a bright future.  I want to give her the opportunity to experience what Virginia's legislature is like, as she c
onsiders a possible career in state government.
Sydney is currently a senior and is the Public Relations officer for the Young-Republicans Club at the school.  Sydney has been interning at my Mechanicsville legislative office since July, and helped on my re-election campaign. 

On spending her day at the General Assembly, Sydney said, "I am excited to spend time with Delegate Peace learning about state legislature more as I pursue a career in state government in the future."
My 2016 Legislative Survey


If you have not yet, please complete my legislative survey to share your priorities for this session.  Working together, we have accomplished many things for our community and our Commonwealth.  


Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this questionnaire as constituent input is very important to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.


 Click here to take the 2016 Legislative Survey


For questions or concerns, I may be reached at 804-698-1097 or via e-mail at 


I have had many visitors from home this week at the General Assembly. I was delighted to receive visits from Hanover residents Ed DuRocher, Major Mansfield, Larnie Allgood, Amanda Lineberry, Sheree Hedrick, Cathy Easter, Benjamin Waitman, Jacqueline Gittmann, Dan and Barbara Wolf, Randy Whittaker, Heather Tuthill, Daniel
Major Mansfield testifies in support of my HB 690
Nogle, Kaitlyn Whitaker, Bart Jones, Peter Cross Stratiou, Seul Ki Choi, Morgan Bowles, and Kelley Dodson.

I enjoyed speaking with Jeff Oberg and Sally Pearson of King William County about matters of importance to our community.   A number of New Kent residents 
stopped by my office to discuss issues relating to their various professional organizations, including JB Benson of Lanexa and Matt Wilson of Quinton.   

Last Wednesday was VA Federation of Republican Women "Storm the Hill" Day.  I was so uplifted by the sea of red seen around the General Assembly Building and across Capitol Square.  These ladies work hard spreading our common sense conservative message and advocating for legislation that will increase the quality of life of women, children, and families across our great Commonwealth.  
VFRW, a sea of Reagan RED

As always, I look forward to more smiling faces from home next week.  If you are planning a visit during session, stop by and visit.  I am in Room 820 of the General Assembly Building.
Dental hygienists' from the 97th District

VA Farm Bureau members from Hanover and King William

The Pearsons of King William stopped by to visit

Contact Me
My office takes the responsibility of serving seriously. My staff is available during the week to assist you with your concerns; I am also readily available. I encourage you to contact us. Please continue to contact me whenever you have concerns or issues of importance to our community and the Commonwealth.
 I may be reached at
General Assembly Building
Room Number 820
Phone: 804-698-1097
Fax; 804-698-6797
Mailing Address:
PO Box 819
Mechanicsville, VA 23111