April 17, 2015
Volume X, Issue 26
28 Nissan, 5775
Dates to Remember

Light Shabbat candles at 7:50, Shabbat ends at 9:01 p.m.

Grade 7 Bake Sale to support MVP program
Goodies for a twoonie!
Monday, April 20

Yom Hazikaron (Israeli Remembrance Day)

Wednesday, April 22

Yom Ha'atzma'ut (Israeli Independence Day)
Thursday, April 23
Non Uniform Day!
Everyone come to school dressed in blue & white

Deadline to order Shabbat challah
Thursday, April 23, 11 a.m.

Community Calendar

Read about Douglas Park's Youth Rally Leadership program, for students in Gr 4-7

Youth in Transition: Eight Week Experiential Program for parents and/or youth, ages 15-18
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 JCC
Begins April 20 

Yom Hazikaron Memorial Service 
Tuesday, April 21, 7:30 pm 

Celebrate Israel's 67th Independence Day with Micah Biton
Wednesday, April 22, 7:30
Chan Centre
Tickets $18

JFSA Innovators Lunchwith 1-800-GOT-JUNK CEO Brian Scudamore
Wednesday, April 29, 11 am
Hyatt Regency Hotel  

Hebrew University 90th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, May 3, 7:30 p.m.
Congregation Beth Israel



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As part of its annual nominations process, the VTT Board of Directors is looking for individuals who are interested in becoming directors. Our objective is to staff the Board with a diverse group of individuals with the time, commitment and expertise to ensure strong and effective direction in fulfilling VTT's mission.
If you are interested in getting involved as a director or as a committee member, we ask that you please submit a brief bio and a summary of your areas of interest, to Shawn Lewis, Chair of the Nominations Committee at boardnominations@vttschool.ca as soon as possible. Your interest is greatly appreciated and will be given full consideration in light of the Board's requirements.

We are pleased to be able to share our students'
divrei Torot (Torah commentaries) with our community. Before the Passover holiday, grade seven student Lev Krag (son of Linda Solomon and Bhaskar Krag) celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at Or Shalom. Lev commented on parashat Tzav.


The parasha that I will be talking about is Parashat Tzav. If you are wondering, Tzav means "command." This connects to my Haftorah which is about the bond between a child and a parent. These connect because of how much parents command us kids - well actually, after this I will be a man. 



But that is not what I am going to be talking about. I will be talking about the main idea of this parasha. The main idea of this parasha is about sacrifice. In it, G-d gives

Moses commands on how to sacrifice animals.


At first I thought this was a very boring chapter to get as my parasha -- and well it is. In this parasha it says:


'And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the sin offering bull, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread.'  


Read more online . . .
GRADE 7 BAKE SALE TO SUPPORT MVP--Bring your twoonies on Monday!
bake sale

Did you know that it only takes $50 to restore sight to a blind villager in Nepal? Or that $75 gives a family of four a night out on the town when living at the Ronald McDonald House at BC Children's Hospital?


Our Grade 7 students will be holding a TWOONIE BAKE SALE on Monday to raise money for these organizations and two dozen others through our teen philanthropy program, MVP. They hope to raise $2K. 


The PAC is looking for
one volunteer to assist Morah Judith with a project that involves some organizational and artistic skills.  This volunteer opportunity requires a commitment of several days during the month of May. You will receive your full 10 PPP hours credit for this job.  Email vttpac@gmail.com.

Haashara is the Hebrew word for enrichment. Every second week on Tuesday, a group of Grade 4 and 5 students gather together for 45 minutes of immersive Hebrew to discuss topics related to Israel and Israeli culture.

Haashara is run by Yossi Argov, the shaliach (Israeli emissary) for Camp Miriam. This is Yossi's second year of volunteering with VTT.

In his class, Yossi teaches about Israeli news, sports, and Jewish holidays as celebrated in Israel. Yossi also plays Hebrew games with the students and, during the Israeli elections, he and the students discussed politics in Israel--in Hebrew, of course!  "I showed the students how politics look in Israel. We talked about how elections work and coalition-building. We also watched a few election advertisements from different parties."

Today was our last Kabbalat Shabbat with Yossi. We are grateful to Camp Miriam for sharing his talents with us and we thank Yossi from the bottom of our hearts for his many contributions over the last two years. Todah Rabah! 

Grade 7 students began making "their cases" for support for selected agencies for MVP

Through poetry, song, dance, and historical re-enactments, Morah Tiki's Grade 7 students commemorated Yom Hashoah with solemnity and sensitivity. Our intermediate students behaved maturely and appropriately during the assembly as well.
This year's Preschool 3 visit to the fire hall included the chance to shoot water from the powerful fire hoses. Obviously this was a popular activity!
Mazal tov to VTT alum, Class of 2013, Rebecca Baron, on winning FOUR awards at the 2015 Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair. She will next participate in a week long, all expense paid Canada-wide science fair in Fredericton, Read about her winning project on root bionomics. 
vtt reads
The first day back to school began with a VTT Reads 2015 assembly where the winning titles were announced and where students had the opportunity to win one of the title entries. The culminating "golden ticket" activity in the learning commons generated both excitement and a few winning classroom popcorn parties.
VTT reads winners

Vancouver Talmud Torah is a traditional Jewish community day school dedicated to excellence in an engaging and respectful learning environment in which Jewish children can become proud, caring, responsible, and dedicated members of the Jewish people and Canadian society.

Vancouver Talmud Torah gratefully acknowledges the ongoing support of the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver.

ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH YACHAD, VTT's social responsibility initiative?
This month's theme is environmental stewardship.
You can read more here.