May 2016
A monthly e-magazine to help you rearrange your home, office, and business, shift energy, and transform your life with Feng Shui.

The View From My Feng Shui Window
I finally read Marie Kondo's book about the Japanese art of organizing and the "magic of tidying up." I have the highest respect for the clutter-clearing lessons Marie is trying to teach, but I did resist reading this international bestseller because of the cult-like hype about her "KonMari Method" of folding clothes. There's also my visceral reaction to that word "tidy." I just don't like it. But that's a subject for another blog.
People assumed that as a Feng Shui practitioner I'd read the book and they kept asking my opinion. So I figured it was time to read it. I also watched a few videos. Then, what did I do? I immediately KonMari'd four drawers.
Marie wants us to talk to our clothes as we gently smooth them before folding in a distinct method, and tell them how much we appreciate them. I admit I did develop a fondness for that much contact with fabric, but I didn't have interest in engaging in conversation with any of my garments.
The goal is to fold each piece into a neat little packet, and then you place these side by side in your drawers so you can see everything you have. Socks get rolled up like sushi. Marie has an easier time folding her garments than I did - her pieces all seemed to be flatter and more regular in shape than my assortment. And they were definitely tinier. I ended up modifying the folding technique to make it work.
Marie says you know you've done her method correctly if your little packets stand up on their own. Gotta admit it did feel great when I could let go and each little bundle stood up for itself.

Beyond creating upstanding clothes, what's my opinion of the experience? Here's my summary:  
* Can I see everything I have in a drawer without having to move everything around? Yup.
* Did I get rid of things I no longer wear like stretched out socks? You know it.
* Does it make me smile when I see my beautifully-organized drawers? It sure does.
* Did it give me more storage space? Nope, I couldn't get any more into each drawer. 
* Can my husband and I figure out a way to sushi-roll his thick boot socks? Definitely a challenge.
It remains to be seen whether I will keep up with all that folding, but there's a strong decluttering message that I support in Kondo's book. In Feng Shui, clutter represents postponed decisions and the inability to move forward. Clearing that clutter makes room for good things to find you. When you organize your stuff, by whatever method, you feel better.
That's why I've added The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing to my new online Mindfulness Bookstore. It's one more tool to help you de-stress your life. Take a look at the books I'm recommending, and check back because I'll be adding more. I welcome your suggestion for resources to include. 
What do you think about the KonMari method? Email your experiences, good and bad, and I'll share it in a future ezine.
Carol M. Olmstead, FSIA

Feng Shui Master Practitioner

New In This Issue

Designing a Feng Shui Garden
Whether your garden view is a lush paradise or a simple hanging plant, you can add some pizzazz by following a Feng Shui plan.
--Feng Shui For All Seasons section

Six Ways to Avoid Creating Clutter
The best way to clear your clutter is to avoid accumulating it.
--Clutter Clinic section  

Correcting a Missing Wealth Areas   
It's hard to attract new clients if your home has no "Wealth" area, but it's an easy Feng Shui fix to correct this situation.
--Success Story section  

Questions for May
How to "mark" an apartment front door, arrange a bedroom to support a long-distance relationship, and where to locate family memorabilia.
--Q&A section

10 Questions That Will Transform Your Life
Self-help to lift your spirits and enrich your life.
--Beyond Feng Shui section  

NEW ON MY WEBSITE: The Mindfulness Bookstore. Click here to check out the selections. 
Stay Connected
Feng Shui For All Seasons 
Feng Shui Tip For May - Designing a Feng Shui Garden
I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.
---Claude Monet
Garden Jumpstart the geraniums and dial up the dahlias: it's time to start growing something in your garden with a Feng Shui plan in mind. Whether the garden view you see is a lush paradise or a simple hanging plant, I recommend you choose plants and decorations in colors and shapes that represent the Feng Shui Five Elements. The Five Elements is the Feng Shui term to describe the colors, shapes, and textures around you and the attributes they bring into your life. The Elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and each has a characteristic shape and colors, and represents specific aspects of life. What do the names of the Five Elements conjure up in your mind? Most likely it is the same thing as their attributes: passion, grounding, clarity, movement, and growth, respectively.Here are simple ways to activate the Elements while adding a bit of pizzazz to your garden:

Fire Element: Plant red, orange, or purple flowers, then add an outdoor fire pit and lanterns or torches.

