December 11, 2015
Volume IX, issue 13
29 Kislev, 5776


We have a new Facebook group.

Music in the hall for Hanukkah
Music in the hall for Hanukkah

concluded today. Every day our talented students sang, played various musical instruments and danced to their hearts content to celebrate the festival of lights. The spirited Morah Ellen Wiesenthal superbly organized the week long musical interlude. Above is a quick snippet of some of today's performances.

Dates to Remember

Light Shabbat candles at  
3:56 p.m.; Shabbat ends 5:09 p.m.

Yachad Assembly 
Wednesday, Dec 16, 2:30 p.m.

Last Day of School Before Winter Break 
Friday, Dec 18

Report Cards Go Online 
Friday, Dec 18

Classes Resume After Winter Break 
Monday, Jan 4

Community Calendar

Auditions for the JCC Or Atid Israeli Dance Troupe (Grades 7 & 8) are THIS SUNDAY!
Sunday, Dec 13, 2 p.m., JCC

Chanukiyah Funhouse at Congregation Beth Israel
Sunday, Dec 13, 11 am to 1 pm

VTT's Band Director, Jim Hopson, will be holding a CD release party for his album Westcoast Nights
Sunday, Dec 13 at 7:30 p.m.
Kino Cafe, 3456 Cambie St.

New JCC Self Defense for Youth program starting in January.
It is a specially designed kids class (8-14yr) specializing in Israeli Krav Maga self defense with 2 instructors (female/male). This is the first season for kids being held at the JCC, but it is sold out everywhere else. Register early to avoid disappointment.
Jan 5 to March 8
More details here

The VTT Latke Cafe was a HUGE success, thanks to the incredible facilitation skills of Morah Ellen Wiesenthal and our Israeli shinshinit, Ophir Golombek. Our parent volunteers were key to making it happen. Thank you Susan Tabliga, Haim Sibony, Tami Amit, Marni Ross, Debra Miller, Sandra Harris and Polly Nahmad.  

Support VTT through purchasing on Amazon.


A must watch video!
See how the Jews bravely defend their traditions!

Grade 1B Wishes You a Happy Hanukkah

Grade 1B Wishes You a Happy Hanukkah
MAD SCIENCE & LEGO ROBOTICS: Winter Registration Open NOW!

mad science

Grade K-4
Wednesdays (10 sessions):
Jan 27 - Apr 6, 2016

lego robotics

Lego WeDo Introductory Robotics
Grade K-2
Tuesdays: 3:30-4:45
Jan 5 - Mar 1, 2016
Lego Mindstorms Robotics & Programming
Grade 3-7
Tuesdays: 3:30-4:45
Jan 5 - Mar 1, 2016

VTT's new part-time maternity leave counsellor who will join us in the new year

Laura Botero Ramirez comes to VTT with a deep passion for children. She loves to lead by example and uses her gifts of patience, kindness and positivity to support children through challenging circumstances. As a mother to a three-year old boy, she believes in meeting children where they are now and helping them to be their best.
Born and raised in Medellin, Colombia, Laura earned a five-year Bachelor's degree in psychology and then worked in a public hospital with children while simultaneously conducting research on ADD and ADHD. In 2009, she moved to Vancouver to join her (now) husband, who was pursuing a PhD at UBC. A year later she enrolled at SFU and graduated with a Master's degree in counselling psychology. Her graduate studies focused on working with school-aged children and their families.
Laura returns to Colombia at least once a year to be with her close family and extended family of aunts, uncles and 40 cousins. Nevertheless, she proudly calls Vancouver home and loves the multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-faith mix of her new friends and colleagues.
macca abba collage


VTT's Annual Hanukkah Concert, Macca Abba, was a smashing success! Professional photos are not yet ready, but we do want to acknowledge Shira Gold for capturing the magic of the show. Her pictures will be shared with our community when ready.

Our spectacular performing arts specialists, Keri Smith & Elana Jacobson, worked round the clock to ensure every aspect of the show was perfect. We cannot thank them enough for their hard work. Of course, our faculty were extremely accommodating and supportive and deserve many thanks for their flexibility.

disco diva

For the first time in the school's history, we will be offering a free digital download of the professionally videographed and edited show, thanks to our sponsor, Quivertree Family Expeditions Inc. The link will be emailed to our community when ready!

Yesterday, Shyama Priya of Cree heritage visited Grade 1 students to show them the Pow Wow Fancy Dance and other important rituals and traditions of her people. Shyama demonstrated a smudging ceremony to bless the space and hone her focus to dance, and she waved in the smoke of the burning Buffalo sage just as we bring in Shabbat when lighting candles. Her dance shawl was also similar to the Jewish prayer shawl, or tallit. She gently explained that she wears colourful regalia, which should not be referred to as a costume since it has spiritual significance. Shyama's visit coincides with changes to the BC curriculum to include more content about the history and culture of our First Peoples. The connections made will help erode stereotypes and build a more inclusive future for all Canadians.


Mazal Tov to Yoel Sasky

Seventh grade student, Yoel Sasky, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at the Kollel last Saturday night with an evening service and Havdallah ceremony. Mazal tov to his parents, Jazmin and Ezekiel Sasky.This was the family's second celebration, with the first occurring in their native Argentina over the summer.
latke cafe
A Taste of Hanukkah at the Latke Cafe

Morah Ellen Wiesenthal and our shinshinit from Israel, Ophir Golombek, kept the Hanukkah questions flowing and pace fast at the 2nd Annual Latke Cafe. Our parent volunteers ensured it all ran smoothly! Todah Rabah to all. 


Vancouver Talmud Torah is a traditional Jewish community day school dedicated to excellence in an engaging and respectful learning environment in which Jewish children can become proud, caring, responsible, and dedicated members of the Jewish people and Canadian society.

Vancouver Talmud Torah gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver.

ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH YACHAD, VTT's social responsibility initiative?
This month's theme is HAKARAT HA'TOV: Showing gratitude/appreciation

You can read more here