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Peace Progress
May 2014 Edition
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Message from Chris

April 23 we returned to Richmond for the one-day "veto session." Veto session is where the legislature takes up Governor McAuliffe's vetoes and amendments.


I was disappointed that the Governor vetoed several important measures, including:


House Bill 1040, which would give defendants a right to appeal to circuit court when found guilty of a red light camera violation. 


Senate Bill 236, which would protect the free speech rights of public school students.

Senate Bill 555, which would prohibit state government from censoring sermons given by chaplains in the Virginia National Guard. 


Despite the fact that each measure passed garnered the needed votes to pass during regular session, all three were defeated as there were not enough votes to override the Governor's action. If we wish to see these measures become law, they will have to be brought back in a future session.


We also took up dozens of the Governor's amendments, many of which were non-controversial.  I am happy to report that the Governor did not veto or amend any of the legislation I worked to pass this year. Each has been signed into law.


Unfortunately, there was no progress on the largest outstanding issue, the state's biennial budget.  Governor McAuliffe continues to demand that the House agree to his Obamacare Medicaid expansion before he will let any of the rest of the budget pass. 

New Poll: Medicaid Expansion


According to a recent poll by Christopher Newport University, opposition to Obamacare's Medicaid expansion and the false promise of free federal money is growing. 53% of Virginia's oppose Medicaid expansion in the latest poll, up 15% from the same poll's findings in February.


In addition, 71% of Virginians support the General Assembly coming to a compromise in order to avoid a State Government shutdown. House Republicans have offered the clearest path to compromise - pass a clean budget to avoid a government shutdown and debate Medicaid expansion during a special session. This would ensure that the core functions of state government, including teachers and school boards, police departments, firefighters, and transportation crews, will receive funds to continue serving the public.


The effects of a delayed budget over Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion is astounding. The number of Virginians with a positive view of state government has dropped by 8 percent since Governor McAuliffe took office. It only took one session under Governor McAuliffe's divisive and ideological leadership to lose the confidence of Virginia voters, who for the first time in years think the state is on the wrong track (42% right, 44% wrong).


These are good results for us, but we can't back off now.  Click here to sign the petition and tell Governor McAuliffe it's time to compromise and pass a clean budget to keep state government open.  OR  Click here to chip in $5 and help us keep up the fight.

Tax Freedom Day

I hope you celebrated Tax Freedom Day on April 24. Tax Freedom Day is the day that you begin working for yourself. Or to put it another way, the average Virginian has to work from January 1 until April 23 to pay his state and federal taxes!


That's just wrong. Americans are paying more than ever before. Things were bad enough, but now President Obama's health care reform law is adding to our burdens. Many of us are already seeing increases in our taxes due to Obamacare.


That is one of the reasons I am fighting hard in Richmond to continue to enact legislation that will make the 97th District and Virginia the best place to live, work, own a business, and raise a family.


Reminding you of how much you pay in taxes is probably not the best strategy to use in asking for a contribution, but I must. I hope you will consider a contribution of $25 to help me  continue the fight in Richmond to reduce the pain Americans feel on April 15th, April 24th, and every other day due to the regulations and taxes that have come about.        


Your contribution of just $25 will go a long way  toward helping me fund my efforts to continue to fight for our shared conservative principles. Thank you. 

Contact Me
My office takes the responsibility of serving seriously. My staff is available during the week to assist you with your concerns; I am also readily available. I encourage you to contact us. Please continue to contact me whenever you have concerns or issues of importance to our community and the Commonwealth.
I may be reached at:
Capitol Office:
PO Box 406
Richmond, VA 23218
Phone: 804-698-1097
Fax; 804-698-6797
District Office:
Physical Address
Battlefield Commons Building
8101 Vanguard Dr, Suite 150
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Mailing Address:
PO Box 819
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Phone: 804-730-3737

 [email protected] |
PO Box 819
Mechanicsville, VA 23111

Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Chris Peace

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