Earth Element: Plant yellow flowers, and arrange rocks and clay pots around them.

Metal Element:
Plant white flowers and decorate your garden with metal sculptures and wind chimes.

Water Element: Plant blue and purple flowers, and create a water element like a pond, fountain, or birdbath.

Wood Element: Plant green shrubs and trees, then place wooden benches, chairs, or a trellis in your backyard.
To place these Element shapes and colors in the most appropriate bagua area of your garden, first download a bagua that matches the shape of your garden from the "Basics" section at Next, hold the bagua in front of you when you look into your garden from its main entrance. Plant and decorate your garden to match the colors and shapes recommend for each area. For example, in the Wealth area (upper left hand corner of your garden), grow red geraniums, purple salvia, or other plants with hot colors or triangular shapes to increase your abundance and prosperity. Plant fruit trees in this area and your wealth will be "fruitful."
If you live in an apartment or condo, you can still have a garden on your balcony or patio. Even though the space is small, use the bagua to map out your outdoor space, then decorate with flowers, small potted plants, or garden ornaments.
The Clutter Clinic
Six Ways to Avoid Creating Clutter  
Newspaper Stack There is a story making the rounds among Feng Shui consultants about the wise Feng Shui practitioner and the confused, cluttered client. When the wise practitioner walked into the cluttered client's home, all she could see were piles of paper everywhere.
"There are two types of people," the wise practitioner said to the client, "those who put their papers in files, and those who put their papers into piles."   

"Which is better," the cluttered client asked, "the one who files or the one who piles?"  

"The one who throws away," said the wise practitioner.
The best way to keep your life moving forward is to avoid accumulating cutter. Here are six simple ways to avoid piling or filing, and instead remain clutter-free:   
1. Donate Weekly. Once a week, collect 10 things you don't need and donate to your favorite charity, give to friends, or throw away.
2. Practice the Five-Minute Rule.
At work, find three things you can do in five minutes or less each, then do them immediately rather than add another piece of paper to the piles of clutter on your desk or in your work pace.   
3. Organize Your Closet. Try rearranging your clothes so your outfits are grouped together. Grab the outfit on the right side of your closet in the morning, then at night hang it on the left side so you will rotate your clothes and never "outwear" your favorites.
4. Derail Junk Mail. Locate your recycling bin and shredder near your mail sorting area and get rid of the junk mail immediately.
5. Plan Ahead. Locate a bench or cabinet near your front door or door to the garage, and each night place your purse, tote, briefcase, and kids backpacks there rather than scattered all over the house. That way you can grab them on your way out in the morning.
6. Just Say No. If you don't have time to take on another new client or volunteer project - and all the paraphernalia and clutter that comes with it - politely decline.

Success Story
Correcting a Missing Wealth Area
Suzanne told me she was in a "dry spell" when it came to attracting new clients. I gave her a Feng Shui plan of adjustments for her townhome, including making corrections in her backyard to restore the missing Wealth Area. She saw immediate results.

Here's what Suzanne wrote:
SuccessStory After our consultation I replaced the outdoor cushions in the backyard wealth area with a new set in a bright reddish pink, and it makes a world of difference. I am planning to follow your suggestion to paint the trash shed with a red flower mural to activate the fire energy in that area even more. I also moved the Feng Shui frog that I received as a gift to the foyer, facing the door on an angle as you told me, and (drum roll), two days later an RFP came in from a potential client I had given up on. And following that, my boss had a friend call about hiring me, and that arrangement starts today. So it looks like my dry spell with clients has ended. I can't wait until we do a consult for my office. 
I would love to include YOUR success story in my next book.
E-mail me or call 1.800.652.9038 to schedule your home or office consultation. 
Ask the Feng Shui Maven
Q: I recently subscribed to your newsletter, which I love. I'm trying to find a new job. I live on the 20th floor of an apartment building in a major metropolitan city, where we are not allowed to put welcome mats outside our apartment door or hang anything like dried flowers or a wreath on the outside of the door. Bummer, since this is part of my career area. Is there anything you can recommend to spruce up the door? Weekly I clean the outside and inside of the door hoping that it will help the energy flow.   

