campus update

No. 9

More Space to Run, Jump & Play!

Dear VTT Families,
The temporary play field at Congregation Beth Israel is ready for use! Beginning Monday, November 3rd, our students in Grades 1-7 will have access to the spacious field during all three recesses. Soccer nets have been ordered and will arrive shortly. Using the play field for sports is optional, of course. For those students wishing a slower pace, there is ample space to hang out with one's friends while eying the best view of the new campus construction right through the fence! The field will always be supervised by VTT staff.

All students and faculty have received an orientation on safe passage to the field and appropriate use of the space. In the photo above, Grade 3 students took a victory lap upon completion of their tour.


Your patience during the transition to the parkade has been much appreciated. We are at a point where operations are running smoothly and efficiently.

However, we have been advised some parents are making a left turn into the parkade (from Oak Street) and are severely impeding traffic. We do not have the manpower to station a staff member on 28th Avenue to stop parents from making a left turn. Thus I am asking all of you to abide by the rules and turn right into the parkade from 28th Avenue (heading west). Thank you!


Shabbat Shalom,

Cathy Lowenstein, M.Ed.
Head of School