A: Your question is one I get frequently from apartment dwellers, and I share your frustration that you can't decorate the "mouth of chi" for your home. Is there any way you can hang something small on the door frame or from your door knocker without it being too obvious? For example, it could be a small piece of ribbon, a shape that has meaning to you, or an icon that relates to your career field. The goal is to "mark" your door so it's different from all the others, and the chi is coming down the hall will be attracted to your door first. You are already ahead of most people because you're paying attention to cleaning your door - I rarely hear that from clients in apartment. On the inside, pay attention to how you activate the area where you first enter the apartment. If you don't have a defined foyer, try to create one with an attractive rug in the Water Element or furniture placed to create an entry area. You can hang art in this area with a water image (make sure the water is flowing in rather than out of your home) and/or an image that relates to a positive outcome of your job search. Good luck!

Q: I just became engaged, but my fianc� is going to be working overseas for several months. How do I keep the communication between us as clear as possible while we are separated by an ocean? While he is gone I will be living in a small temporary apartment and I can't decide if two nightstands are better than one.

A: Congratulations, I wish you both much joy and happiness! The classic Feng Shui adjustment for sustaining love is to place two nightstands in your bedroom. This would be especially important for both partners to do in their space when you are in a long-distance relationship. Also, decorate your bedrooms with the same art and images so that you are "present" in each other's bedroom no matter how far apart you are geographically. For example, hang the same romantic artwork in both bedrooms and display the same photo of the two of you, and if you can paint, use the same color. Knowing that you are looking at the same things in your bedroom helps enhance communications while you're separated.

Q: My mom died many years ago, but I still feel blue around Mother's Day. I've decided to create a collection of photos and objects that remind me of her and wanted to know the appropriate place to display it.

A: The Family Area of your home is the best area to display this memorabilia. Make sure you also display current family photos and objects in the same area to symbolize a positive future for your family as well as a tribute to a deceased member. To locate the Family Area of your home, you can download a bagua that matches the shape of your home from the "Basics" section at

Do you have Feng Shui questions for the Feng Shui Maven?
Feng Shui Consulting
Find out how my on-site and off-site Feng Shui Consultations for homes and businesses and offices can help you rearrange your space, shift energy, and transform your life.
Where will the Feng Shui Maven go this month?
I set up private consulting appointments with clients all over the country.

Contact me and I'll arrange to be there!
Appointments fill up fast, especially on weekends.

Washington, DC/Baltimore Metro: I have a few openings on April 28 and 29.
Call or email today to reserve your time. 
I welcome your referrals! 
Call 1.800.652.9038 or email Carol Olmstead to reserve your date.
On-Site Consulting 
I will visit your home, office, or business and help you rearrange your space, shift energy, and transform your life. During the session I will teach you Feng Shui basics, then we'll go through your space and I'll make suggestions for changing the placement of furniture and objects and dealing with color, moving what we can at the time. All sessions include 30 days of free Feng Shui coaching to help you continue to make changes and move forward.

Click here for residential consulting. 
Click here for commercial consulting. 
Off-Site Consulting 
When an on-site consultation isn't possible, I offer off-site and remote Feng Shui consulting for homes, offices, and businesses in the US and internationally. Off-site consulting package options include:
  • Feng Shui Hotline
  • 30-Minute Phone Consultation
  • Room Rescue
  • Floor Plan Analysis 
  • Whole House Consultation

Click here for off-site consulting. 

Feng Shui Workshops
Red Chairs Square
Bring one of my Feng Shui workshops to your city. I will create a custom presentation for your business or group to help you make simple changes to attract wealth, harmony, love, and much more.  
From keynote speeches, to "munch and learn" workshops, to half-day or full-day seminars, my interactive sessions are full of practical advice, tips, and fun. Feng Shui workshops make great fundraisers because they always sell out.  

People Are Talking About Carol's Feng Shui Workshops!

My three sisters and I attended your workshop, and I wanted to write to you and tell you how much we enjoyed it. It was packed full with such great information and the fact that you helped each individual at the workshop was incredible! The three hours went by so fast that everyone in the workshop thought you were just taking a break and we were all shocked that it meant the workshop was over. We all purchased your book and got several more copies for family members that could not attend because we love it.

Feng Shui Media
Quick Guide Cover

Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office: Secrets For Attracting Wealth, Harmony, and Love

This award-winning book contains my best Feng Shui advice in one place, including Feng Shui basics, success stories, a monthly guide to clutter clearing, and a tip-a-day calendar of 366 Feng Shui secrets.

Available in print and Kindle editions.

My award-winning book is part of the Amazon Matchbook program. That means when you buy the print edition, you get the Kindle edition for only $1.99, which represents an 80% savings.


Click here to get your copy!


Video Classes 
Grow Your Business with Feng Shui

My 90-minute, self-paced course includes tips for activating the Career/Work bagua area, along with simple changes you can make in your home that will advance your career or business. It includes tips and advice for everything you need to succeed, from choosing a desk, to lighting, plants, and art.

You'll learn 6 amazing tips that will help you create a space that supports you and your business. Watch as I use Feng Shui principles to conduct a hands-on transformation of a client's workplace and create a dynamic home office that gives more clarity, less clutter and distractions, and ultimately, more success. 
Click here to watch the trailer!

Mindfulness Bookstore
I continue to add books to this collection that will help you feel more organized, calm, grounded, and mindful. Email your suggestions for resources to add.
Click here to check out this month's selections!

Beyond Feng Shui
10 Questions That Will Transform Your Life
spa_stones.jpg Whenever you find yourself thinking negative thoughts or feeling down, don't fight it and don't get mad at yourself. Instead, HuffPost Healthy Living blogger Richard Kronick suggests you can re-direct your mind by asking yourself any of the following 10 questions:
  1. What am I grateful for and why? This question will help you generate a feeling of gratitude and serenity to calm any feelings of anger, frustration, or fear.
  2. Who do I love and why do I love them so much? The people we love are often the greatest sources of joy. Dwell on the face of someone you care about deeply, and recall the things they do that make you smile.
  3. What is something that I am excited about and why? This is a great question to ask yourself when you feel bored or sad. Find something that you are excited about and imagine what it will feel like when that experience happens.
  4. Who or what am I proud of and why? Think of something you've accomplished that gives you a deep sense of pride. It doesn't matter what others think of it, as long as you are proud of it.
  5. What are 10 (or more) amazing or beautiful things I can see right now? Ask yourself this question when you discover that you're thinking negatively or if you are waiting in line or bored.
  6. How did I get to be so lucky? This question can be tough for some people, but that's exactly the feeling you want to target and change. The more you ask this, the more you will find evidence of how truly lucky you are.
  7. What can I do today to create the future I want? This question is the key to opening the door to your dreams and keeping you focused on your goals.
  8. What will be great about today? Start the day with this question and you'll set the wheels in motion to create a great day.
  9. What are the three best things that happened to me recently? This question will remind you of the beauty around you and the happiness you've been given in your life.
  10. How can I give of myself to increase the joy of others? A life well lived is a life that makes you smile when looked back upon. The more we overflow with happiness, the more we're able to pass our love and joy onto others.

Kronick's article was originally published on 

Share Articles From This Ezine.
Articles in the Feng Shui To The Rescue newsletter are copyrighted but I encourage you to share them. Please credit Carol M. Olmstead as the author, and when you share the article please link to

Schedule a Space Clearing or House Blessing. 
Carol Olmstead is an Ordained Minister specializing in Feng Shui house blessing ceremonies and space clearing Call 1.800.652.9038 or e-mail Carol Olmstead for details.

Schedule a Consultation or Workshop. 
If you would like to set up a home, office, or business consultation, or schedule a customized workshop, contact: 
Carol M. Olmstead, FSIA 
Feng Shui Master Practitioner 
Call 1.800.652.9038 or e-mail Carol Olmstead  

Carol M. Olm
IFSGstead, FSIA, was certified by the Feng Shui Institute of America and earned Red Ribbon Professional Status from the International Feng Shui Guild.

Feng Shui for Real Life, LLC, and the Feng Shui To The Rescue newsletter serve as a reference and guide for the principles of Feng Shui and as such bear no responsibility for results that a client or reader experiences. Individual results may vary based on the client's participation and intent.

�2016, Carol M. Olmstead